unless one of us legal colorado growers goes over the border the feds pretty much leave us the fuck alone. i know there aint much drama in that but it's the fucking truth.
these dicks that you feel sorry for are not going to guantanamo and the feds won't be knocking at my door anytime soon. OK?
are you from colorado?
You are correct about being left alone if you act like they wish you to act.
I would like the people in this thread that are applauding / accepting federal intervention to understand that the people being whacked by the FED are not HURTING any cause. In fact they are providing cannabis to the prohibition states. Don't people / patients in prohibition states deserve cannabis as much as any other human?
If people in prohibition states should have access to this flower then the grower, broker, and transporter who gets this amazing flower into the darkest corners of this country is deserving of your help and praise. He is not deserving of our scorn or the scourge of armed thugs paid for with our tax dollars.
The grower deserves our respect be he white, black, brown or yellow. The plant needs to be freed world wide, and we as growers need to NEVER stand against another NON VIOLENT grower.
Just my opinion.