Mile Hi Dave
"Now is the time to lock in the compromise reached in the House, to provide fair business regulations to Colorado's medical marijuana industry and to move forward on rationally implementing these new regulations."
More like "disturbed"...anyone who thinks these guys give a fuck about the patients...or the "local" grower, needs to get their heads examined.
Matt Brown and his ilk don't give a damn about patients or quality's all about the $$$ - I wonder how much the Cali "immigrants" have paid him. The true "local" businesses (read Mom & Pops shops) are going to be forced out...and, of course, this is after the state has already taken their $5K and told them they would be ok....these guys want to make wholesale changes to the bill, which is totally against House rules. The sweeping changes that are being mentioned would require it to go before all the committees least that is how it's supposed to work...Chris Romer & Matt Brown can both kiss my !!!!!