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Colorado Growers Thread

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I happen to grow in both mediums...and I have been known to grow with a variety of nutes. With my disablities it's alot easier for me to do hydro, as I cannot do alot of heavy lifting. I save myself for the "heavy" buds, lol.

So it's not really that alot of us "can't" grow like you do...we just choose another way to go...for various reasons.

Your assumption that hydro growers don't grow organically is wrong...why can't I grow organic? Ever heard that they sell organic nutes for hydro systems?

Now...I will have a toke of my "organically" grown FLO
i'll take my hydro, chemically nuted buds any day of the week. you flush that shit real good and it'll taste as good as any organic buds I'm smoking around hear.




One day you will have to answer to the children of
Haha relax buddy, I take it back, I think just YOU needs to smoke that bowl. Don't take things on here personal, you'll go crazy. :wave:
Sorry, that was a mis-quoted 'Stange Brew' line.

Just saw the "eh", and couldn't help myself.


best wishes to all growers and tokers here in CO, organic or not :wave:

no coast represent!

i'm trimming all night and day until the job is done...and smoking some amazing oil i was gifted, thanks homie!

here's some new snaps for you guys and gals




This thread is worthless...No wonder all this hydro huff is around town. Ashamed to say, but we have no standards here. Marijuana must be grown organically..There are no colorado growers in the organic soil forum besides me. Bunch of trustafarians coming into our dispensary selling blueberry, or some rehashed combination of headband, sour d, og kush, or chem dawg.. :wave:

I'm a first time grower and I'm doing organic soil. Wife's a big health food nut. I had planned on doing organic soil...but she pushed the subject quite a bit...

and she doesn't even smoke :laughing:

I told her I find it ironic...that Colorado now has organic soil snobs...that don't even smoke bud.

But being a dick about it? Seriously, I can tell you from your above, I don't think you're growing for the right reasons.


Rednick I agree with self. smoke a fucking bowl!
and while you're at it go out side and get away from the computer.
your negative attitude is not wanted 'round these parts.


Nug Jug, there is much enthusiasm for organic soil in CO. You are not the only CO grower in the Organic Soil forum. See Moonshine Mix thread. Much love for organics in CO


Don't grow with GH hydro or some bullshit that looks NEON (totally a joke to me)

"You can't get high yields with organics" --Some dumbass said that..let me direct you to MrDank's ORGANIC medicine closet.

Another joke I found...."Flush your synthetic pumped weed and it tastes as good as organically grown."


Don't grow with GH hydro or some bullshit that looks NEON (totally a joke to me)

"You can't get high yields with organics" --Some dumbass said that..let me direct you to MrDank's ORGANIC medicine closet.

Another joke I found...."Flush your synthetic pumped weed and it tastes as good as organically grown."

sorry all the organic weed i have ever smoked has ALWAYS tasted like animal feces and makes me want to throw up


Active member
I have many friends who let pumps and timers do all of their growing. They get to fuck off more, take more vacations, sleep in, fuck off some more, go golfing, fishing, camping, and sit around and do nothing more beyond fill a reservoir and ph balance it while "working on the garden". As long as the electricity is working, they are good

yet for some reason the keep coming to me for their head stash lol

Yes, you can get pretty, heavy, frosty buds with da dro, but bottom line, you can't get the complexity and depth of flavors with rockwool/hydroton you get from organics


sorry all the organic weed i have ever smoked has ALWAYS tasted like animal feces and makes me want to throw up

Sorry. Get to know some folks who can grow good weed. :wave:

also, that quote makes you look like a total noob who doesn't know shit. I think I've told that to you before last time you said that exact thing... take a botany class or something. please!

MrDank, spot on bro. You get what you put in.


Sorry. Get to know some folks who can grow good weed. :wave:

also, that quote makes you look like a total noob who doesn't know shit. I think I've told that to you before last time you said that exact thing... take a botany class or something. please!

MrDank, spot on bro. You get what you put in.

first off "brah"

this coming from the guy who says "your gums tingle from the phosphorus" are you trying to say that plants grown organically don't need phosphorus? ive heard u say this time and time again just makes me chuckle

and i dont know people who grow good weed! laughable i know people who have been growing in colorado for over 17 years give me a break

im sick of all the organic hippies/snobs tryin to say how much better their weed is when the fact is its no better and more than likely its gonna burn like you set off a string of firecrackers at the 4th of july

"take a botany class please"
rofl if only you knew did you think i was insinuating that the plant is somehow uptaking the flavor and smell of what your growing it in? because thats exactly what your trying to argue here with chem nutes you fucking clown


Active member
im sick of all the organic hippies/snobs tryin to say how much better their weed is when the fact is its no better and more than likely its gonna burn like you set off a string of firecrackers at the 4th of july

sunday morning comics at it's finest...and i don't have to subscribe to the sunday paper either


My wife's argument was "we don't buy veggies that are hydroponically grown...why would you want that in your weed".

Quite frankly, I don't really care. I think it's a selling point. But I've been smoking for 25 years...I can't tell the difference. I have friends that grow hydroponically...and others in soil.

Know a guy that's been growing for 17 years and does both. Has a grow of each. Told me the other day he's switching back to all soil. Said he found it to be less strenuous. He enjoyed it more. And now everybody is on an soil organic kick and it's what people want.

But who cares? I have friends that are snobs about it. In the end, I chose it because I'm a big yard guy. Beautiful lawn that I planted from seed. Big flower beds that I planted from seed. Compost pile the size of a Volkswagen Bug in the back. It's just what I know...and was cheaper on start-up.

How about everybody chill the fuck out and smoke a bowl.


Frostiest weed I ever got was hydro... tastiest weed I've run across has always been organic. Puffin some Tang Haze (organic soil) now. Also have some Golden Goat (hydro) that definitely does not measure up to when its grown organically, bottom line. Not sure how this can be argued
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