You took dump in a thread?
To my knowledge, no-one has been inspected or otherwise scrutinized simply for getting a red card, and I know a felon with a card... You pay the doctor mostly... plus a 15$ state filing fee...
To my knowledge, no-one has been inspected or otherwise scrutinized simply for getting a red card, and I know a felon with a card... You pay the doctor mostly... plus a 15$ state filing fee...
[the state] will be enforcing rules that state applicants "must be age twenty-one or older; may not have any controlled substance felony convictions or any other felony convictions that have not been fully discharged for five years prior to applying; may not have any delinquent governmental or child support debt; and must be a Colorado resident at the time of application."
Key employees, who make operational or management decisions that directly impact the business, such as master growers, undergo a full background check and provide two years of tax information. Their application fee is $300 (annual renewal, $200). Support employees, such as budtenders, do not need to provide tax records but also undergo a background check. That application fee: $150 (annual renewal, $75).
Sorry to burst the bubble bro... I am also disqualified... However, now I work for myself, and I pay myself to scratch my own nuts.... under the table of course.
weather sucks but the people are awesome.
A lot of people around here don't have the hustle that I'm used to back east...
. If you ski, look west of Wadsworth Blvd. No sense in driving across town before you head into the hills.
i was joking about the weather, down in the city its awesome except those six weeks of winter come February.
A lot of people around here don't have the hustle that I'm used to back east, it took me a few years to calm down, there's an odd mix of people in the city thats all.
Never had a problem with driving that extra 5 miles.
Metro area goes considerably further east than 5 mi, but didn't intend to impugn your locale.