I just got word that a friend will possibly be bringing me back a clone of Bruce Banner #3 from their trip to Denver. Any Coloradans care to chime in on whether or not this cut lives up to the hype? Keep up the good work, neighbors!
I've got a verified cut of the JoeShmoe Casey...Good luck finding her, she wasn't easy at all to source, this particular one came from far far away...
Not being snooty, just honest. MMCs/CL are hardly the places to find rare dank genetics...
merlot, I'm sure it will, about to flower some here soon...Pics will be coming.
And in the rare department, you can go to a few MMCs right now and buy beans off a Triangle x Afghani #1 IBL cross. We put out less than 30 packs of 6 beans each, but they're out there - some of them possibly still sitting on shelves.
Yeah, mostly just people running clones, makes sense, though. You got X amount of lumens, and you already know what this cut does.hell most growers i know don't know about seedbay.