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CO Report on Impact of Marijuana Use Could Hurt MJ Industry


ICMag Donor
too true. there have been a few instances around here where the police pulled people over for "excessively legal" driving. they used the fact that they were not doing anything wrong as an excuse to pull them over. once you roll the window down , they then claim to "smell cannabis" & seek to search you. so, basically, you are damned if you do & damned if you don't. break the law in any way, you get pulled over, searched & arrested. drive perfectly legally, get pulled over, dog sniffed, searched & arrested.

If you're afraid to assert your rights, you may as well not have any.

Cops don't like this but it works...

If you get pulled over.
Get out of your car, locking the keys inside with the windows UP! Obviously you will need a spare key stashed either on your car or on your person (as long as there are no pasengers).
Then, when the cop(s) start asksing questions... ASSERT YOUR RIGHT TO SILENCE!
If officer friendly asks to search your vehicle, ASSERT YOUR RIGHT TO PRIVACY!

Keep it in your mind, as well, that "probable cause IS NOT ENOUGH FOR AN IMMEDIATE SEARCH.
PROBABLE CAUSE, is a requirement, according to the DUE PROCESS CLAUSE, to obtain a warrant to search your property.

If you consent to a search...
ANYTHING they find can be used against you.
If they search anyway... NOTHING THEY FOUND CAN BE USED AGAINST YOU. Because they violated your Right to due process within the law.

If people were more concerned with "the law" instead of which OG Kush they had, we wouldn't be dealing with the mess we currently are.


Active member
Well the problem there is the part with no passengers and witnesses. Unless you have a camera stashed, the cop is likely to lie about stuff after the fact. And when it comes down to court, who's the judge going to believe? If you do the get out of the car and lock the doors trick, it's best to be prepared to walk away from the vehicle entirely. I know some one who has done that multiple times.

Another thing is that the dogs are poorly trained and will hit on command by the officer. You ever seen those videos "never get busted again"? On one of them he shows you how stupid it really is. The dogs rarely hit anything. They will hit falsely on the officers command too.

In my experiences it's best to not be riding dirty at all, period. In cali though I've been asked several times on pull overs if I have a 215 and after replying yes, I've never been further harassed. If your in a less friendly state, idk man.


ICMag Donor
Those tactics work as long as you're willing to ASSERT YOUR RIGHTS.

The cops work FOR you & I!
Not the city, county, state or feds!

WE THE PEOPLE are the base of government in these United States of America.

Jurisdictional challenges have the ability to STOP A JUDGE IN HIS/HER TRACKS! Neither cops nor courts have the Right to assert their jurisdiction upon an individual. If a person challenges the jurisdiction of the Court, it is up to the Court to prove that they have jurusdiction over your person.
If you are unaware of this tactic, please do yourself a favor and learn as much as you can about it.
If common folks knew how to protect themselves against these fascist pigs n oppressive magistrates, prisons would be filled with real criminals that have violated the Rights of other individuals.

Force the prosecutor to produce a legit victim! ie, a witness against you!
The officer that wrote the summons cannot be a witness against you! (The cop cannot be a witness because they just served you legal papers. It is a conflict of interest within the law. It would be no different than an husband serving papers to his wife to start divorce proceedings.)


ICMag Donor
Well the problem there is the part with no passengers and witnesses. Unless you have a camera stashed, the cop is likely to lie about stuff after the fact.

Hit the record button on your cell phone & put it in your shirt pocket.

Cops don't typically violate the rights of those that assert them. They know that they could be out of a job once they violate your Rights.
You also have the Right to sue the cop personally once they have violated your rights.

The term "Color of Law" needs to be understood in order to make it easir for you to assert your Rights. You'll only find it in a law dictionary, Webster does not define it.


ICMag Donor
The biggest problem with CO MJ are the criminals that sell and ship their product out of state; this happens in all Med states, but it hurts OUR cause on a national level.



Just because there's a law makes it a crime?


You might consider researching what the term "crime" means.

It ain't got nuttin ta do wit two consenting parties!!!

Also, a statute does not a law make.


All I know is that the driving high thing is bullshit. It all depends on how new you are too smoking and how well you drive as a regular person. Trust me there are a shit ton of terrible drivers out there that aren't high :biggrin:. It's ok for people that are prescribed pain pills or downers to use and drive, makes sense... I smoked Aces Malawi(most potent I've ever smoked) right before I go driving and I have never crashed my car in over 15 years of smoking. Of course I didn't go out driving the first 10 times I smoked because I knew it causes effects and my brain allows me to make the right decision. I have missed multiple deer where I live at even being "high driving".

I was going on the by-pass one time at night going 80(where I live) and out of no where all I see is a big black jacuzzi in the middle of my lane. Despite being high I still had to basically drift around it going off the road onto the grass then regaining control of the car meanwhile still maintaining atleast 70mph. 2 Other people besides me up the road trashed minitues before and hit that same jacuzzi. Hopefully within 10 or 20 years cars will all be set to the same speed and are computer driven. Air planes have auto pilot, cars should as well.


ICMag Donor
Off topic but...
Tractors are GPS guided now...
Why not cars? It'd be weird not hanging on to the steering wheel though. :D


Active member
All I know is that the driving high thing is bullshit. It all depends on how new you are too smoking and how well you drive as a regular person. Trust me there are a shit ton of terrible drivers out there that aren't high :biggrin:. It's ok for people that are prescribed pain pills or downers to use and drive, makes sense... I smoked Aces Malawi(most potent I've ever smoked) right before I go driving and I have never crashed my car in over 15 years of smoking. Of course I didn't go out driving the first 10 times I smoked because I knew it causes effects and my brain allows me to make the right decision. I have missed multiple deer where I live at even being "high driving".

I was going on the by-pass one time at night going 80(where I live) and out of no where all I see is a big black jacuzzi in the middle of my lane. Despite being high I still had to basically drift around it going off the road onto the grass then regaining control of the car meanwhile still maintaining atleast 70mph. 2 Other people besides me up the road trashed minitues before and hit that same jacuzzi. Hopefully within 10 or 20 years cars will all be set to the same speed and are computer driven. Air planes have auto pilot, cars should as well.

Be careful what you wish for- that computerized car might have a built in drug sniffer. No road rockets for you!


Be careful what you wish for- that computerized car might have a built in drug sniffer. No road rockets for you!

True that, I do love the taste and smell of smoking bud. Luckily I gots infused editable and infused soda pop to help me relax during the rides if that happened :biggrin:. Can't lie that would be insane to just relax and do so while the car drives. They would of course have emergency over-ride driving controls if the computer shut down. However imo they should foresee a computer failing and have a back up. Hard to see the unknown unknown though.


Active member
Mj passion - just curious, sound like you may not live in the states?

Saying the courts have no jurisdiction over you would be true in the states if your a sovereign citizen. However, if you have a social security number, your part of the corporate governments gigantic barn of sheeple, and they pretty much own our asses.

I agree that your definition of a crime is how it should be. However most Leo's don't see it that way. If you get caught transporting marijuana across state lines, you'll probably do a little jail time and probation.

Let's say you comic a victimless crime, like public urination on a bush late at night when no one's around except an officer. He gives you a ticket. Essentially he IS the witness to your crim and although no one was hurt, you still need to pay a fine or you'll have a warrant. Simply saying "I didn't do it" won't get you out of it.

As far as automated cars are concerned...F that! There'll prolly be audio and video surveillance and if you screw up it could just lock down the car and drive you straight to the police station.


ICMag Donor
Mj passion - just curious, sound like you may not live in the states?
I'm landlocked in the highest state in the lower 48. ;)

Saying the courts have no jurisdiction over you would be true in the states if your a sovereign citizen. However, if you have a social security number, your part of the corporate governments gigantic barn of sheeple, and they pretty much own our asses.

I agree that your definition of a crime is how it should be. However most Leo's don't see it that way. If you get caught transporting marijuana across state lines, you'll probably do a little jail time and probation.

Let's say you comic a victimless crime, like public urination on a bush late at night when no one's around except an officer. He gives you a ticket. Essentially he IS the witness to your crim and although no one was hurt, you still need to pay a fine or you'll have a warrant. Simply saying "I didn't do it" won't get you out of it.

As far as automated cars are concerned...F that! There'll prolly be audio and video surveillance and if you screw up it could just lock down the car and drive you straight to the police station.
Sovereignty is a wonderful thing but I ain't going there in this thread... there's quite enough info on the www if ya wanna go that route.
Ditch that SOCIALIST SECURITY NUMBER. It's against the law for that to be used as ID anyway.

I dunno...might be cool riding in the back seat burning one & listening to the tunes...:tiphat:

Fo sheezy


Active member
Yeah maybe another day on the sovereign stuff, just so hard to ditch the number. Hehehe here you guys go...technically if you ditched the number you couldn't have a drivers license and sit in your automated car smoking blunts!

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