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Cloning with JJScorpio

Mine were wilting after about 3 or 4 days as well. I think its pretty normal considering they dont really have a root system yet. I still only sprayed 2 MAYBE 3 times a day and at day 6 I had 3 of them showing roots. 5 were showing last night and I should have transplanted them but didnt.

Im hoping the rest show roots today so i can just transplant them all at once. Ill take pics tonight, I really cant believe how fast the roots popped through, especially for my first try ever!


I spray like 4 or 5 times a day, When ever my RH drops below 70%, Is it okay to let the RH get that low? Should I cut back on the spraying?


Ive seen people clone without humidity domes at all so Im sure just about anything is possible. I myself was always more concerned about too much moisture than I was about too little moisture. Plants will usually let you know when they need water badly. Spraying twice a day most days, 3 on occasion and I had roots at 6 days.

Also, I sprayed heavily enough to cause water to pool in the bottom tray. It kept my plugs saturated for 4-6 days, then I squeezed a bit out and drained the bottom tray. Thats when the roots really exploded, they are in bad need of a transplant as Im typing. So best of luck to ya, hopefully JJ or someone will chime in if I am wrong about anything, I hate to misinform.

After having mixed success with my own methods, i decided i will use this method for my next run. I picked up a Rapid Rooter starter tray, 50 replacement Rapid Rooter Plugs, Humidity dome w/ Vents, Hydrofarm Seedling Heat Mat, Fiskars Micro-Tip Floral Snips, Rootone rooting hormone w/ fungicide, Vita-Grow Anti-Wilt Spray, spray bottles, razorblades, 20W Fluro's, etc. I figure that should be everything i need to get good cloning rates. I also got a digital thermometer/hygrometer to stick in there so i can keep an eye on humidity and temps. I hope i have good success because i need atleast 25 clones to root so i'm thinking i should take atleast 40-50 to be safe.


Active member
I just flipped my plants to 12/12 about a week ago and they're starting to show sex. Can I take clones while the plant is under 12/12 or do you HAVE TO revert back to veg growth. Just thinking of using some of the lower branches that never amount to much bud but I won't if I have to switch back.



Theres no hurt in trying. I mean, your gonna clip em off anyways right? so might as well try to root em.



ICMag Donor
You can cut clones during 12/12. Just make sure they are hydrated. I have taken clones mid way through flowering...


Crotchety Cabaholic

Thanks for starting this thread and all the follow uo you've done. Great info.

I have a question about the rapid rooters tray and dome. What are the dimensions of the 50 unit tray? I have a small veg cab and I'm wondering if the RR tray and dome will fit. I also have a standard tray and dome I bought for rockwool germing of seeds for a hydro run. Is the 50 unit tray the same size as a standard tray and dome?

Right now, I've got 6 plants at 7 weeks from seed. 4 are Nirvana Misty and 2 are Nirvana White Widow. All have been topped and average about 8 growth tips each. Only one of the Misty's has shown preflowers and she's a girl. I plan on taking cuttings from her and hopefully one of the white widows.

Any experience with either of these plants as far as how long rooting may take using your method.

Thanks in advance.


JJ thanks dude this really helped. The 1st time I tried to clone out of 20 I had 1 live. The next time 10 took forever. Then I read this and out of 50, 50 rooted. They took a little longer than I'd like but this will only get better as I go. I now have 57 in flower. Woo hoo. :plant grow: Below is a link to my grow


Thanks for starting this thread and all the follow uo you've done. Great info.

I have a question about the rapid rooters tray and dome. What are the dimensions of the 50 unit tray? I have a small veg cab and I'm wondering if the RR tray and dome will fit. I also have a standard tray and dome I bought for rockwool germing of seeds for a hydro run. Is the 50 unit tray the same size as a standard tray and dome?

Right now, I've got 6 plants at 7 weeks from seed. 4 are Nirvana Misty and 2 are Nirvana White Widow. All have been topped and average about 8 growth tips each. Only one of the Misty's has shown preflowers and she's a girl. I plan on taking cuttings from her and hopefully one of the white widows.

Any experience with either of these plants as far as how long rooting may take using your method.

Thanks in advance.

Yes, the Rapid Rooter Tray is the same size as a normal propagation tray which is 10" x 20". The 50-Cell Insert fits right inside. Any propagation dome that will fit a 10" x 20" Tray will also fit the Rapid Rooter tray. I really like the dome i got frome Hydrowarehouse. It was like $6, but the thing i like about it is that it has adjustable vents. That way i don't have to puncture holes in it or leave the dome off, i thought it was a pretty neat idea lol.

Sparky 6

Thanks for the thread JJ. As informative as it is though I was a monumental failure at my first try at cloning. Only tried two but they didn't take at all. Bottom of the stem was wet and swelled- no roots- which I imagine means I overwatered. I'll try again here before too long.


Thanks again for all the help JJ!! I probably wont be able to clone again for a while, but I am proud to report I had 100% success!!!! I was unsure of the last 6 I planted, and I couldn't finish them out anyways so I pulled one out of the ground and it had started roots so I left the rest.

The 2 in cups are 2 of the 5 I transplanted a little over a week ago. The other 3 were gifted to a friend. The 5 in the middle are relatively the same age, and in DIRE need of a transplant. Too bad its not warm enough to put em outside :(

Heres what the root system looks like on the 5 poor little suckers still in plugs

And my stumpy little girl that I am really thinking of making into a bonsai mom if I can.

Thanks again man, I feel like I can take on the cloning world without issues now, hopefully I will be able to sooner than later.

Hope I can get some help here. I may post in the infirmary as well.

I had some Headband clones gifted to me that were in need of some TLC. They were root-bound in small cups and had a small spider mite issue, which I got rid of thanks to floramite....They needed to be topped and I didn't want to throw away that plant material so I stuck them in rooter plugs. I use a seedling heat mat to keep temps in the 75 range and I was misting them everyday for the first 5 days. They were always droopy and never had leaves that looked happy...It has been 10 days and no rooting at all....I tried the "tug test" on a few and they pulled right up and no bumps or anything on the stem...I cut these like I have done in the past with success, just not this time.....

Should I just throw the tray away and call it a loss? It's been 10 days and they have no signs of rooting and they are looking more and more unhealthy by the day.

I have tried some House & Garden Magic Green a few days ago to feed them and I just gave them a small amount of Earth Juice Grow today. I don't know what to do and don't want to waste time and effort if these girls are just gonna die out anyway.

It seems Sativa Strains are more difficult to clone vs Indica....



ICMag Donor
Hope I can get some help here. I may post in the infirmary as well.

I had some Headband clones gifted to me that were in need of some TLC. They were root-bound in small cups and had a small spider mite issue, which I got rid of thanks to floramite....They needed to be topped and I didn't want to throw away that plant material so I stuck them in rooter plugs. I use a seedling heat mat to keep temps in the 75 range and I was misting them everyday for the first 5 days. They were always droopy and never had leaves that looked happy...It has been 10 days and no rooting at all....I tried the "tug test" on a few and they pulled right up and no bumps or anything on the stem...I cut these like I have done in the past with success, just not this time.....

Should I just throw the tray away and call it a loss? It's been 10 days and they have no signs of rooting and they are looking more and more unhealthy by the day.

I have tried some House & Garden Magic Green a few days ago to feed them and I just gave them a small amount of Earth Juice Grow today. I don't know what to do and don't want to waste time and effort if these girls are just gonna die out anyway.

It seems Sativa Strains are more difficult to clone vs Indica....


Did you have a cover on the tray? Ten days isn't that long but if you didn't have a cover for the first week anyways you were putting a load on them.

What is the tug test? All tugging is going to do is tear off any roots that have started.

Were the mothers well fed and watered prior to cloning? There's a few that look rough but don't give up on them yet.
Did you have a cover on the tray? Ten days isn't that long but if you didn't have a cover for the first week anyways you were putting a load on them.

What is the tug test? All tugging is going to do is tear off any roots that have started.

Were the mothers well fed and watered prior to cloning? There's a few that look rough but don't give up on them yet.

I have had a cover on them and kept it humid in there for sure. I ever so gently will give them a tug with the strength of a flea to see if there is movement. They just come right out and there is no bumps or ANY signs of potential roots. The mothers were not healthy and were underfed. I had to top them to get the to fit my space and I didn't want to waste that material so I attempted to make clones. Overall the health of the clones got worse and worse and the mothers got healthier so I took more clones that seem to be doing way better....Thanks for the reply!


Hey JJ, Many people talk about using cytokinins as step zero in the cloning process. What do you think about spraying substances such as kelp and coconut milk to encourage lateral growth instead opf vertical on a mother plant.
(edit) This may be why indica are easier to clone as they do not show less apical dominance ( more cytokin) unlike stretchy sativa(more auxin)

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