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climate change


if it smells like fish
I am liking the shark fishing that has never been possible here before..there are some hammer heads everywhere here now in summer...hoping the cobia make it here soon too....yeehaw


Well-known member
Would climate change happen if humans didn't exist?

@ trout, a little Ryobi cranker loaded with 100 test...


Kiss My Ring
Would climate change happen if humans didn't exist?

@ trout, a little Ryobi cranker loaded with 100 test...

come here often?
climate change is not a recent phenomenon.
we didn't instigate it and we cannot stop it.
sure we can tweak it, but it more likely will tweak humanity.

please, do not exhale....


if it smells like fish
send more non native species please......yeehaw...exhale extra for me...when cali gets too warm I can finally move back to maine...


if it smells like fish
and I give all my ocean friends a chance.. 60 to 80### for the sharks a 9/0 hook with wire leader..having the shark tow me around is half the fun...altho tarpon was way more intense rush.....yeehaw...ugly stick rods baby...heavy but battle worthy...never had one fail when I needed it..cant say that about even some way more expensive rods


Well-known member
time to stir the pot, here's the lastest

(CNN)Another month, another climate worry.
This year the Earth experienced the warmest April on record, keeping 2016 on track to be the hottest year yet and by the biggest margin ever.

New data released by NASA put this April's land and sea temperatures at 1.11 degrees Celsius warmer than average April temperatures between 1951 to 1980, which NASA uses as a reference point to study recent climate change. It was the seventh month in a row to rise by at least 1 degree Celsius above the 1951-80 reference averages.
The data that just keeps getting worse has prompted scientists to declare a "climate emergency" and is already casting doubts on pledges made in the Paris agreement to keep temperature rises well below the 2 degrees Celsius that scientists say will have catastrophic consequences on the planet.
The agreement was hammered out in December but signed in record-breaking April, with the ambitious aim to cap temperature rises at 1.5 degress Celsius compared with pre-industrial levels.
Leaders also began a 10-day meeting in Bonn, Germany on Monday to follow up on the agreement and to work out just how to make these targets achievable.
Scientists and leaders have agreed that global greenhouse gas emissions will need to peak soon and be followed by quick reductions over the years ahead to contain temperature rises.
"In the second half of the century those emissions need to be so low they can be easily absorbed by the Earth's natural systems such as forests and soils," the U.N. Framework Convention on Climate Change said in a statement.
Temperature rises have had a boost in the past year from a strong El Nino, a weather event characterized by the warming of ocean waters in the tropical Pacific Ocean that brings extreme weather, including drought and heavy rains, to other parts of the world.
There is hope that a La Nina may be creeping in, which typically cools the Pacific waters.
Beyond two degrees
So what happens if the planet breaches the two degrees of warming threshold? Nothing good, according to reports reviewed by CNN's John Sutter, who has written extensively on the subject.
Sutter -- who pulled reports from the National Research Council, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and the World Bank -- says wildfires in the United States could significantly increase in size, hurricanes would be slightly more intense, more species would be at risk for extinction, Arctic ice would continue to melt, crop yields would decrease and the availability of freshwater would significantly decline.


Kiss My Ring
Hegelian dialectic

....with your help, we will defeat global warming, just keep reading MSM and support the suppression of third world advancement through carbon taxes....we'll even provide free vaccinations against those virus' we've re-introduced./sarc.

change, nothing stays the same.


Well-known member
and I give all my ocean friends a chance.. 60 to 80### for the sharks a 9/0 hook with wire leader..having the shark tow me around is half the fun...altho tarpon was way more intense rush.....yeehaw...ugly stick rods baby...heavy but battle worthy...never had one fail when I needed it..cant say that about even some way more expensive rods

Ugly Stiks RULE!:woohoo:


Active member

Genghis Kush

Active member
all that says is that there is more research being done on the effects of climate change than there is on the cause.

66.4 % of climate change research is focused on the effects not that 66.4% of climate scientists aren't sure of the cause.

when the research is focused on the cause the consensus is clear


Active member
when the research is focused on the cause the consensus is clear

What if that research/grant has a bias? Like when the DEA says MMJ has NO medical value when most of the time they only let research into the negatives of MMJ.

We can go back an forth all day...not interested in that. It's like trying to explain to a Bernie supporter how Socialism is evil.

Truth is I don't know if it is not real and you don't know that is real. Unless of course you or I are involved in such scientific research...which we are not. You can throw some names around or even present scientific reports supporting 'your' belief....but so could I.

Another top scientist at the summit was University of Virginia Professor Emeritus Dr. Fred Singer, founder of the Science and Environmental Policy Project (SEPP) and the Nongovernmental International Panel on Climate Change. “There has been no statistically significant warming in 18 years,” he told the summit, showing a slide comparing observed temperatures with the various bogus predictions made by “climate models” relied upon by the UN, all of which predicted warming as CO2 increased. “The models don’t work. We should not use them to make policy.” He also noted that carbon dioxide — “the original plant food,” as he called it — is very valuable. “Plants are starving. They want more CO2,” Singer added.

But it sure is a fun topic :tiphat:


Active member
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Then again...I got more important things to worry about...

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Right!!!!! We aren't helping, but the whole global warming or climate change or whatever they're gonna call it has a big motivation..... $$$$$$$$$$$$ do your best to conserve reuse ect... for your kids not for climate change... been pretty cold here this year!! Cheers

Genghis Kush

Active member
What if that research/grant has a bias? Like when the DEA says MMJ has NO medical value when most of the time they only let research into the negatives of MMJ.

We can go back an forth all day...not interested in that. It's like trying to explain to a Bernie supporter how Socialism is evil.

Truth is I don't know if it is not real and you don't know that is real. Unless of course you or I are involved in such scientific research...which we are not. You can throw some names around or even present scientific reports supporting 'your' belief....but so could I.

But it sure is a fun topic :tiphat:

The chart you presented demonstrated the overwhelming consensus on the causes of the rapid climate change we are presently seeing.
There is nothing to debate.

You don't seem to understand what socialism is either nor do you understand the definition of evil in a Christian context.


Well-known member
here's my take on some deniers, not all but of a particular stripe
they're not stupid, often well educated
but the thought that Al Gore could be even partly right drives them mad
and for the umpteenth time, it's not about Al Gore, it's the science and he's not a scientist
the ice was low up in the arctic in 2015, not as low as 2012, but well below historic averages
so you can massage the data to say what you want, if that's what you want
the arctic ice now is in record low territory, been that way for the last 4 months or so
global temps have hopped up 1 degree Celsius during that time
want to see real global warming? don't worry about waiting, it's just taking off