pearlemae!!! You beat me to the punch! The first things i learned in horticulture class and greenhouse/growhouse management is absolute sterility. The cleaner the better. Concrete floors if possible indoors and the smoking thing. All smoking students had to disinfect their hands in special solution before entering the growhouse or using tools, touching plants etc.
I bet there are several mosaic viruses transmitted through touching cigarette butts and tobacco, and transmitted to plants. I have a virus in my garden and every grow it's a different plant, variety etc, they've all seeemed to get it at some point. Here is a pic I took to show you what this Green Crack plant did, I've had it on Fire Og, and a few others.
Haven't seen any negative side effect in the visual sense, but what do I know. It sure looks weird, I'm not sure if this is from tobacco, but it does spread from plant to cuts, and from plant to plant, I believe razors in the cloning process do it. I've been anal about sterility while cloning different strains, using new razors etc and it has cut it down to one plant..this last run..
biggest problem with smoking is the transfer of the mosaic virus. wont hurt humans, but will slow/deform growth and is a PITA to get rid of. all infected plants and soil must go. and EVERYTHING that might come in contact with plants must be sterile this includes fans and ducting. do yourself a favor and your plants a favor and quit smoking.