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jim jones

Recently ive been looking into breeding and it seems to me one of the hardest tasks is selecting the right male. I know the best way to test a males progeny is to pollinate several clones of the same mother, grow the seeds and then you can see what male has produced the best offspring but this is a very lengthy process, not to mention hundreds of plants would need to be grown. So ive been looking into TLC ( thin layer cromatograpghy) for testing males, would this be a good idea or a waste of time?


Genetic Resource Management
It's doable, but very tough to quantify the actives. Some of the chemicals that are used are carcinogenic, so proper ventilation and working in a fume hood is advisable.

It's much more useful as a qualitative assessment- ie to detect the presence of compounds such as CBD, but the technique is not very accurate to actually quantify the differences between samples.

Hope that helps,

The Batman

flowering males and reversing males to do a pre-selection are very usefull techniks, the progeny testing will bring the definitive answer. at least thats the techniks any grower can use unless he has access to a lab.

jim jones

flowering males and reversing males to do a pre-selection are very usefull techniks, the progeny testing will bring the definitive answer. at least thats the techniks any grower can use unless he has access to a lab.

Sorry mate but im not aware of the reversing male technique, do you mind sharing some info.

jim jones

It's doable, but very tough to quantify the actives. Some of the chemicals that are used are carcinogenic, so proper ventilation and working in a fume hood is advisable.

It's much more useful as a qualitative assessment- ie to detect the presence of compounds such as CBD, but the technique is not very accurate to actually quantify the differences between samples.

Hope that helps,

So it would be able to detect compounds but not accurate levels? I was thinking testing whatever number of males i have and the one with the most compounds i wanted select for breeding. Tbh honest i think its way over my head these sort of things seem much more simple when im stoned lol but still an interesting subject i enjoy none the less.

The Batman

yes of course my fellow :) well i will share how i will bred if i could but i cant (for now:biggrin:)

first take a look at the paper linked athe end of my post.

about reversing males technik, the idea is to reverse the males for they produce female flowers, its done with a chemical product. it will give you an idea of the production of resin and terpenes and the high of course, it will not means that these traits will be passed to the progeny, you will have to grow the progeny and see what happens. check this thread https://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=99597

an other technik i will use for sure and its even better than male reversing is for the selection of females.
you know feminized seeds, the idea is to self polinated females you have already selected for the traits you want.
an example simplified : you want to inbred a line who has pineapple phenotypes, you grow for example 200 seeds, then you have 100 females, on the 100 females, 10% have an exeptionnal pineapple phenotype. before crossing the 10 pineapple females to males, you will make femenized seeds of each pineapple females and you grow the progeny. you will observe the seedlot(s) who have the better number of pineapple plants. the better seedlot(s) will tell you who is/are the better pinapples females of the 10. use the best with males.
it can be a long process but this coupled with the flowering males and reversing technik can lead you to sucess for sure. its not about times its about quality !

i advise you to read about linebreeding and mass selection too.
have fun !




  • male selection p2.pdf
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jim jones

Thanks for that batman that thread looks very interesting, looks like ive got alot more reading to do. I'll check the link as soon as im on a computer its hard to read so much info on a phone lol.