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Chemdog D flush HARD!!! :)


Thinks *Where can I get cuts of this Jah love?!* as I stare at my screen drooling on my keyboard. Wow... I'm hitting up every club in the bay area on Monday... I'm on a mission from Jah.... Thanks so much for the inspiration! Shall I post a club report somewhere? Sorry imma nube here, lol.
“I inhaled frequently, that was the point.” -Barack Obama, November 2006


Well, that didn't take long. So stoked!!! I'll start a grow thread with my 18 new
I'll be using your tips and suggestions CC and all. Thanks!!!

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Mister Postman

The Plant Pervert
Crazy Composer said:
notagonnaworrie, You don't want them finished before flushing, you want them almost finished before finishing. Chem D can easily go 11 weeks without losing anythin at all. In fact, I did an 80 run of CDD last grow and I liked that version better than any other I've grown. The taste and the high were both at their pinnacle IMO.

CDD is good any time after 60 days, but gets better at LEAST up until 80 days. So there's plenty of time to get a good flush in.

As far as the flush goes... clean is clean is clean. If you don't feed very much in the first place, your flush might not take very long. However, if you feed em hard, then you'll need to flush longer to get them to yellow up.

I recently read an interesting theory about flushing... I just started to experiment with it last night... Flushing with out-of-range pH water. In other words, giving the plants ONLY water that is not in the pH sweet spot of between 5.7-6.3 (ish). I gave a nearly finished plant water at almost 8.0 last night. The idea is to lock out nutrients by giving the plants water at a pH that won't allow nutrient uptake to occur. It's just a theory right now, but it sure does make sense. The only thing I can see getting harmed is the taste... but that's not proven either. One way or the other...I have an experiment under way right now to see for myself if this theory can work. If it DOES, I may be making some changes. Stay gooned.


It's awesome your trying that experiment with flushing with an out of range ph Crazy.. I brought this theory up in the coco flushing thread a couple months ago and it was skipped over by everyone who read the thread , maybe even me too as I've yet to try it on a plant yet. But hell I only had 6 small plants going this run, and didnt want to risk possibly screwing up a larger percentage of my harvest.

If that's the thread that sparked ur interest in trying this, then I'm glad I lit the spark in someone with the knowledge and know how to test it thuroughly. I honestly figured I'd bring it up and someone would mention trying it already, or at least giving opinions why it wouldnt work in theory. if it wasn't my thread that lit the spark, then all I gotta say is great minds think alike:smile: LOL

How exactly are you thinking it may effect the taste? I know I personally have a very hard time finding much difference in the taste of my acidic 4.5ph but pure well water to the 6.8ph bottled filtered water I pick up from the store, but then again I'm not one who's big on bottled waters. If there are other processes you feel may be effected by the off ph'd water such as resin formulations or other things, I'd really like to hear what ya thinking?

I'm real interested to see how this works out for you. Please keep me-us updated on what ya find with this idea. If it does work as I theorized it'd be great to be able to choke off most uptake of nutreint from the medium exactly when ya wanted, and possibly completing a proper thurough flushing in a much shorter amount of time. I also was thinking you wouldn't need to taper your fedings as much towards the end as many feedings regimens do, making for potentially larger yields when alls said and done.. In the end clean, is clean, is clean :rasta: Good luck with this experiment crazy
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Crazy Composer

Mushkeeki Gitigay • Medicine Planter
ICMag Donor
MPM, it was someone on another site that was talking about it. This person said he had tried it and it works. I always have to try for myself before I believe something like that.

It makes sense. I wonder, though, if other elements that are usually NOT allowed entry will suddenly be in range with these high or low pH ranges. Know what I mean? What if... let's say, mercury were not allowed entry at a normal pH range, but it IS allowed in at a higher pH. Mercury is just an out-of-the-air example for the sake of argument, nothing factual. All I wonder about this idea is... what --if anything-- WILL be allowed to enter the roots at these high or low pH ranges? Gotta get an answer to that question.

Mister Postman

The Plant Pervert
Crazy Composer said:
MPM, it was someone on another site that was talking about it. This person said he had tried it and it works. I always have to try for myself before I believe something like that.

It makes sense. I wonder, though, if other elements that are usually NOT allowed entry will suddenly be in range with these high or low pH ranges. Know what I mean? What if... let's say, mercury were not allowed entry at a normal pH range, but it IS allowed in at a higher pH. Mercury is just an out-of-the-air example for the sake of argument, nothing factual. All I wonder about this idea is... what --if anything-- WILL be allowed to enter the roots at these high or low pH ranges? Gotta get an answer to that question.

Oh well, then I'm not all that original then. Ahh it's Not the first time I have come to that conclusion LOL :joint:. I honestly never heard of it done before, and like I said I never tried it myself yet. It was just a stoned idea I had that seemed obvious, and quite logical IMO.. It would be nice to be able to push the plants as you would like throughout the grow, and have control over the nutrients the plant recieves at that crucial time for the finish. If it works out well for you I see potential for increases in yields for the future.

But do You mean to tell me there are more elements to worry about then those few that handy plant ph chart tells us about hehehe. Yeah I know what ya mean, though wasn't even considering it. Maybe you'll hit on that one element that swells buds 10x their normal size LOL. Though I figure if you use a clean water source, and a hydroponic medium such as coco, hydrton etc. you wouldn't have to worry to much about this right?? If u can find it easy enough, and if the thread u found this info in on the other site had some detail to it, or mentioned some of these what ifs I'd really like to check it out??
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Active member
heyy crazycomposer !!

heyy crazycomposer !!

mind if i give your old thread a bump ?!!? that is some chem perfection right there homie !!! beautifully grown and perfectly finished !!


Active member
My wife and I have had the honer and I mean honer to puff some of MP's Chem D. The nugs I didn't want to break them they were so perfect. Was by far the cleanest pot I ever smoked all you get is the great inhale,the great exhale and the great high and aftertaste like you want more and now,lol.Its prolly the best sample of another growers pot I had ever tried hell I treated it like gold and puffed it only when I wanted that special treat. Best growing and flushing and nugs I have seen so far no doubt,wish I could grow half as good lol.

Crazy Composer

Mushkeeki Gitigay • Medicine Planter
ICMag Donor
^^^ Wow ,bro! Thanks for the high marks! I do what I love, and love what I do. We harvested the finest example of sfv ogkush I've ever seen, last week. Been smoking it for a couple days now, but was really only ready for action last night. It smokes great. The top bud was so heavy and dense, the whole top was bent over like a snow-laden birch tree. We got 5.5 ounces from that lady. Lovely. Also harvested a strain called MOB, which turned out to have a really nice blueberry-flavored smoke. Didnt yield very well, but maybe I can do it better next time. 6 of them are ready to flower, if I cant get killer yields this time... MOB will not be around here long... who knows.

Crazy Composer

Mushkeeki Gitigay • Medicine Planter
ICMag Donor
Re: Chemdog D flush HARD!!! :)

No! You guys sent peanuts!?

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Hindu Killer

Active member
I just chopped my first Chem D last night. Have 1 about 2 weeks behind this one and another that is 8 weeks out. So Ive seen it do its cycle. The 3 rd one Is the best one..she is a cal mag whore....

Its also one of the best plants Ive been able to grow to date. Took the first one at 70 days..it is a mass of swollen calyxes.

Funny how things go..when I first posted in this thread..I dont think I had any chem's....now I have ChemD,ChemSistr,Orig D,ECSD and Chem 4....4 is in veg....gotta take our hats off to the Chem Dog crew!!!!!!!!!!!!

Crazy Composer

Mushkeeki Gitigay • Medicine Planter
ICMag Donor
Awesome, Smokey! Can't wait to try em! You and the wife rock... Tell her I say hi, and thank you.

Hindu Killer, congrats! The Chem family has kept me happy for many years, I. Hope they keep you as well. :)