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Cheap easy light trap for venting.


Nice technique -- I like how it's relatively low profile but still high flow. Plus you can easily scale the design as large or as small as you need.

I'm planning a micro cab and I don't want to bend tubes or mess with PVC. Props to you, Dr. Crane! :headbange


Active member
you could take this one step further and cut those holes round, install duct dampers with motors(12 or 24 volt). that way no smell will travel through when the vent fans off. good thread. the reason i suggest the motor dampers is unless u have a very strong fan for venting, the draw wont be strong enough to get full flow through a mechanical damper.unless, of course you have passive and active intake\ exhaust in tandem.

Ichabod Crane

Well-known member
Good point on the dampers. I run from 2.5 to 3.5 times air exchange continuously on my rooms so back drafting is not an issue.


you could take this one step further and cut those holes round, install duct dampers with motors (12 or 24 volt).

Ahhh, duct dampers -- that's what they're called. Hardest thing about being new at this is knowing what you want but not how to look it up.

Too bad the electric ones cost more than my entire cab, and I'm pretty sure I won't have enough suck to open a spring-loaded one. :thinking: But maybe a clothes dryer vent cap would do the same thing with less air pressure? The kind with plastic louvers?

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