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Active member
!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Nam myoho renge kyo~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!
!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Nam myoho renge kyo~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!
!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Nam myoho renge kyo~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!

~~~~~~~~~~PEACE MY FRIENDS,LIKE THE ROAR OF THE LION!!!!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~

Hello Friends!

What would we be doing if we weren't suffering? That is where our real lessons come from. People without sympathy or empathy don't suffer. Life = suffering = growth = balance = beauty

Nam Myoho Renge Kyo!


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Happy to see you HenDoku!

Happy to see you HenDoku!

"At what time, what moment, should we ever allow ourselves to forget the compassionate vow of the Buddha, who declared, 'At all times I think of myself: [How can I cause living beings to gain entry into the unsurpassed way and quickly acquire the body of a Buddha]?'"

(Questions and Answers about Embracing the Lotus Sutra - The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, Vol. 1, page 62) Selection source: SGI President Ikeda's essay, Seikyo Shimbun, December 29th, 2007


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor


Even within Asia, where the concept of karma has a long history and has been incorporated in a wide range of cultures, it is often misunderstood. Viewed from a negative, backward-looking perspective, karma has been used to encourage the disadvantaged members of society to accept their situation in life as being of their own making. Present suffering is attributed to negative causes made in the past.

Considering themselves to blame for their situation, some people have fallen prey to a sense of powerlessness. This is, however, a distortion of the original meaning of karma as it is used in the Buddhist tradition. To accept the idea of karma does not mean to live under a cloud of guilt and vague anxiety, not knowing what bad causes we may have made in the past. Rather, it means to be confident that our destiny is in our own hands and that we have the power to transform it for the better at any moment.

In the simplest terms, karma, which means actions, indicates the universal operation of a principle of causation, similar to that upheld by modern science. Science assures us that everything in the universe exists within the framework of cause and effect. "For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction," is a familiar principle. The difference between the materialistic causality of science and the Buddhist principle of karma is that the latter is not limited to those things that can be seen or measured. Rather, it includes the unseen or spiritual aspects of life, such as the sensation or experience of happiness or misery, kindness or cruelty. In an address delivered in 1993, SGI President Ikeda described these different approaches. The Buddhist concept of causal relations, he wrote:

...differs fundamentally from the kind of mechanistic causation which, according to modern science, holds sway over the objective natural world--a world divorced from subjective human concerns. Causation, in the Buddhist view, spans a more broadly defined nature, one that embraces human existence. To illustrate, let us assume that an accident or disaster has occurred. A mechanistic theory of causation can be used to pursue and identify how the accident occurred, but is silent regarding the question of why certain individuals should find themselves caught up in the tragic event. Indeed, the mechanistic view of nature requires the deliberate forestalling of such existential questionings.

In contrast, the Buddhist understanding of causation seeks to directly address these poignant "whys?"

Originally, the Sanskrit word karma meant work or office, and was related to verbs that mean simply "do" or "make." According to Buddhism, we create karma on three levels: through thoughts, words and actions. Acts of course have a greater impact than mere words. Likewise, when we verbalize our ideas, this creates more karma than merely thinking them. However, since both words and deeds originate in thoughts, the contents of our hearts--our thoughts--are also of crucial importance.

Karma can be thought of as our core personality, the profound tendencies that have been impressed into the deepest levels of our lives. The deepest cycles of cause and effect extend beyond the present existence; they shape the manner in which we start this life--our particular circumstances from the moment of birth--and will continue beyond our deaths. The purpose of Buddhist practice is to transform our basic life tendency in order to realize our total human potential in this lifetime and beyond.

As one of the ancient Buddhist texts states: "If you want to understand the causes that existed in the past, look at the results as they are manifested in the present. And if you want to understand what results will be manifested in the future, look at the causes that exist in the present."

Karma is thus, like everything, in constant flux. We create our own present and future by the choices we make in each moment. Understood in this light, the teaching of karma does not encourage resignation, but empowers us to become the protagonists in the unfolding drama of our lives.

[ Courtesy January 1999 SGI Quarterly ]
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New member
Hello friends, another beautiful day. made it home safetly late last night and just finished a great morning gongyo. great to be back in the most beautiful spot on earth. (in my opinion). im with you babba im ready to change this fundamental darkness. but georgialouwho has a point that in buddhism aren't we all really fundamentally light not dark? just my thought for the day. anyway great to be home. chanting more daimoku for the sufferings of all to be realized by the great joy that follows.


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
DharmaDawg said:
...in buddhism aren't we all really fundamentally light not dark?

Well I think in Buddhism the point is that we are all fundamentally gray. We battle to overcome our fundamental darkness in order to reveal what could be referred to as our innate 'fundamentally light' nature (gampon-no-hossho). However, since fundamental darkness (gampon-no-mumyo) exists in even the Buddha, I think that would make us all gray.

fundamental darkness
[元品の無明] (Jpn gampon-no-mumyo )

Also, fundamental ignorance or primal ignorance. The most deeply rooted illusion inherent in life, said to give rise to all other illusions. Darkness in this sense means inability to see or recognize the truth, particularly, the true nature of one's life. The term fundamental darkness is contrasted with the fundamental nature of enlightenment, which is the Buddha nature inherent in life. According to the Shrimala Sutra, fundamental darkness is the most difficult illusion to surmount and can be eradicated only by the wisdom of the Buddha. T'ient'ai (538-597) interprets darkness as illusion that prevents one from realizing the truth of the Middle Way, and divides such illusion into forty-two types, the last of which is fundamental darkness. This illusion is only extirpated when one attains the stage of perfect enlightenment, the last of the fifty-two stages of bodhisattva practice. Nichiren (1222-1282) interprets fundamental darkness as ignorance of the ultimate Law, or ignorance of the fact that one's life is essentially a manifestation of that Law, which he identifies as Nam-myoho-renge-kyo. In The Treatment of Illness, Nichiren states: "The heart of the Lotus school is the doctrine of three thousand realms in a single moment of life, which reveals that both good and evil are inherent even in those at the highest stage of perfect enlightenment. The fundamental nature of enlightenment manifests itself as Brahma and Shakra, whereas the fundamental darkness manifests itself as the devil king of the sixth heaven" (WND pg. 1113). Nichiren thus regards fundamental darkness as latent even in the enlightened life of the Buddha, and the devil king of the sixth heaven as a manifestation or personification of life's fundamental darkness. The Record of the Orally Transmitted Teachings reads, "Belief is a sharp sword that cuts off fundamental darkness or ignorance."

fundamental nature of enlightenment
[元品の法性] (Jpn gampon-no-hossho )

Enlightenment to the fundamental nature of all things and phenomena. It is contrasted with fundamental darkness. Also, the Buddha nature that is inherent in life. See also fundamental darkness.
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Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
"Little streams come together to form the great ocean, and tiny particles of dust accumulate to form Mount Sumeru. When I, Nichiren, first took faith in the Lotus Sutra, I was like a single drop of water or a single particle of dust in all the country of Japan. But later, when two people, three people, ten people, and eventually a hundred, a thousand, ten thousand, and a million people come to recite the Lotus Sutra and transmit it to others, then they will form a Mount Sumeru of perfect enlightenment, and an ocean of great nirvana. Seek no other path by which to attain Buddhahood!"

(The Selection of the Time - The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, Vol.1, page 579) Selection source: Gosho for New Year's gongyo meetings, Seikyo Shimbun, January 1st, 2008


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
"The path of following one's principles is always blocked by daunting obstacles. A new path can only be opened up by overcoming those impediments."

SGI Newsletter No. 7451, The New Human Revolution--Vol. 20: Chap. 3, Ties of Trust 28, translated Jan 9th, 2008


Active member
Good Morning Everyone!,

What an awesome way to start the day! Reading about Karma in the morning will surely put us in the right direction.

For the longest time I felt so detached from my true dreams and true self, as if no one could see me in my true light. That song would loop in my mind that goes, "I'm just a fool whose intentions are good, oh lord, please don't let me be misunderstood." However it goes I just knew that I was not being understood by what was really inside and I'd question the Gohonzon as to when I would be seen in a light that was representative of my Karma. Every obstacle meant to me that it was going to take patience and perseverence and a long term vision. The mountains that I was pushing did not seem to be moving at all. In retrospect, I can see that I took no short cuts, one 100% only. There is a quote from the famous basketball player, Larry Bird, that never left my mind. "If you put one hundred percent in everything you do, everything will work itself out." I try to live every day with the faith that this is true. Things are now way better but the carrot is still dangling in front of me. Society now understands who I am but not everyone yet. Keep striving everyone. Nam Myoho Renge Kyo. It is the journey not the destination. Because this decade is better than the last does not mean that you can sit and rest. Don't let the current pull you back to zero. Push that full wheel-barrow up the hill over and over again. If the tire goes flat push harder. Chant for those that are mean to you and thank them for being your good friend. There is no such thing as guilt and regret. When the mountains we are scaling get to rough and terrifying, we will find a plateau to take a rest and nurse our wounds, and with the rising sun as our guide we will continue to rise to the top. The summits are only brief. Just when you stop to share that you've reached a new level you realize that you had better start to reach deep inside and dig for the strength to continue your journey. I don't want any credit - I just want to help as many people as I can through concentrated, whole-hearted effort. I want to use every molecule of being to create positivity for our universe- for the peace and happiness of every living being. I'm tired already just thinking about it. Let our revolution begin.

I hope everyone has a grand day full of hope for the future.

Your friend forever, Hitman.


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
"In battles soldiers regard the general as their soul. If the general were to lose heart, his soldiers would become cowards."

(The Supremacy of the Law - The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, Vol. 1, page 613) Selection source: "Kyo no Hosshin", Seikyo Shimbun, January 10th, 2008


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Life can become SO predictable! I can feel that funk clinging like a bad fart on everybody. Ha! Can everyone remember this happening countless times before? Shake off that funk! Funk the funk! It’s funkymental darkness trying to drag your ass down! Me too! Ha! It’s win or lose!

Are we winners or losers? It’s a moment by moment battle, so the key is to keep fighting. How do we fight the funky? Daimoku is the only way.

Replace your weakness with strength. Call forth your Buddha Nature. If you can’t feel it, it’s because you still have too much funk! Shake it off by shaking the Universe. How do we shake? U know……

Much love and deepest respect,

Thomas, fighting the good fight~!


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Babba raises his funk fighting Daimoku saber and fights off the funkydarkness!!!. Lets keep the Daimoku going!! Need to crank out another months worth to keep positive vibes going. I mean .... its just our future happiness :) So glad we have a chance to chant Daimoku!!
Nam Myoho Renge Kyo


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Nam Myoho Renge Kyo

Nam Myoho Renge Kyo

Just want to take a moment to thank Gypsy and DutchGrown for keeping this site up and giving us a place to meet. Having the site down for a day makes us realize how much this meeting place means to us. Thankyou Gypsy and DG for all the hard work you do to keep this place up and running . You are truly appreciated. Lots of good karma coming your way for this act. Thanks so much !!
Nam Myoho Renge Kyo


Senior Member
ICMag Donor
Babbabud said:
Just want to take a moment to thank Gypsy and DutchGrown for keeping this site up and giving us a place to meet. Having the site down for a day makes us realize how much this meeting place means to us. Thankyou Gypsy and DG for all the hard work you do to keep this place up and running . You are truly appreciated. Lots of good karma coming your way for this act. Thanks so much !!
Nam Myoho Renge Kyo
Babba says it all...me too, thanks, DD


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Glad we are all back! Thanks Gypsy and thank you DG! Your alms are a reflection of who you are. Nam-myoho-renge-kyo!

Much love and deep respect!



Active member
Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Hooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nam myoho renge kyo!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Nam myoho renge kyo!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Nam myoho renge kyo!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Thank you guys!!!!! :wave: :wave: :wave: :wave: :wave: :wave: :wave: :wave: :wave: :wave: :wave: :wave: :wave: :wave: :wave:



Nam myoho renge kyo!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


PassTheDoobie said:
"In battles soldiers regard the general as their soul. If the general were to lose heart, his soldiers would become cowards."

(The Supremacy of the Law - The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, Vol. 1, page 613) Selection source: "Kyo no Hosshin", Seikyo Shimbun, January 10th, 2008

My friends, its true, even with a high life condition its been difficult to stay positive but shit, Fundamental Darkness can't stop me! No, No, No! I'm making this year the best, by force damnit!

So I wrote a super long email today to my youth division because this mentor disciple tip is rearing its head again in my neck of the woods just as I prepare to engage the youth in my area like never before so I wrote this to the YWD area leader...

Thank you very much ******(YWD leader), I enjoyed this email very much and recently a fellow YMD shared notes you carefully took for our benefit at other events earlier this month. With respect to your first sentence in your email, you mentioned: “I think that the goal of the meeting should be to build a personal connection to President Ikeda”. I some reasons for disagreeing with this if that meeting will include newer members especially for the sake of fostering capable leaders and new members. The basis for my argument is are recent experiences that made it evidently clear we must exercise tact and compassion especially when shakubukuing or further facilitating the integration of new members and not an attempt to upset any members that disagree with my opinion.
Recently I spoke with my friend whom is a new member in the YWD about a pretty hot topic that is never mentioned in the World Tribune nor in meetings, which is: It seems that on an individual to individual basis the desire to instill the recently (within our time) coined term of ‘Mentor Disciple’ into an SGI staple is very unattractive to new members whom have been personally berated in the past by Evangelical Christians, 5%percenters (muslim sect), Young Israel (Orthodox Jewish sect), and others such Scientologists, etc. and summarily forced to accept erroneous doctrines and forced to worship in a PRESCRIBED manner. In my humble and personal opinion, this is equivalent to the metaphor of the Shepard and the Sheep, the sheep blindly follow the shepard acknowledging the higher fundamental capacity of the Shepard. Further in my personal opinion, President Ikeda is in fact the most revered and respected individual within our organization but again he is fundamentally a living practitioner of Nichiren Daishonin’s Buddhism, as are you and I, and I have been told by members whom I have shakubukued things to the effect of

“Is the SGI formalizing some sort of Hero Worship towards Daisaku Ikeda? Is President Ikeda the Buddha we are hoping to be? Why is every publication by Middleway Press 90% President Ikeda’s words and 10% Goshos and Experiences, isn’t this formula backwards?”

There is a fine line between chanting to Gohonzon with faith and “seeking the Gohonzon outside yourself”. The Nichiren Shoshu priesthood blatantly fucked up and disregarded the tradition established by Nikko Shonin and Nichimoku after President Ikeda became the force to revolutionize kosen-rufu and continue the practice of Nichiren Daishonin’s Buddhism in an uninterrupted line since its inception just as Nichiren predicted in the Gosho. I personally feel that the queries other members have posed to me are noteworthy, and certainly not slander but a earnest desire to practice correctly as prescribed by President Ikeda’s Guidance, Sensei Toda’s Guidance and Nichiren Daishonin himself.

Coming from a background where my own mother attempted to “evangelize” other Christians I grew up observing a sub-culture within the Christian Culture being composed of “blind followers” I vowed never to be anyone’s follower or disciple until I encountered the Goshos and realized that my thoughts and personal sentiment are only enhanced by enriching my life with the correct Buddhism. Truly these “blind followers or sheep” are not applicable to our organization because we maintain a transparent link to President Ikeda via Middleway Press publications and the World Tribune (in the USA ) and every member decides when they are ready to receive Gohonzon. Then how can some construe this aspect to be viable in our current set of circumstances?

The answer I believe is found is study of the Gosho and application of Nichiren Daishonin’s Golden Words and cautiously accepting interpretations thereof as guidance and encouragement but not doctrine. To do so would be a slander or heresy committed against our faith. Herein lay the misconstrued notions posed to me by others and also my personal affiliation and dedication to our organization that just declared the year of 2008 to be the year of Raising Capable Leadership. In the United States of America to approach the practice of Nichiren Daishonin’s Buddhism based on the Japanese Sociological mentality and thought processes will only impede progress in America . True leadership in this instance should be capable of developing a fresh(er) branch of the Soka Gakkai International in America , clearly this is the basis for pursuing a greater understanding of the Mentor Disciple Relationship.

Then how can American Youth, follow the example of President Ikeda, I have read his Youthful Diary to try and further my understanding and continue to draw more similarities between his life and ours but there are serious complications. Chronologically referencing Sensei’s upbringing in the Youth Division under the direct tutelage of Sensei Toda, and contrasting with our circumstances in the North******* corridor of the United States are Two vastly different landscapes yet both within the World of Mappo! Please also take into account the dynamic growth and further evolution of the Soka Gakkai from a Teaching Society to the World’s Life Line which is very intricately connected and awesomely protected is akin to comparing the first computers created that were the size of building or many large rooms to what has evolved into the internet. Night and day!

Thus in my humble opinion, we could certainly continue to reinforce the Mentor Disciple relationship among members whom have been practicing for at least one year and have attended a minimum of 3 kosen-rufu Gongyos for the purpose of seeing Sensei’s Video and becoming acquainted with him in a more natural and unimposing fashion. I’m sure it sounds like “shoju” but truly it is effective shakubuku and further reinforces the basics of our practice and the purpose of our practice not the esoteric agenda advancing within our ranks. I strongly believe it should be a CHOICE to accept Sensei Ikeda as your mentor not “The way…” or “The preferred method…” or “This is how you do it….”. Come on! We live in America ! How often do we see a Joel Osteen tele-commercials sugar coating all the bullshit he’s selling and further leading his congregation into a non-progressive path whereby there exists more members of the Christian faith in our country than any Buddhist sect. There must be a percentage in excess of 40% that are dissatisfied with the emptiness and slander of the non-Buddhist religions and are desperately seeking the fruits of our practice which many of us revel in continuously! Therein lies our next SGI-USA population breakthrough by distinguishing through the life our Mentor and our personal Human Revolution a indestructible faith and facilitate many non-Buddhist people towards the Buddha which is The Gohonzon and the SGI.

I think shakubuku becomes very convoluted when we approach new people whom are subjected in one way or another to a detrimental Mentor Disciple relationship. Those Mentor Disciple relationships control their membership and will continue to exercise their clout for reasons that do not coincide with our Humanistic Philosophy. It’s a shame that people continue to perish due to sectarian and religious upheaval throughout the world everyday, our example against this is exemplified by President Daisaku Ikeda’s efforts and twice daily reaffirmed within Gongyo which incorporates Sensei within a silent prayer. Yet again, we are walking a fine line with new members that are born and raised in capitalistic America the land of the Individual Agenda, Land of the Personal Prosperity, the place where you come to get rich or die trying! How could we then be more compassionate to these special needs, surely by not exercising Doctrinal control and creating focal points in the practice non-existent during the Time of Nichiren Daishonin. Instead, I believe that Soka Spirit which originates in New York and not Japan should also be cautiously exercised and again not imposed upon members.
Last year I helped 9 members receive Gohonzon, only 3 of them are close friends the others were peppered throughout the country and are composed of every division except WD. Of the 9, 7 have asked me in different ways “What if I just want to practice independently because there are a lot of ‘wackos’ that are hardcore about Ikeda and bring a lot of bad vibes to meetings.” This is an organizational issue and not a personal issue. I think anyone can seem crazy or offensive to another just as we all possess fundamental darkness but on the same token, it’s a slander to consider another wacky member a “wacko” and even though some members derive a lot of positive energy from feeling closer to President Ikeda its no persons place to judge another’s perspective unless its to be imposed upon them. I truly admire the independent nature of my life which after 23 years helped my stumble my way over to the Culture Center on a Cold January Wednesday night back in 2006, how could I convert myself from a born leader to deliberate disciple without having any reservations in my right mind! Lol, then again what better example is there, than the life of President Ikeda to fortify my Buddhist practice.
Recently I brought a new member to a meeting at my home and this person came learning to chant and ended up with an earful of President Ikeda’s life and I could clearly see the confusion in their eyes. Luckily, I have a photo of Kaneko and Daisaku on my altar and was able to help them associate the references and words with a face. Recently a possible new member was contacted by a member whom they never met and was awkwardly asked after being told to call back later because the possible new member was busy, “yeah ok, before I go there is a meeting tomorrow at so-and-so’s house, you should make it to this meeting, blah blah blah”. The possible new member felt that the meeting was more important to this random caller than another attempt at a heart to heart connection and the desire to spread Nichiren Daishonin’s Buddhism in a more accommodating fashion. This possible new member ultimately felt he would continue to cope with his problems on his own and leave these ‘radical’ Buddhists alone. Clearly this possible new member has deeply manifested Fundamental Darkness and is only creating more obstacles towards his receipt of his very own Gohonzon. But it did not help that these two Americans were not speaking the same underlying language of universal compassion because each others agenda was not coinciding on any plane and therein was no Buddhism to be found.
With those two experiences in mind, it is my hope to realize the final silent prayer of Gongyo and partake in the Happiness of all living beings! Buddhism is serious, our lives our serious, people’s issues with certain things are just as serious. We must exercise compassion at all avenues and use our seeking spirits to the fullest potential focusing more on kosen-rufu and not so much the earthly desires once we reach that point in our practice, a beginner practitioner cannot fully assimilate the qualities of one in the 5th stage of practice!(4 stages of Faith refer to the those during the Buddha’s Time, 5 Stages of Practice pertain to the time after the Buddha’s passing).

Also Nikko Shonin was the only priest that did not begin worshipping Nichiren as a Bodhisattva or twisted the practice into a perversion of Nichiren’s strict guidance. We must follow the powerful example found within the Page of the book: The Untold Story of the Fuji School , which I found to be beneficial in gaining a more thorough understanding of the Mentor Disciple relationship. Nichiren’s followers immediately after his passing would eat and swallow his Gosho (letters to his followers) under the assumption they would become one with Nichiren by ingesting his very written words! This could lead modern day SGI-Buddha into yet another schism if left unchecked, that is my humble and heartfelt assessment of where we could invariably go if a correct application of Nichiren Daishonin’s Buddhism is not enacted going forward.

I really do care about each member very much, I do revere Sensei’s guidance as my pegs up the ladder of Success, but they are all derived from Nichiren Daishonin’s legacy which is the fundamental basis of my understanding of True Mahayana Buddhism. I’m not looking to do anything other than offer my sincere perspective in this email after taking the time to examine Raquel’s notes and request. So my final answer after this longwinded email to say, perhaps Mentor and Disciple talk should continue to be emphasized with more senior members (over a year into their practice, after receiving Gohonzon) otherwise if they have not established the fundamental connection to Gohonzon we risk going in the direction of the 5 other priests that did not run with our boy Nikko Shonin.
Much Love my amigos, let me know what you think!

Myoho Disco

P.S. I was reading today the Gosho “On the Four Stages of Faith and Five Stages of Practice”, been reading this Gosho since 12/05 and its rocket fuel for the badass independent eternal disciples of Nichiren Daishonin! I enjoyed sharing my thoughts and really look forward to continuing this conversation!

My chapter leader, whom I have been urged to 'connect more with' just responded to the above referenced email, since I circulated the email among the youth division and said this:

How are you doing? Your email was very strong. You're approach was like a firecracker! You need to slow down a bit and breathe. Enjoy this wonderful practice. You've made powerful statements about Sensei and about other beliefs. I'm concerned about this. However, you are entitled to your opinions. I believe that you are not grasping the concept of Mentor and Disciple relationship. I think you need to talk to a senior member and ask for guidance. If you feel uncomfortable about that, I think we need to chant together ASAP. I'm usually available on weekdays, after 3pm. I'm off on Fridays sometimes Saturdays. I will call you!
Here are some precepts for you: I got a little booklet from *****. He came to my house on Saturday night.
1. Become masters of the Gosho.
2. Seek the Oneness of the Mentor and Disciple.
3. Go to the Gohonzon First.

Very Simple! MyohoDisco I know you have a strong passion for this practice, but don't burn up! Relax! Enjoy this practice with all of your heart

I was caught off guard when I read his email but I stand by my determination because it was my seeking spirit that kept me close to Babba and then Thomas who both helped me get my own Gohonzon. I don't take that for granted and I know PTD's mentor is not Sensei Ikeda, as recently mentioned here. But Both PTD and I really respect him and I want to, Practice Correctly and be authentic, I just wanna be me. I will not let this fukking dude's comments bring me down because I think I have to stand on my own two feete and stick to my karmaguns on this one.

I had to bring all this up again because this is what I'm living over here and its real. Besides the email exchanges today over the past few days things have been soo busy here, but we're still keeping focused on the goal to have more meetings at our home, for me to do more Gajokai shifts and support members, and for both of us to save money when we can and keep trying to make smarter moves with our finances so I don't go through what I been going through for years with money anymore. This year is going to be different!

Thanks for listening, as long as we have Gohonzon things will continue to get better for all of us.

Thanks alot, and HOORAY for the Babbas! Let's knock out the devil king of the 6th heaven during round two! I'm still sending daimoku your way all the time, we're gonna really build big things upon this impending victory!


The thoughts and comments flowing recently have been great to catch up on! Thank you all!

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Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
"Mr. Toda used to say that one of the qualities of a capable person for kosen-rufu is having a challenging spirit. He declared: 'A fighter is a person who burns with a fierce passion and fighting spirit to completely vanquish any evil that inflicts suffering on the people.'"

SGI Newsletter No. 7441, Capable People Dedicated to Kosen-rufu Are the Most Precious Treasures, translated Dec. 27th, 2007


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
"The wonderful means of truly putting an end to the physical and spiritual obstacles of all living beings is none other than Nam-myoho-renge-kyo."

(The Wonderful Means of Surmounting Obstacles - The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, Vol. 1, page 842) Selection source: Soka Gakkai Women's Division Chief Yoko Takayanagi's encouragement, Seikyo Shimbun, January 1st, 2008


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
The Spirit of Mentor and Disciple

The Spirit of Mentor and Disciple

Excerpt from speech: The University of the 21st Century--Cradle of World Citizens

(Commemorating the First Commencement Ceremony of Soka University of America, Aliso Viejo, held on its campus, on May 22, 2005)

The Spirit of Mentor and Disciple

In the words of Leo Tolstoy: "Religious teaching, that is, the explanation of the purpose and meaning of life, should be the basis of any education." [18]

Needless to say, Soka education does not purport to teach any religious doctrine. Yet it is based on a solid and, I believe, universal worldview. If I were to express this in a single phrase, it would be the spirit of shared commitment between teacher and learner, mentor and disciple.

Just as a diamond can only be polished by another diamond, it is only through intense human interaction engaging the entire personality that people can forge themselves, raising themselves up to ever greater heights. It is the relationship between teacher and learner, between mentor and disciple, that makes this possible.

The Lotus Sutra, which contains the essence of Eastern philosophy, expresses the Buddha's determination to make his disciples "equal to me, without any distinction between us...." [19] This is the teacher's vow and pledge to raise the learners' life-state to the same level as the teacher.

In terms of the essential capacities and possibilities of life, there is no inherent difference between teacher and learner. The mentor creatively and imaginatively uses various means and methods to inspire and awaken in the learner the wisdom and power that has been realized by the teacher. The true teacher, the mentor, desires nothing so much as to be equaled--no, to be exceeded and surpassed--by the students and disciples.

Mr. Makiguchi and Mr. Toda dedicated, risked, and offered their lives to the goal of awakening individuals to the infinite possibilities of their own lives, enabling them to experience and live out those possibilities in reality.

During World War II, Mr. Makiguchi critiqued the core philosophical basis of the militarist authorities of Japan. As a result, he was arrested and died in prison. President Toda likewise struggled against and survived the ordeal of imprisonment. Emerging from prison, he dedicated his entire life and being to spreading a philosophy of humanism and working for the happiness of people.

Inheriting this legacy from my mentors I have, as a disciple, founded Soka University of America to be a bastion of profound spirituality.

18) Leo Tolstoy, A Calendar of Wisdom, translated by Peter Sekirin (New York: Scribner, 1997), p. 138.

19) The Lotus Sutra, translated by Burton Watson (New York: Columbia University Press, 1993), p. 36.

[Read the whole speech at: http://sgi.org/about/president/works/speeches/cradle.html ]
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