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SoCal Hippy

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Human Revolution

Human Revolution

What is the "human revolution"?

The "human revolution" is a term used by Josei Toda, second president of the Soka Gakkai, to describe the process by which an individual gradually expands his life, conquers his negative and destructive tendencies, and ultimately makes the state of Buddhahood his dominant life condition. The idea of revolution as most people understand it usually refers to a political or economic revolution. Such a revolution usually imposes new ideas upon people at large, and thereby effects change. The idea and the goal of human revolution is very different.

Rather than changing society directly, through improving or reforming social or political systems, the object of change lies deep within the life of each individual. As Josei Toda states: "The human revolution' I am talking about...refers to the establishment of one's ultimate purpose in life and working towards the perfection of self. We carry out our daily lives according to our own views on life and society. However, "human revolution" refers to the change that we bring about in the way we view life, society and the world. A fundamental change occurs in the way one has led his or her life up until that point. The "human revolution" of an individual becomes apparent when he or she establishes an unwavering and absolute conviction in the eternity of life. Rather than focusing on short term goals which apply only to one's present lifetime, this conviction becomes the basis for the pursuit of loftier goals and greater good, in contrast to one's previous satisfaction with the accomplishment of lesser goals and good.

SGI Presiden Daisaku Ikeda wrote these words in the foreword to this novel the Human Revolution; "A great revolution of character in just a single man(woman) will help achieve a change in the destiny of a nation and, further, will cause a change in the destiny of all humankind."


PassTheDoobie said:
"In the same way, the renegade disciples say, “Though the priest Nichiren is our teacher, he is too forceful. We will spread the Lotus Sutra in a more peaceful way.” In so asserting, they are being as ridiculous as fireflies laughing at the sun and moon, an anthill belittling Mount Hua, wells and brooks despising the river and the ocean, or a magpie mocking a phoenix. Nam-myoho-renge-kyo."

In my best Wayne and Garth (from Wayne's Word) voice:


But Wayne and Garth, YES WE ARE WORTHY! When we have such positive encouragement backing us up, Amazing posts by Socal (much love to you brother!) GLW, Babba, Bonz,HIT,Sceg, PTD, its helping me over here too! Gohonzon is so totally merciful, and I'm so totally just full it if I'm not chanting and filling up my coffers of faith, I need a lot of faith to get by the day and not be put down.

Whats up DD, welcome to the thread- glad you finally got access to saddle up, thats how I felt too when I came here posting. Your the right place with Bodhisattvas of the Earth representing from all the corners of the world. Enjoy!

My friends, I had a great introduction meeting last night, two new youth division attended and I was able to give them some "realer" more relavent encouragement. We had a few members talking about the theoretical Buddha and alot of quantum physics but when I had my turn I felt like I connected with them by telling them to chant for things right off the bat, these dudes already know gongyo from their mothers whom practice and they are just getting involved and its great because I want this to progress and them to help me meet some more seeking spirits.

I was thinking last night, we gotta rest well as Bodhisattvas. Its hard work and we need to recouperate and just heal up from the rigors of your movements, lets make sure we keep sleeping well and resting well.

Tomorrow smells like a victorious day! Let's keep focused on kosen-rufu in our prayers, I know I'm very grateful and fortunate to be aware of all your thoughts. Continue to convey your sincere dailouge, this thread protects us all.

Cheers my friends,


Babbabud said:
Nam Myoho Renge Kyo
Up very early today and enjoyed two very awesome reads.. Thanks so much guys. Just what i needed.
Nam Myoho Renge Kyo

From a President Ikeda lecture: To practice just as the Daishonin instructs is the fundamental spirit of the SGI. We are advancing in strict accord with the Gosho's teachings. As long as we remember this point, we can definitely achieve great victory in life and our efforts for kosen-rufu.

The Gosho is truly an eternal teaching, which we should be most grateful to have. Thanks to our having encountered this teaching, we can lead wonderful lives of eternal victory.

I'm in this daimoku pool too and heavily invested, lets walk hard together and keep studying and keep learning correctly. I'm looking forward to our next time chanting at the center Babba, helping me get the books (The Goshos Yolume 1 and Buddhist Dictionary) I have read more than anything else I've ever read and just pushed my practice for real. We encourage and derive the encouragement in different ways since we're all different, I like hearing it instead of reading it personally but I tell you what, This right here is as real as real gets and we're just rolling with the punches like everyone else but our purpose is our very life. I'm a Bodhisattva your a Bodhisattva we hang with Bodhisattvas we are totally protected. I have no doubts of this and I'm just me but I have alot of love and appreciation for everyone here with us, we're just jamming away in our lives with the same intent, thats awesome because bud we're not hero's for hire, we're just making the impossible possible, that's all!
Congratulations once again to all of us presented with struggles, enjoy your fresh opportunities for dynamic personal growth and prepare for some awesome karma! This is our year folks!

Yes it is!

Nam-myoho-renge-kyo! Nam-myoho-renge-kyo!


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
The magic that our struggle has brought is just amazing. Ive seen things happen through my chants that seem so much bigger then I could imagine I could bring about. Im sure our chants have caused this and soon I will begin to tell the story of this challenge. Faith is an amazing thing my friends. "Muster your faith, and pray to the Gohonzon. Then what is there that cannot be achieved?" Thankyou all so much for the love and Daimoku. I bow in obiesance to you all. Lots of Daimoku tonight :) Thanks so much my chanting brothers and sisters, you are all truly Bodhisattvas of the Earth!! We are so blessed to continue being born together !! Nam Myoho Renge Kyo!!


Active member
Just finished 15 minutes concentrated daimoku and gongyo dedicated to you and yours, Bubbabud. I am anxious, and on edge. They are going to postpone and postpone again and again. They'll drag it out to it's last dying breath and I promise to chant for you and with you for the whole ride. You are already indestructable so as they say and we all know is that bad things happen to good, good people. This is poison and you will create the best medicine there ever could be. Na Mu Myoho Renge Kyo. Nam Myoho Renge Kyo. Nam Myoho Renge Kyo. Nam Myoho Renge Kyo....


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
On the Treasure Tower / WND Pg. 299

On the Treasure Tower / WND Pg. 299

I have read your letter with great care. I have also received your offering to the treasure tower of one thousand coins, polished rice, and other articles. This I have respectfully reported to the Gohonzon and to the Lotus Sutra. Please rest assured.

In your letter you ask, “What is signified by the Thus Come One Many Treasures and his treasure tower, which appeared from beneath the earth?” The teaching on the treasure tower is of great importance. In the eighth volume of his Words and Phrases of the Lotus Sutra, the Great Teacher T’ien-t’ai explains the appearance of the treasure tower. He states that it has two distinct functions: to lend credence to the preceding chapters and to pave the way for the revelation to come. Thus the treasure tower appeared in order to verify the theoretical teaching and to introduce the essential teaching. To put it another way, the closed tower symbolizes the theoretical teaching, and the open tower, the essential teaching. The open tower reveals the two elements of reality and wisdom (1). This is extremely complex, however, so I will not go into further detail now.

In essence, the appearance of the treasure tower indicates that on hearing the Lotus Sutra the three groups of voice-hearers perceived for the first time the treasure tower within their own lives. Now Nichiren’s disciples and lay supporters are also doing this. In the Latter Day of the Law, no treasure tower exists other than the figures of the men and women who embrace the Lotus Sutra. It follows, therefore, that whether eminent or humble, high or low, those who chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo are themselves the treasure tower, and, likewise, are themselves the Thus Come One Many Treasures. No treasure tower exists other than Myoho-renge-kyo. The daimoku of the Lotus Sutra is the treasure tower, and the treasure tower is Nam-myoho-renge-kyo.

At present the entire body of the Honorable Abutsu is composed of the five elements of earth, water, fire, wind, and space. These five elements are also the five characters of the daimoku. Abutsu-bo is therefore the treasure tower itself, and the treasure tower is Abutsu-bo himself. No other knowledge is purposeful. It is the treasure tower adorned with the seven kinds of treasures— hearing the correct teaching, believing it, keeping the precepts, engaging in meditation, practicing assiduously, renouncing one’s attachments, and reflecting on oneself. You may think you offered gifts to the treasure tower of the Thus Come One Many Treasures, but that is not so. You offered them to yourself. You, yourself, are a Thus Come One who is originally enlightened and endowed with the three bodies. You should chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo with this conviction. Then the place where you chant daimoku will become the dwelling place of the treasure tower. The sutra reads, “If there is any place where the Lotus Sutra is preached, then my treasure tower will come forth and appear in that spot (2).” Faith like yours is so extremely rare that I will inscribe the treasure tower especially for you. You must never transfer it to anyone but your son. You must never show it to others unless they have steadfast faith. This is the reason for my advent in this world.

Abutsu-bo, you deserve to be called a leader of this northern province. Could it be that Bodhisattva Pure Practices has been reborn into this world as Abutsu-bo and visited me? How wonderful! How marvelous! I do not understand how it is that you have such faith. I will leave it to Bodhisattva Superior Practices when he appears, as he has the power to know these things. I am not saying all this without good reason. You and your wife should worship this treasure tower privately. I will explain more later.

With my deep respect,


The thirteenth day of the third month in the ninth year of Bun’ei (1272), cyclical sign mizunoe-saru

To the Honorable Abutsu-bo


Nichiren Daishonin sent this letter in the third month of 1272 to his disciple Abutsu-bo Nittoku. One story has it that Abutsu-bo was a samurai who had accompanied the Retired Emperor Juntoku to Sado when he was exiled there as a result of the Jokyu Disturbance of 1221. It is more likely, however, that he was a native of Sado Island. In either case, he was a longtime resident of the island. He went to Tsukahara to debate with the Daishonin and was converted to the Daishonin’s teaching. He and his wife became loyal supporters of the Daishonin and brought him food and other necessities for much of the time he was on the island. After the Daishonin took up residence at Mount Minobu, Abutsu-bo made at least three visits there, despite his advanced age. He died in 1279 at the age of ninety-one.

The treasure tower described in the Lotus Sutra is of awesome proportions, and its meaning puzzled Abutsu-bo. In this letter the Daishonin gives his aged disciple a striking glimpse into the reality of life. The ceremony depicted in the Lotus Sutra is not a historical event during which a colossal jewel encrusted stupa actually emerged from the ground. Rather, the appearance of the treasure tower symbolizes a ceremony of life; it is a metaphor for the emergence from deep within the human being of the highest state of life.


1. Reference is to the ultimate reality of Buddhahood innate in life and the wisdom to perceive that reality. These are represented, respectively, by the Buddhas Many Treasures and Shakyamuni seated together within the open treasure tower.
2. A rephrasing of a passage in chapter of the Lotus Sutra.
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Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
"How wonderful! How marvelous! I do not understand how it is that you have such faith. I will leave it to Bodhisattva Superior Practices when he appears, as he has the power to know these things. I am not saying all this without good reason."


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
"Abutsu-bo is therefore the treasure tower itself, and the treasure tower is Abutsu-bo himself. No other knowledge is purposeful.....You may think you offered gifts to the treasure tower of the Thus Come One Many Treasures, but that is not so. You offered them to yourself. You, yourself, are a Thus Come One who is originally enlightened and endowed with the three bodies. You should chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo with this conviction."


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
"It follows, therefore, that whether eminent or humble, high or low, those who chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo are themselves the treasure tower, and, likewise, are themselves the Thus Come One Many Treasures. No treasure tower exists other than Myoho-renge-kyo. The daimoku of the Lotus Sutra is the treasure tower, and the treasure tower is Nam-myoho-renge-kyo."


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
OK Bud, just got done layin' down two more for four for the day. I don't know if you are already out the door or not, but go kick some ass and take some names today. We got your back all the way--you both are ever-present in our minds today.

We love you guys!

Oso re ru na!
Make ru na!

Kin no katchi!

Much love and deepest respect!!!

Thomas, stonegirl, and the Doobie Brothers and Sisters

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Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
To all of our SGI friends all around the world, I have my palms together with my sincerest appreciation and respect for all of your efforts, struggles and selfless dedication for the sake of kosen-rufu. We, the SGI have won! Now, brimming with the life force from the eternal prime point of life (kuon ganjo)*, let's prepare to make a great start to a new year of complete victory!

* The important thing is right now -- the present moment. Our present inner resolve, our determination, enables us to sever the bonds of karmic causality by the strength arising from within and enter the sure path of happiness.

Faith in the Buddhism of the true cause, which constantly arises from the wellspring of life, enables us to develop a state of eternal happiness and to lead a supreme existence. The spirit of the Buddhism of the true cause is the spirit of limitless hope and eternal advance.

Therefore, each day we return to the point of departure at life's wellspring, and from there we begin to advance anew. Doing gongyo and chanting daimoku is the secret teaching for returning to the world of kuon ganjo. Everyday, we set forth from kuon ganjo. Faith to continually set forth from this eternal prime point is faith of the Buddhism of the true cause.
(Lectures on the "Expedient Means" and "Life Span" Chapters of the Lotus Sutra by Daisaku Ikeda, Vol. 3, page 25)
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Active member
got your back big time Babba's!!!



Nam myoho renge kyo~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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New member
How great it is to be reminded first thing in the morning that we are the treasure tower and to treat ourselves as such. Nam Myoho Renge Kyo! Thank You all for your amazing quotes! Thanks T for your welcome, it is about time! Mr and Mrs. B we are sending much daimoku to you with the conviction of the mighty lion! There is no obstacle that we cannot overcome with the power of Daimoku!

SoCal Hippy

Active member
Nichiren said, "The heart is most important".

this thread has so much heart I am amazed. More D's to the Babba's from here.

Nam Myoho Renge Kyo

SoCal Hippy

Active member
The SGI Movement and the Way of the Bodhisattva

The SGI Movement and the Way of the Bodhisattva

The SGI Movement and the Way of the Bodhisattva

In Nichiren Buddhism, the fundamental practice is that of reciting the mantra Nam-myoho-renge-kyo to the mandala(Gohonzon) inscribed by Nichiren for the purpose of enabling people to manifest the wisdom of the ninth or amala consciousness. In this manner, we seek to transform consciousness and gain wisdom, awaken the Buddha nature that is one with the cosmic life-force and to establish a boddhisattvic self.

Nichiren identifies four virtues of the bodhisattva as true self, eternity, purity and joy.

The virtue of true self might be understood as the experience of expansive freedom and hope that is rooted in a sense of unity with the life-force of the cosmos. Eternity indicates the creativity inherent in the life of the universe that drives constant renewal and rejuvenation; the vitality to surmount any obstacle. Purity is the function of the cosmic life to cleanse the restrictive egotism that stains and distorts the self. Finally, the virtue of joy is the quality of self-realization, a life-state of utter confidence and serenity based on one's identification with the universal life.

Nichiren asserts that a genuine bodhisattva manifests the entire spectrum of these four virtues. And it is these virtues, true self, eternity, purity and joy, that enable the bodhisattva to transform negative circumstances into the occasion for growth and the creation of value. It is for this reason that the bodhisattva does not avoid or retreat from the difficulties and challenges of life, but rather places her- or himself in their very midst, acknowledging and confronting them head-on.

Nichiren describes the benefit of the reciting of Nam-myoho-renge-kyo as that of transforming the inevitable sufferings of living--what Buddhism terms the "four sufferings" of birth, aging, illness and death--into the four virtues of true self, eternity, purity and joy. The bodhisattva, by transforming those experiences that are so often the cause of great suffering into the opportunity for development and advancement, inspires others to pursue a path of "transforming consciousness and gaining wisdom."

Through active engagement with others, we can continually strengthen and deepen this bodhisattvic self, in an endeavor that is not limited to the pursuit of personal happiness, but involves a commitment to the realization of peace, both for humankind and for the entire biosphere.

The work of the Soka Gakkai International to promote a contemporary movement of the Bodhisattva Way is rooted in the efforts of individuals to transform their inner, psychic cosmos. By manifesting wisdom in all layers of consciousness, and encouraging the development of this wisdom in our families, communities and societies, we seek to overcome the delusions that give rise to a host of well-rehearsed personal and social ills: from the sense of disempowerment that plagues so many people, to intra- and intersocietal conflicts, to ecological destruction. While the path of the bodhisattva may represent a gradualist approach, we are confident that it represents a fundamental transformation, with the power to change for the better the lives both of individuals and of all humankind.

SoCal Hippy

Active member
When a tree has been transplanted, though fierce winds may blow, it
will not topple if it has a firm stake to hold it up. But even a tree
that has grown up in place may fall over if its roots are weak. Even a
feeble person will not stumble if those supporting him are strong, but
a person of considerable strength, when alone, may fall down on an
uneven path.

(WND, 598)
Three Tripitaka Masters Pray for Rain
Written to the lay priest Nishiyama on June 22, 1275

SoCal Hippy

Active member
"Doing gongyo every day is a challenge. Introducing others to the
practice is a challenge. Getting people to subscribe to our
publications is a challenge. Attending meetings is a challenge.
Sometimes it can all become too much and leave one feeling negative and
wanting to take a break! Since we are human beings, it's only natural
that we might feel this way on occasion. The important thing, however,
is not to spin out of the orbit of faith. I hope you will continue to
pursue the path of Buddhahood steadily and patiently, encouraging one
another on your journey."

Daisaku Ikeda

SoCal Hippy

Active member
Peace Is Born From a Willingness to Listen

Violence is born from a wounded spirit: a spirit burned and blistered by the fire of arrogance; a spirit split and frayed by the frustration of powerlessness; a spirit dry and parched by a thirst for meaning in life; a spirit shriveled and shrunk by feelings of inferiority. The anger that results from injured self-respect, from humiliation, erupts as violence. The culture of violence that delights in crushing and subduing others by force spreads throughout society, often amplified by the media.

American civil rights leader Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., a student of Gandhi's philosophy, said that a person whose spirit is in turmoil cannot practice nonviolence.

From a healed, peaceful heart, humility is born; from humility, a willingness to listen to others is born; from a willingness to listen to others, mutual understanding is born; and from mutual understanding, a peaceful society is born.

Nonviolence is the highest form of humility and the highest form of courage. Prime Minister Nehru said that the essence of Gandhi's teachings was fearlessness. The Mahatma taught that the strong are not vindictive and that it is the brave who are able to engage in dialogue.

Daisaku Ikeda
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