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Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
"Now, no matter what, strive in faith and be known as a votary of the Lotus Sutra, and remain my disciple for the rest of your life. If you are of the same mind as Nichiren, you must be a Bodhisattva of the Earth."

(The True Aspect of All Phenomena - The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, Vol. 1, page 385) Selection source: "Kyo no Hosshin", Seikyo Shimbun, November 6th, 2007


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
"Speaking of the tremendous power of the Mystic Law to transform poison into medicine, Mr. Toda declared: 'We are the Bodhisattvas of the Earth and the followers of the Daishonin. We were born into this world as people who undergo various sufferings in order to demonstrate just how happy we can become through the power of the Mystic Law. Faith means leading a wonderful and meaningful life.'"

SGI Newsletter No. 7380, SGI President Ikeda's Editorial, Daimoku--A "Lion's Roar" of Happiness and Victory, translated Oct. 30th 2007, from the November 2007 issue of the Daibyakurenge, the Soka Gakkai monthly study journal.


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
"Although I and my disciples may encounter various difficulties, if we do not harbour doubts in our hearts, we will as a matter of course attain Buddhahood. Do not have doubts simply because heaven does not lend you protection. Do not be discouraged because you do not enjoy an easy and secure existence in this life."

(The Opening of the Eyes - The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, Vol. 1, page 283) Selection source: "Kyo no Hosshin", Seikyo Shimbun, November 9th, 2007


Heritage of the Chanting Growers Group:

Heritage of the Chanting Growers Group:

I HAVE just carefully read your letter. To reply, the ultimate Law of life and death as transmitted from the Buddha to all living beings is Myoho-renge-kyo. The five characters of Myoho-renge-kyo were transferred from Shakyamuni and Many Treasures, the two Buddhas inside the treasure tower, to Bodhisattva Superior Practices, carrying on a heritage unbroken since the infinite past. Myo represents death, and ho, life. Living beings that pass through the two phases of life and death are the entities of the Ten Worlds, or the entities of Myoho-renge-kyo.

T’ien-t’ai says that one should understand that living beings and their environments, and the causes and effects at work within them, are all the Law of renge (the lotus).1 Here “living beings and their environments” means the phenomena of life and death. Thus, it is clear that, where life and death exist, cause and effect, or the Law of the lotus, is at work.

From:The Gosho: Heritage of the Ultimate Law of Life
Page 216


This applies to all of us here: Life itself is the Mystic Law!
"Myo represents death, and ho represents life."

Myoho is also Wonderful, just as we all are and have been entrusted to uphold Gohonzon and spread the Wonderful Mystic Law throughout the world! The world is connected through the internet framework, just as the Chanting Growers we are united on a Global Bodhisattva Network! We're each a vastly abundant source of Daimoku so we must use our resources freely and never fear of running out!

I have been entrusted with the Heritage of The Law of Cause and Effect, that same Heritage is a part of my daily life and I determine to help other Bodhisattvas see beyond the seemingly constant burden of struggle and realize within those struggles is Gohonzon.

Everyone is subject to cause and effect, no person I have met is beyond The Law, and I keep telling myself we are all manifestations of this Law of the True Cause! Sometimes its very very difficult to see past certain issues, but those occur for the right reasons, the way we're living is focused on enlightenment for ourselves and others and those same struggles permeate our focus sometimes, BUT FEAR NOT, FOR IF YOU CONTINUE TO BOLDLY ADVANCE IN YOUR LIFE, YOUR WALKING THE WALK OF FEARLESS BODHISATTVA, THE ONE WHO LEADS COUNTLESS OTHERS TOWARDS ENLIGHTENMENT!



Our chanting Growers Group movement began with a call:



Nam-myoho-renge-kyo! Nam-myoho-renge-kyo!
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Thank you Bartender for always protecting our thread and for being a vital part of our movement. Dude, how are the meeting going over there, any date on when you'll be receiving Gohonzon? I'm really excited for you Bar!

Here is something I think I read last year on this thread regarding True Cause and I think it coincides nicely with the recent introductions:

True Cause
(from Living Buddhism)

Perhaps the most important teaching of the Lotus Sutra is that concerning exactly how long Shakyamuni has been a Buddha. "The Life Span of the Thus Come One" (sixteenth) chapter reveals his attainment of Buddhahood in the remote past overturning people's assumption that he attained enlightenment for the first time at around age of thirty, after meditating under the bodhi tree in India. Instead, he says: "In all the worlds the heavenly and human beings and asuras all believe that the present Shakyamuni Buddha, after leaving the place of the Shakyas, seated himself in the place of practice not far from the city of Gaya and there attained anuttara-samyak-sambodhi [supreme enlightenment]. But good men, it has been immeasurable, boundless hundreds, thousands, ten thousands, millions of nayutas of kalpas since I in fact attained Buddhahood" (The Lotus Sutra, chap. 16, p. 225).

The Buddha then explains with examples on a cosmic scale the astounding magnitude of this "life span" as a Buddha.

This has many profound implications. First, in all his teachings before the Lotus Sutra, Shakyamuni Buddha related stories of his practice in many lifetimes spanning countless kalpas in preparation for his attainment of buddhahood in the current lifetime. With this revelation, however, it becomes clear that he was already a Buddha while caring out these practices. His true identity is that of a Buddha since the inconceivably remote past. Hence his actions as an ordinary person for the sake of others over countless lifetimes were all expressions of, rather than means to attain, Buddhahood. This opens the way for the idea that ordinary persons can themselves be Buddhas who express their enlightenment through their mundane actions, particularly in their efforts to help others.

It also attests to the enduring nature of Buddhahood: Rather than being simply a hard-won state of spiritual attainment, it is an ever-present innate condition that transcends birth and death.

Shakyamuni's revelation of having attained enlightenment countless kalpas ago is an expression of the "mystic principle of true effect." That is, the "truth" of the Buddha's enlightenment (the effect of Buddhist practice) is that he had been enlightened since the remote past. But what of the cause of his enlightenment?

The Great Teacher T'ien-t'ai of China identifies another statement in the "Life Span" (16th) chapter of the Lotus Sutra, "Originally I practiced the bodhisattva way..," (LS16, 227) as referring to the true cause of Shakyamuni's original enlightenment. Shakyamuni, however, does not clarify what this "bodhisattva way" was. T'ien-t'ai interpreted it as a reference to a particular stage of Bodhisattva practice. Nevertheless, there is no precise reference to what practice or teaching enabled the Buddha to attain this state. Thus, the true cause of Shakyamuni's original attainment of enlightenment remained a mystery.

Nichiren Daishonin, however, identified that true cause as the fundamental Law that enables all Buddhas to attain enlightenment, the Law of Nam-myoho-renge-kyo. Regarding the significance of Shakyamuni's revelation he writes: "When we come to the 'Life Span' chapter of the essential teaching, the belief that Shakyamuni attained Buddhahood for the first time [in India] is demolished, and the effects [enlightenment] of the four teachings are likewise demolished. When the effects of the four teachings are demolished, their causes are likewise demolished. 'Causes' here refers to Buddhist practice [to attain enlightenment] or to the stage of disciples engaged in practice. Thus the causes and effects expounded the both the pre-Lotus Sutra teachings and the theoretical teaching of the Lotus Sutra are wiped out, and the cause and effect of the Ten Worlds in the essential teaching are revealed. This is the doctrine of original cause and original effect. It teaches that the nine worlds are all present in beginningless Buddhahood and that Buddhahood exists in the beginningless nine worlds. This is the true mutual possession of the Tem Worlds, the true hundred worlds and thousand factors, the true three thousand realms in a single moment of life" ("The Essence of the 'Life Span' Chapter," The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, p. 183).

"Original cause and original effect" in this passage are the same as :true cause" and "true effect." The "Life Span" chapter of the essential teaching of the Lotus Sutra overturns the concept of Buddhahood stated in the pre-Lotus Sutra teachings as well as those of the first-half, or theoretical teaching, of the Lotus Sutra. Later in the same letter, Nichiren Daishonin refers to the "true cause" of the Buddha's enlightenment, stating, "Nam-myoho-renge-kyo, the heart of the "Life Span" chapter, is the mother of all Buddhas" (WND, 184).

Nichiren Daishonin's teaching is known as the "Buddhism of the True Cause" because it elucidates the fundamental Law or principle by which all Buddhas attain their original enlightenment and by which all people can become Buddhas.

What does this principle of "true cause mean" to us ordinary practitioners of Nichiren Buddhism? Nichiren Daishonin quotes the Contemplation on the Mind-Ground Sutra: "If you want to understand the causes that existed in the past, look at the results as they are manifested in the present. And if you want to understand what results will be manifested in the future, look at the causes that exist in the present" (WND, p. 279).

In one sense, how we approach life and our Buddhist practice depends on whether we have a perspective of "true effect" or "true cause." A perspective of "true effect," only sees enlightenment, or happiness, a result of past causes. From the perspective of "true cause," enlightenment, or happiness, is an ever-present potential; the cause for bringing it forth can only be made right now, in the present moment. The moment we make the "true cause," enlightenment reveals itself.

From the standpoint of the mystic principle of true cause (Jpn hon'in-myo) past, present and future exist fully in this moment. We cannot change the past, yet there is no reason to let it bind or restrict us. All of us face setbacks, disappointments and crises from time to time, but whatever our circumstances or our past, by chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo with a strong resolve, we are creating a brilliant future in this moment. The true cause for enlightenment and the true effect of enlightenment are fully present at each moment as we exert ourselves in faith and practice.

Regarding the spirit of true cause, SGI President Ikeda said in a dialogue with young people, "The past is the past and the future is the future. You should keep moving forward with a steady eye on the future, telling yourself, "I'll start from today!' 'I'll start afresh from now, from this moment!' This is the essence of Nichiren Daishonin's Buddhism of True Cause, the spirit of starting from the present moment. This is the heart of our daimoku" (World Tribune, November 1, 1996, p.11).

By Jeff Kriger, SGI-USA Study Department Vice Leader

1. Nayuta (Skt): An Indian numerical unit.

2. Kalpa (Skt): An extremely long period of time.

3. In particular, the eleventh of fifty-two stages through which a bodhisattva progresses toward Buddhahood.

4. Four Teachings: They are the Tripitaka, Connecting, Specific and Perfect Teachings.

from: http://www.sgi-usa.org/buddhism/buddhismtoday/bc035.htm


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
"When one comes to realise and see that each thing--the cherry, the plum, the peach, the damson--in its own entity, without undergoing any change, possesses the eternally endowed three bodies, then this is what is meant by the word ryo, 'to include' or all-inclusive."

* Treasuring Diversity -

(Ongi kuden - Gosho Zenshu, page 784, The Record of the Orally Transmitted Teachings, page 200) Selection source: "Dialogues with World Citizens" by SGI President Ikeda, Seikyo Shimbun, December 2nd, 2007


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Nichiren Buddhism is based on the principle of the 'cherry, plum, peach and damson' (o-bai-to-ri).*
Let's live true to ourselves!
By improving ourselves more today than yesterday
and more tomorrow than today,
let's continue to advance, step by step, each and every day!

Daisaku Ikeda

*As President Toda taught, we need to live our own lives. Just as cherry, plum, peach and damson blossoms all possess their own unique qualities, each person is unique. We cannot become someone else. The important thing is that we live true to ourselves and cause the great flower of our lives to blossom. If we fail to do so, then what is the purpose of our lives? What is the purpose of our existence? There is no need whatsoever to compare ourselves to others. Rather, we should consider whether we have grown by comparing how we are now to how we were in the past. The Buddhist way of life is to grow each day, accomplishing more today than yesterday and more tomorrow than today." (Lectures on the "Expedient Means" and "Life Span" Chapters of the Lotus Sutra by Daisaku Ikeda, Vol. 1, page 109)
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Active member
Good morning my friends!

Good to see everyone!! Good to see everyone well!

I was i bit depressed there for a minute. Sh!t like lil mini nervous breakdown depressed. I didnt chant for 4 days bout 3 weeks ago, i know it sounds crazy cause i was feelin so good and i just kinda snapped, dunno how to explain it but with each passing day i seemed to be seperating myself further from my Gohonzon. It was dark, depressing and actually at one point felt i had let the darkness take over so bad that i wasnt worthy to open the doors to my own Butsudan.

Well i dont know but all the sudden i realized what crap that was and started chanting hard again. I felt better instantly, even though i had a hard time focusing my chanting. Sh!t, long story short the core of my flip out was Going broke. I havnt been so broke in a long time and it really screwed me up mentally. Scared the crap outa me is what it did.

Kept Chanting though after the 4 day flip out and things started to happen, small things but good things none the less. I started to realize how much i need to be around my group and the Center and other SGI members.

Cut to the other day my cell phone rings and i hav'nt been answering the dang thing but i had a gut feeling so i answered it and it was T! I damn near cried to hear your voice ya know T, but instead all i could do was laugh with joy, i prolly sounded a lil crazy but i was just so happy to hear your voice my Brother! I made a promise to myself and to T to GET TO THE FRIENDSHIP CENTER!!

However i did'nt make it, felt like i let T down, I LET MYSELF DOWN. But in reality things came up that i NEEDED to take care of and face up to. For a moment i once again allmost let myself fall away just outa giult. Well thats bull, i kept on chanting besides the fact how i felt, just that Devil King tryin to drag me down again.

So yesterday im gettin' ready to walk out the door to go to the Center and my mom comes in and tells me that my old friend and the guy i have worked with for the last 6 years is here and he needs to borrow some tools, well they were in the pawn shop!! Long story short he wants me to come work his current job with him! I dunno my friends but have never needed work so bad as right now. So i had to go with him to the pawn shop to get the tools he needed and then we talked about me comin back to work with him and it was all so smooth, he said how much he needed me and i said how much i needed the work. I wont be starting till next week sometime but i feel like i need that time to get to the Center and get in touch with my Group members CAUSE THIS CANT BE DONE ALONE! Not for me anyway!

So allthough i for a minute was feelin all giulty for not getting to the Center yesterday if i would have left 5 minutes earlier i would have missed my friend and possibly the work as well, believe me my friends im on my last extension with the DWP and im counting quarters so this work is such a huge blessing.

Ill be at the Center prolly every evening this week, I NEED THAT CONTACT!

I feel everything is working out for the best and like the roar of the lion, i will not give up!!!

Having a hard time sleeping but im forcin myself to get up so i can get back to work and pay some bills and put some food on the table.

also got a call from another friend with more good news but thats another story, just alot of things happening and im not surprized! Just the direct result of lots of Daimoku!! Faith, Faith and more Faith.

Hope i made some sense, hav'nt even had my coffee yet! Just had the need to get this posted.

peace, love and deepest respect to you all!!!!!!!


Thanks for the response to my PM Easy my brotha! It hit home bro!

~~~~~~~Nam myoho renge kyo!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~~Nam myoho renge kyo!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~~Nam myoho renge kyo!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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Hello again, Friends!

It's so nice to be able to read these powerful messages and kind thoughts during the wonderful challenges life presents. I've been going through challenging times like most of us do. It's amazing how sometimes things taken away or kept from you can become of the best blessings. During my challenges, I often remind myself of the principles of living like water. I'm sure most of you have ran into this, but I always enjoy reminding myself of this. I'm not sure where I ran into this quote, but I remember reading about these principles while reading about Bruce Lee. Bruce Lee was discussing his will to live like water. He mentioned that water is calm, peaceful and beautiful while still maintaining it's density and strength.

Best Wishes to all.

Nam Myoho Renge Kyo

EDITED * I ran into this quote on some commercial eastern medicine website. Funny how we can learn from just about anything in life.

"Wind and Water are metaphors for the way the energy flows through our bodies: with ease, flexibility, continuity and strength. Obstacles are simply and easily avoided. Wind flows around the trees and mountains, changing direction with ease. If you throw a boulder in a river the water maneuvers around it, if the boulder is too big the water alters its course.

Although Wind and Water are gentle and flowing concepts, they are also immensely powerful. The flow of wind and water in nature can be extreme: difficult to contain and impossible to stop. Given enough time, water can erode mountains and carve through stone. Given the right force, winds can rip up trees and flatten houses."
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Active member
Welcome deftones34, nice to meet ya! Have a look around , theres alot to see! =:)

Hi HenDokuYaku!



Nam myoho renge kyo!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Hello There Bonzo! I'm so glad to read that things are looking up for you. That was a nice story. I love the myoho of life. It always catches you off guard. Don't forget that anything organic never stands still. It's either growing or dieing. That's a choice we can usually make ourselves. Hang in there, move towards your success and try not to look back.

Isn't it always easier to comment from the outside? :)

Best wishes to you!


Active member
Thanks HenDokuYaku :)

Thanks T :)

Hiya bartender :) Good to see you! and so glad you got this all backed up! :)



Nam myoho renge kyo!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


Daily Wisdom: From the Writings of Nichiren Daishonin

"Money serves various purposes according to our needs. The same is true of the Lotus Sutra. It will be a lantern in the dark or a boat at a crossing. At times it will be water, and at other times, fire. This being so, the Lotus Sutra assures us of "peace and security in this life and good circumstances in the next.""


WND Page 452
Page 451 The Swords of Good and Evil

SoCal Hippy

Active member
Love your encouragement MyohoD!!!

Love your encouragement MyohoD!!!

EasyMyohoDisco said:
I said to him,

"Dude, do you realize you have had so much good fortune from chanting for 8 months that it seems to me like you've become a little arrogant and doubt the power of Gohonzon due to negligence, since your not doing Gongyo in the morning or even chanting some daimoku its like your using your bank card yet you have no funds in the bank and you keep getting over-the-limit surcharges and all sorts of wicked fees yet you fail to make a deposit in your bank and wonder why things are taking a turn for the worse! You must chant, otherwise how can you expect the protective forces of nature to grant you protection! Dude, I'm asking Gohonzon to have Nichiren Daishonin enter my body be one with me and stay with me for this life and the next, HUGE WIRE TRANSFER! I think its time you sat down and opened those doors and made a huge deposit, I know you got the funds bro...."

He said,

"wow dude, thank you so much, wow, thanks alot man your so right!"

I told him,

"Don't thank me go thank Gohonzon, its not me telling you this its Gohonzon, you've made causes in your life recently to have people encouraging you but you have to remember how it feels when you chant with your heart in it consisntently! Thanks for reinforcing that to me, this kinda felt like deja vue!"
You rock Bro....keep it on!!

SoCal Hippy

Active member
Hello Chanting Growers Bodhisatvas!!!

Just got caught up on over 10 pgs on this thread and have got to say its really rockin. How could anyone not be so many steps closer to enlightenment and true happiness if they just absorbed with their lives just any small portion of what is happening here. How do I absorb? Chanting Nam Myoho Renge Kyo with appreciation, no doubts or fear.

Making breakthrus with you all and appreciate all the time and effort that goes into this thread (especially T) you will all see a little more of my presence here now that some things have changed positively in that regard. Much more to do, but will not give that Devil of the 6th even one chance of entering my life. thanks to all for being here.

Nam Myoho Renge Kyo
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