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Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo to all! Greetings Dube!

Happy Holidays! Tis' the season ALL!

All forms of life are to be cherished! All praises due to IC and the Chanting Growers! :rasta:


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Hitman!!! My prodigal son has returned for the holidays! Please don't go away without saying goodbye this time! You are missed when you are not here! Tell 'Mom' we all send our love!

Hey Joe! It was my pleasure to post that up for you. And it was for you! Here are bunches more for you to read if you are so motivated:


DG, I hope you are still hanging and getting better! Bud I'll be in touch shortly. Easy, keep up the Daimoku! Bonz! Give yourself a break! There isn't anything you can't fix once you decide to do whatever you have to do. Georgia, I hope all is resolved in any current challenge! SoCal keep slugging it out!

We’re all gonna get there.

Best regards to Sleepy and Scegy! Nam-myoho-renge-kyo dudes!

How's it going 3's? Peaceful Mind? iShack? Hendoku? Chaing?

Are you guys chanting your asses off?

That’s what I need to do. I better get after it.



Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
"Persistent, dedicated, wholehearted efforts can move mountains."

SGI Newsletter No. 7401, The New Human Revolution--Vol. 20: Chap. 2, Bridge Building 69, translated Nov. 14th, 2007


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
"Therefore, those who become Nichiren's disciples and lay believers should realise the profound karmic relationship they share with him and spread the Lotus Sutra as he does."

(Letter to Jakunichi-bo - The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, Vol. 1, page 994) Selection source: Soka Gakkai Kansai Women's Division Chief Emiko Nakao's encouragement, Seikyo Shimbun, November 11th, 2007


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
"Exert yourself in the two ways of practice and study. Without practise and study, there can be no Buddhism. You must not only persevere yourself; you must also teach others. Both practise and study arise from faith."

(The True Aspect of All Phenomena - The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, Vol. 1, page 386) Selection source: "Kyo no Hosshin", Seikyo Shimbun, November 15th, 2007


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
"In a discussion with members of the student division, I once responded as follows to a question about the oneness or unity of mentor and disciple: 'It means to have a mentor in your heart while standing on your own two feet. President Toda resides in my heart. This is not something you speak out loud; it's a matter of the heart. This is because unity is something that exists inside you.'"

SGI Newsletter No. 7387, LEARNING FROM THE GOSHO: THE HOPE-FILLED WRITINGS OF NICHIREN DAISHONIN <NEW SERIES> [1] "The Drum at the Gate of Thunder," "It Is the Heart That Is Important"--Continuously Strive to Deepen and Strengthen the Bonds of Mentor and Disciple, Foreword to the New Lecture Series, translated Nov. 7th, 2007


hello everyone,
i just wanted to stop by and say hello. i am very new to this and just finding my way so i do not have much too say, but a lot to read.
hi babbabud and PTD - thanks for the post in the other thread and PM's.



Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Hello Tracy! Welcome! Let's all achieve wisdom through compassion and accomplish our individual missions for Kosen-rufu!
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Active member
hello chanting growers!

i've been quite busy lately and i still haven't read the last 10 posts or so, so i don't know much what's goin on with you guys
but as i chanted this morning i was thinking about u and how u'r all doing with ur difficulties? keep strenghtening your minds i'm with you!pass, myoho, bonzo, bubba and the rest, RESPECT

to get myself in line again, i've been thinking a lot about Gohonzon lately, the reason is that i've been chanting every day for the past 2 weeks(i missed one day, why? because i'm not confident enough to chant in my parrent's house as i was sleeping over)
every time i pick up my "chanting book " and read the "prayers" i feel kind off like a fool not beeing able to see my OBJECT of devotion infront off me, like saying I LOVE you to the person that's not even there and expecting that she'll know somehow without telling that to her face.

so my only promiss to you guys is that i'm on my way, i'm strenghtening myself everyday with daimuku and chanting and i can feel my powers rising

kind off like a "proof" for that, to myself is that i had a difficult and very delicate situation at my coledge and usually i would either stop myself talking before i start the "insulting tone" or just go ahead and talk dirty, you know? i never yell but i use pretty strong words that hit hard...so this time i've accomplished and triggered a debate about what i was talking about......they did take the debate to a minimalistic level later on, which was out off my hands....you know they started talking about every rock on the way not about the point

but still i'm very glad i didn't hurt anybody's feelings, and the same is happening in my private life, accumulation of strenght

i have much much more to say, but i just gotta study now, i wish u all good and thank you for believing in me!

:headbange!!!!!!NAM MYOHO RENGE KYO!!!!!!:headbange




My kenzoku-myo, I am so proud of your declaration and accomplishment, I have been doing very well lately, read the last ten pages, me and my girlfriend helped two friends receive Gohonzon and one is two years younger than you and the other is three years older than you!

Brother I'm chanting everyday to Gohonzon, I'm not closing my eyes so much when I chant and focusing very strongly on Gohonzon, its helping me see the Gohonzon in everyone and everything. I'm very fortunate to be developing a stronger practice thanks to my determination to do this for the rest of my life.

Be the Buddha and Be FREE!

To all the new Guests posting and Hitman: Hello (with a big hug)!

If you search on Google for many Nichiren Buddhist related Topics PasstheDoobie is usually on the first page of the Google search, this thread is the Treasure Thread! :wave:


people always want to put labels on something. they always want a story. i am christian, i am buddhist, i am that, i am this...

we will never know what we are! it's not about the thinking anymore.
it's about that silence in our head. it's about walking around the world without this mental noise...
it's about listening, looking, smelling, sensing...

i don't chant, but maybe i will someday...maybe i am gonna come up with my own...
in this moment i am... but i don't know what i am... i just know that i am...


Bakin in da Sun
glad to see my friends continuing daily these great vibes.

been chanting more and more over the last few months, daily now even if for only a minute or two.... helps me, cant explain it, helps me put everything into focus.

take care my friends~~ always reading,,, bartender187

nam myoho renge kyo
nam myoho renge kyo


Active member
yes, yes, yes bartender and peaceful, that's what i'm talking about, thank you

a word to you two, use every tool that nature has given u, and u have the power to focus on the good things in life that nichiren, jesus, and whomever wrote down, nichiren is a perfect example of LIFE struggling till the end and further, endless possibilites!

peaceful: i think that you should tottally focus on ur life and ur thinkings to come to the conclusions that nichiren did, that's why you can harvest his work(the lotus) as u would grow a gray beard before you got to know in ur heart all this(considering how much shit you have to deal with every day), cause and effect---->having doubts as you go on ur way, pushes you to learn on ur own

so being able to fully function in our society...must have some inner causes, can not come from outside reasons for a long period

as nichiren "said" if your car isn't polished every day, it just ain't gonna shine!


kozen rufu comes within ourselves, if we ALL realize what we have to, the Land of tranquility light will rise as an effect of us making the cause clearer every day

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before you posted i was thinking...
chanting...when so many beautiful spirits are doing this, it has to have a lot of power...
so i chanted nam myoho renge kyo for two times and a wonderful smile came up on my face.
don't know what it was, but it was great.
is this a purpose of chanting? to just be in the moment and focus on the things that matters?
it's not that chant that is important? or am i wrong?

and something else from the reading you gave us....
the students that follow the teacher blindly are not listening to him.
they (jesus, buddha etc.) were saying to all of us to follow our own ways. our own heart. that's the secret message from all of them imo...

btw scegy, how do you say it? nam mjoho renge kjo?


Active member
yes peaceful, how nicely you rounded my thoughts tonight

i found here the mp3's that i needed to get started->

feels great i know, that's why i do it, the same reason i smoke good weed :)

is this a purpose of chanting? to just be in the moment and focus on the things that matters?

is that how you felt? you felt focused? focused on what? that's the beauty man...it just keeps you asking and wanting to know more
and yes on your Q, the art is to learn how to focus on all those 3000 realms in just one second, and every next second in our life

Nam mjo-ho ren-ge kjo in our language, is a powerfull tool that is with u since u started living, you know...electromagnetic forces and so on that surrond us, wouldn't it be nice to tune in? NMRK is like a button that pushes out the radio antenna on ur car

tune in! :rasta:
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Hello everyone :rasta:
wow such great discussions and dialogue that is happening here; love it! all those thoughts, ideals , questions should be brought out to the forefront and if somebody gets triggered then they should reflect upon themselves what that is about. That is one of the many beauties of this practice; it is a lack of a better term self reflective practice; meaning if something is going on in your environment and it triggers some negataive(and positive of course) then that is a direct reflection of you and the inability to give someone compassion because you are not able to give it to yourself. This is also a two fold practice; practice for oneself and practice for others and one cannot coexist without the other; without their being an imbalance. I think it would be great for you right now to just chant and feel how that is and unfolds then you can study the words of Nichiren, Ikeda etc, yet another beautiful aspect to this practice and it is a practice; is to "test" it out for lack of a better term; do as you have been doing chant and feel and see how it resonates and reflects in your body and in your life. Feel how your life condition elevates how your reaction to certain environmental triggers change how being in rhythm with the universe unfolds into your daily life. Although this is not a meditation it is a proactive practice one that brings you very present into your daily life. It is a beautiful thing when there are hundreds even thousands in one room chanting; words can hardly describe the opening that happens but also because buddhism is daily life we also capture that beauty in our own homes every morning and evening and if you feel like it anytime inbetween meaning you recite a portion of the lotus sutra in the morning and evening; but you can chant Nam Myoho Renge Kyo whenever you want for however long you want. I have been doing this now for twenty nine years and there are millions of others like me who have been doing it longer and some who are just starting but I don't none of us would be practicing Nichiren Daishonins Buddhism if there wasn't the desired results whether they be conspicuous or inconspicuous and in most cases both. Can't wait to hear more from you all and I leave you all with these parting words from Daisaku Ikeda about creativity:

The institutions of human society treat us as parts of a machine. They assign us ranks and place considerable pressure upon us to fulfill defined roles. We need something to help us restore our lost and distorted humanity. Each of us has feelings that have been suppressed and have built up inside. There is a voiceless cry resting in the depths of our souls, waiting for expression. Art gives the soul's feelings voice and form.

Life is painful. It has thorns, like the stem of a rose. Culture and art are the roses that bloom on the stem. The flower is yourself, your humanity. Art is the liberation of the humanity inside yourself.

How aware are we of our own inner life, our spirituality—something so intangible yet so priceless? How much effort do we make to perceive that which is not obvious, which can neither be seen nor heard? I believe the exploration and enrichment of the human spirit is what determines our very humanity. Such enrichment provides an inner compass that can lead civilizations to greatness.

The times when I have most intensely felt and experienced the inner reality of creation have been those times when I have thrown myself wholeheartedly into a task, when I have carried through with that task to the very end. At such times, I experience a dramatically expanded sense of self. I can almost hear the joyous yell of victory issuing from the depths of my being.

This sense of fulfillment and joy is the crystallization of all the effort—each drop of sweat, each tear—expended to reach that moment. Life's inherent creativity, its dynamic vitality, is brought to the surface only through the strenuous exertions of a life of consistent action.

Such a way of life will meet with storms and heavy rains, times of seeming defeat. But the creative essence of life is never crushed or vanquished by such things. It is sustained by knowledge of the brilliant rainbow whose bright arch will eventually stretch across the inner expanse of your being.

Indulgence and indolence produce nothing creative. Complaints and evasions reflect a cowardly spirit; they corrupt and undermine life's natural creative thrust. When life is denuded of the will to struggle creatively, it sinks into a state of hellish destructiveness directed at all that lives.

Never for an instant forget the effort to renew your life, to build yourself anew. Creativity means to push open the heavy, groaning doorway of life itself. This is not an easy task. Indeed, it may be the most severely challenging struggle there is. For opening the door to your own life is in the end more difficult than opening the door to all the mysteries of the universe.

But to do so is to vindicate your existence as human beings. Even more, it is the mode of existence that is authentically attuned to the innermost truths of life itself; it makes us worthy of the gift of life.

There is no way of life more desolate or more pitiful than one of ignorance of the fundamental joy that issues from the struggle to generate and regenerate one's own life from within. To be human is much more than the mere biological facts of standing erect and exercising reason and intelligence. The full and genuine meaning of our humanity is found in tapping the creative fonts of life itself.

The struggle to create new life from within is a truly wonderful thing. There is found the brilliant wisdom that guides and directs the workings of reason; the light of insight that penetrates the farthest reaches of the universe; the undaunted will to see justice done that meets and challenges all the assaults of evil; the spirit of unbounded care that embraces all who suffer. When these are fused with that energy of compassion that pours forth from the deepest sources of cosmic life, an ecstatic rhythm arises to color the lives of all people.

As you meet various trials and difficulties, thus polishing all the many facets of the jewel which is life, you will learn to walk that supreme pathway of humanity. Of this, I am confident, and I am confident too that those who embrace life's native creativity now stand and will continue to stand in the vanguard of history. Bringing the creativity of life to its fullest flowering is the work of human revolution. Carrying out this kind of human revolution is your mission now as it will be throughout your lives.

:headbange GeorgialouWho
Nam Myoho Renge Kyo
So be it;Will it so.......


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Howdy all! God, I have so much to say that I have writers block. So if I get nothing else done to completion, at least let me get this started. My warmest regards to all of you! But to hear that Bartender is chanting daily, EVEN if it is for just a few minutes, brought and ear to ear grin on my face and made my day.

Dude! You and Sleepy! It’s freaking been years now already! It’s so cool that you have made Nam-myoho-renge-kyo a part of your life! Thanks for posting that man. It meant a lot to me.

By the way Brother, have you still got our back(-up)?

And Scegy! If there is any good reason to go back and read this thread, it is to observe and behold the growth of my young Brother into a man and a genuine Bodhisattva of the Earth. Scegs, I am sure you will eventually decide to receive the Gohonzon. You reinforce that belief every time you post.

I got a couple of points to make on the rest of your posts but will get to that in a bit.



Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Since it will take awhile to compose that response, I want to repost this for all the Ikeda-haters to see again. ANYWHERE you see on the internet that one of the requirements of being a member of the SGI is to embrace Daisaku Ikeda as your mentor is an absolute lie. It is not true. I have been practicing for thirty-five years and it has never been required of me!!!

This is from SGI-UK and reflects that FACT!
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