Thanks PM! But please read the thread anyway....
Thanks PM! But please read the thread anyway....
I think you would benefit greatly by going back and reading at least the last ten pages:
(reprinted with permission from post #6681)
Thanks PM! But please read the thread anyway....
peaceful_mind said:i am sending you energy for your recovery, so i hope you will get better soon.
-peaceful mind
I think you would benefit greatly by going back and reading at least the last ten pages:
(reprinted with permission from post #6681)
PassTheDoobie said:... To help clarify the basis of the thread in advance of all the reading I truly hope you will follow through and do, we are in continuous dialog and study of the teachings of Nichiren (of thirteenth century Japan) based on Shakyamuni’s (Gautama/Siddhartha) Lotus Sutra.
The thread is not about Buddhism in general, chanting any mantra other than Nam-myoho-renge-kyo, or new age thinking. Several of us chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo are Soka Gakkai International members (which is a Nichiren Buddhism lay organization), and follow a practice that includes daily sutra recitation, and the attendance of SGI activities to promote a process we believe will facilitate the future development of world peace.
We welcome your questions. Many of Nichiren Daishonin’s teachings are contained in the 400 plus pages of reading you have ahead of you. However, ... we really hope you can understand that the purpose of the thread is not to provide a forum for debate. This will become quite clear as you read.
We hope you will try chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo before judging it on the basis of what you already know from your journey thus far, but know that will be very difficult. Good luck and sincere best wishes! Please try chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo as you compare these teaching with those that you are already familiar with.
Deep respect,