I think I'm going to get 4 "Y" sockets and hang 8 lights over my 8 plants and then add more lights as the plants grow.
Any suggestions or tips on the best way to arrange the CFL's? Best sockets to use?
Some of what I'm reading here about heat output just doesn't tally with the set up I'm running.
The main lights, 2No. 125w Enviro's, are running noticeably cooler than the smaller bulbs I am using for red spectrum (2 x 11w and 1 x 30w).
Most of the heat is produced at the bulb's ballast, and those 3 little ballasts are producing more heat than the 2 bigger enviro ballasts.
The plastic ballast cases of the small CFL's have been discoloured by the heat. This has not happened with the Enviros.
I could unscrew an enviro and hold it in a bare hand. I would not want to do this with the smaller bulbs.
Safe growing
Should I be concern? Is 2" to close?