short version.
Vertical Lamps are only effeciant if at level with plants.. the parabolic reflectors out there are Crapola for pushing light down. with that said if going vert and just at plant height use a parb to keep some light down.
or plants are all around lamp..
KM thats cause those are INDICA Based Strains>INDICAs are Bushs..
the light is only making the plant reach its full potential..
take this with grain of salt.
if cmh creates fat leaves what would a eye horti blue do with more blue. vs red.. and more blue vs cmh.. (its to much blue for me. and way not enough red)
give a body builder just base nutes he will be OK>. HPS
give him full nutes Etc..hell stoke ups.. CMH
same concept.. under hps some those strains dont perform to there potential.. including fat leaves. But fat leaves mean more energy absorbed.. but again its Indica.. i like sativias.. (med im indica, fun im sativia)
thanks Simba. I'm doin some horizontals now & yup
the light is more intense. Not as big a coverage area but more intense light.
I had durgamata (hash type indica dom) under sodium but when done under
CMH it made the side shoots grow out way more than before and yah it looks like more leaf.
Can't wait to see the finish buds from CMH & compare them to
the HPS version (mental note save some of the HPS version)
These lamps will be good for producing more veg
leaf for people that
make CBD out of veg leaves
(I'm making some now for my cat's IBD,
so there's no THC for him; poor guy)