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Tom 'Green' Thumb
Great info! Thanks for posting.

I have an old Startac mobile phone and it is analog and is set up as 'pay as you go' in a ficticious name. When I want to talk private, I use that phone. For all else I use my regular cell phone. I don't give the number out to no one and use it only for out going calls. Safe and easy.

The old analog phones could be listened to with regular scanners like someone said earlier, but digital phones cannot. It costs a lot to tap a digital phone, so if your not big time then you are probably fine. But keep in mind, LEO will make you look out to be like an organized crime family if they have a hard on for you. By blowing things out of porportion they can get the funding they need and the people they want. We all know how well LEO can over exagerate things lol.



I Feel Good
ICMag Donor
TGT said:
I have an old Startac mobile phone



that phone was the shit back in the day...


Verite said:
moonymonkey said:
fuk a cell phone ,here i am shit...i knew somone,they were after,everwere he took that phone helicopters an cops,everwer evertime...get it...an that evertime he had it turned on moon/leo u are peterlips.com



dude thanks so much, laughed out loud the last 3 times i checked on this thread, last time choking on smoke. too funny, so appropriate ...:laughing: :wave:
Last edited:


Tom 'Green' Thumb
lil wayne, you have it still hooked up? I don't know how much longer my network is going to keep up the analog phone service. I heard they were going to remove it from service some time in the next year or two. I wonder how many people still use old analog phones? I know a lot of old people keep their phones for years 'cause when I walk through the mall I still see old guys with big bricks attached to their belts. I am sure their is still quite a user base. The longer they keep it up the better because I have had many phones, new and old and have never had one as clear as this. Also, I don't get that annoying echo that seems to be a trade mark of digital.

One last question pertaining to Startac phones - do you know where I can get new batteries for it? I know they never lasted that long to begin with, but I would love to get a hold of one of those piggy back batteries to extend the talk time/stand by time. My battery I have now is the original and it lasts for may be two calls, then it's dead.



Custom User Title
In Vermont, as far as I know, a warrant is needed to go through garbage waiting to be picked up.


I Feel Good
ICMag Donor
TGT said:
lil wayne, you have it still hooked up? I don't know how much longer my network is going to keep up the analog phone service. I heard they were going to remove it from service some time in the next year or two. I wonder how many people still use old analog phones? I know a lot of old people keep their phones for years 'cause when I walk through the mall I still see old guys with big bricks attached to their belts. I am sure their is still quite a user base. The longer they keep it up the better because I have had many phones, new and old and have never had one as clear as this. Also, I don't get that annoying echo that seems to be a trade mark of digital.

One last question pertaining to Startac phones - do you know where I can get new batteries for it? I know they never lasted that long to begin with, but I would love to get a hold of one of those piggy back batteries to extend the talk time/stand by time. My battery I have now is the original and it lasts for may be two calls, then it's dead.


TGT , I used this phone about 8-9 years ago. I am the type of person who switches #'s and phone's yearly. Many of my friends and family wonder why I always have different phone numbers... I like to tell them "I need to eliminate certain people out of my life..."

as far as a battery goes, have you tried ebay? I can usually find anything I cant find anywhere else on the bay of E.

to all who may care... As far as prepaid cellular goes, I have found that Virgin mobile is the best. Not only are their phones dirt cheap ($10 for a new phone and number), but you get the best bang for your buck out of their plans. They run on the Sprint Network. PEACE.


I Feel Good
ICMag Donor
The Bling said:
cb scanner + $50 +radio shack+ 20 min +me listening to your cell phone calls

yeah? so you get a kick out of sitting around listening to cell phone calls? i guess everyone gets off to something. :jerkit:

BTW: you sound like a fucking pig. i dont know how much people like pigs around here.
Most phones DONT need gps to track you. Even iphones dont have gps they just triangulate the signal. The location of any phone can be determined down to about a 5 meter area. BIG BROTHER IS EVERYWHERE


he is just saying that cell phones are piss easy to listen in on. and that is true, legal or not your cell phone calls might as well be made using a megaphone from person to person. so just be aware of that fact. remember they can't admit to listening to your phone without a warent, but they can be there when you meet someone that you arranged to meet by cell, or otherwise make use of that info without you ever knowing about it.


My little pony.. my little pony
The Bling said:
cb scanner + $50 +radio shack+ 20 min +me listening to your cell phone calls

Maybe when you were MacGuyver in TV land.

On reality based planet earth you arent listening anything but your own wet farts.

A - "Cell Blocked" means that the older analog USA Cellular phone Frequencies are "blocked" from being entered into the Radio Scanner. As of April, 1994, an FCC rule required ALL Scanners Sold in the USA to be Cellular frequency Deleted (Blocked) by the Mfgr, & all the Scanners we offer therefore are cell blocked. Even Older or Export "unblocked" scanner were only capable of hearing the obsolete Analog cellphones. There is No Scanner, new, old, modified or "export", that can hear the current "Digital" Cellphones being sold today. Most Areas use "GSM" , "CDMA", LTE, EVDO or "iDEN" Digital cellular systems that are not part of any scanner technology. See next Question for additional information.

A - No. Only some Older scanner models, built before 1994, were able to be frequency "modified, or Restored" to hear the older "analog" cell signals. All the Current New scanner models sold in the USA, by law, have the cellular Frequencies Permenently Deleted from their Internal chips, They aren't "hidden" in there, so they can't be "restored or modified", & these older modified or "export" models were receving only older analog phone signals. ( Older Scanners that could be "modified", were actually being "UN-modified", as they were built with these frequencies & then "blocked"). Also, Remember, since most newer cellphones are iDEN, CDMA or GSM "Digital", even these older, or export model cellular frequency-capable scanners simply can't "hear" any of the new Digital cellphones, even if tuned to their frequencies.



Active member
Some great info here, stuff I really wasn't sure of. If I may ask a bit of a "side road" question...

What about the cable phones, like my Vonage, or some of the cable providers have now? Are those just as open to interception as a cell phone?

Thanks, be safe - OGH


I Feel Good
ICMag Donor
ChronicChemist said:

my phone does not have bluetooth, so i guess you cant spy on me...

any also, people WITH bluetooth usually never turn it on for it uses up the power on the celly cell reallll quick...

this website is shady and does not provide enough technical information. its just 4 shady IT fucks... or probably just 1 shady fuck acting like he has a squad of 4...

hey chronic chemist, why dont you explain to me how one might use this?
There is a FAQ on that site if you hit the support tab at the top....

Heres some info more info on listening to cellphones:

Cell Phones!
All you need to know to monitor them.

First off I would like to tell you that listening to any wireless phone conversation is now illegal. New laws were passes back in the 90's to keep manufactures from making and selling scanners capable of receiving the cellular band. I don't care what you have been told, it is illegal to listen to ANY phone call. It's quite legal to own a cell capable scanner which was made before the laws were passed but it's illegal to listen to cellular phone calls. Two totally different things. Its kind of like owning a legal gun, but it's illegal to kill someone just cause you want to.

Ok, down to the good stuff! First off you need to know that analogue cell calls Cell towerare in the 869.040 to 893.970 MHz range. This is the tower side of the conversation. The actual cell phones transmit in the 824.040 to 848.970 MHz range. There is a 45 MHz split in the phone and the tower. You can hear the tower side for about 5 square miles and the phone itself for only about a mile or two at best. Lets say you were using a frequency counter and someone walks by you talking on a cell phone. Your frequency counter would show something like 824.600 MHz. You can add 45 Mhz to this and listen to the tower side of the conversation which usually has both sides of the conversation at 869.600 MHz.

Some scanners pick up cell phone conversation in other parts of the band. This is known as "imaging" and most dual conversion scanners will pick up images 21.7 Mhz above or below the actual frequencies. Lets say you have a cell blocked scanner but your picking up calls at 901.690 MHz. If you minus 21.7 MHz away you would get 879.990 MHz. This is where the real conversation is taking place. Triple conversion scanners have better front ends and eliminate most "imaging". There are some out there that do pick up images in the 1100 to 1200 MHz region like the PRO-2035.

If a person is traveling down the road, the phone will switch from cell site to cell site as the signals weakens and they get closer to the next tower. You will have to stay close to them with a frequency counter to keep getting the frequency as the phone switches or you can get a Oki-900 cell phone and a CTEK cable and trunk track them. That's right, follow the calls instantly as they change from site to site. I would not suggest getting caught with one of these because its VERY illegal and it could end you up in prison with bend over Billy as a cell mate! You can also get a Scout & AOR

Optoelectronics Scout frequency counter and a AOR-8200 scanner (unblocked from Canada or Europe) to track cell calls. The Reaction tune cable lets the Scout lock onto any frequency and tune the scanner to that frequency instantly! The only difference with it from the Oki/CTEK combo is that the Scout/AOR will follow the actual cell phone side and you have to stay close to the phone so that the counter can monitor the RF signal. If you really want to follow the calls, go with the CTEK and Oki combo! Please do not email me asking about where and how to buy this stuff. If you follow the links and do some reading, you will figure it out. Building a CTEK cable is not for the week hearted! You MUST have excellent soldering skills. If you are not sure about building the CTEK cable then just go out and buy a older scanner that was made before the laws were passed and listen to them like most other people do. You can still get new unblocked scanners but you have to take a small risk. Most countries out of the USA sells unlocked scanners. Places like Javiation over in the UK. I have heard many, many good thing about this company and success stories of people ordering unblocked scanners and having no problems getting it. Lets face it folks, the government is more worried about terrorism right now than you listening in on a perverted cell phone conversation. If you purchase one, use your VISA or Master Card. If by chance Federal Customs caught the scanner, play dumb! Your credit card company will probably refund your purchase. I have never heard of anyone getting fined for importing one scanner. Now if you tried to buy 20 or 30 of them to resell and they caught it then you might face some men in black at your front door.

Some of you are probably wondering about digital cell phones? I know of NO scanner as of now that will let you listen to them but here is a interesting article that looks promising! Trust me, there are a crap load of analogue cell phones out there (over 70 million). You will have more to listen to than you can handle. In most big cities, you can find many conversation at any hour of the day or night.

The most important thing is this: If you DO decide to listen in on a phone call, keep your dang mouth shut about what you hear! Do not go around bragging about it and telling secrets you heard. Not all people appreciate the fact that you can listen in on calls! Shut up and enjoy.


So, after talking to a Police officer, one that had PERSONALLY used the triangulation software from a Federal Agent (be it FBI or DEA, think it was FBI) to track a criminal they were hunting down, I was told that even THOSE don't have excellent accuracy.. The most they were getting was about a quarter mile accuracy. instead of 1234 john.doe street, wherever NY they were getting quarter mile areas of where he/she could be.

pinging cell phones to triangulate them aren't that accurate. (so yay!)

Also, after talking to them, the phone companies rarely give out your phone number when just asked by cops. a good example of this is:

Officer: "hi yes, i need the location or billing addres for number 123-555-5555 he just called our 911 dispatcher and said his house was on fire."
"Verizon: I'm sorry you are going to need a warrant to see that information"

of course this example may be exaggerated a bit, but lets all face it each side is exaggerating at times. (as shown by the triangulation distance)