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Cell Tray Cloning w/ Perlite

Sativa Dragon

Active member
Cell tray

Cell tray

Hey everyone, thought I would take a moment to share my preferred cloning method - cell trays with perlite.

It's very simple, requires filling the tray with water about once a week, and I've not lost a single cutting so far using this method. Roots have been typically popping out of the cells in 10-14 days, without rooting hormones. Another week or so and they fill out the cells very nicely.

[URL="https://www.icmag.com/ic/userimages/thumbnails/24/49819075acfa3876914d9eb12658d022_24491.jpg?dl=1235329418"]View Image[/URL] [URL="https://www.icmag.com/ic/userimages/thumbnails/24/9f638073710d4ab46972369e14651b2a_24450.jpg?dl=1235326018"]View Image[/URL]

I use the old school seedling propagation trays with 72 cell "popsicle" inserts. Usually about 2 dollars each.

[URL="https://www.icmag.com/ic/userimages/thumbnails/24/d85c174bab138c4e9fe6f1e2ed1bb326_24452.jpg?dl=1235326055"]View Image[/URL] [URL="https://www.icmag.com/ic/userimages/thumbnails/24/703cfa4eef3d6955fae0fa703976c2cb_24449.jpg?dl=1235326199"]View Image[/URL]

With perlite in the holes and a bit of water in the tray, I've found the perlite acts as a wick and maintains a proper amount of moisture for cloning. It also maintains an adequate amount of oxygen, as no air stone has been needed in the tray.

I add fresh water to the tray every 5-7 days, super hands-off. Another benefit is that each cutting has its own space to root, making extraction safe and easy.

[URL="https://www.icmag.com/ic/userimages/thumbnails/24/f481a9ca435541475c526e78f247ce6a_24442.jpg?dl=1235325932"]View Image[/URL]

In addition, it takes very little perlite to fill the holes in the tray, so a 5 dollar bag can easily make hundreds of clones.

Here's a quick breakdown of how I prepare a batch, with pictures for visual people like me:

I use a funnel to fill the cells quickly, then put water in the tray and let the perlite soak some up. Once the perlite is properly hydrated (20 min later,) I poke holes in each cell, then insert the clones and pack the perlite down around the stem. Repeat till full, then off to the clone shelf.

[URL="https://www.icmag.com/ic/userimages/thumbnails/24/8085db2d5ee62fc6e1a6808a7c2ee22a_24447.jpg?dl=1235326018"]View Image[/URL] [URL="https://www.icmag.com/ic/userimages/thumbnails/24/be602813fffe7036497b0be59fe8e545_24453.jpg?dl=1235326055"]View Image[/URL] [URL="https://www.icmag.com/ic/userimages/thumbnails/24/4fedddd0ba9caa5295ce0811649a2a57_24448.jpg?dl=1235326018"]View Image[/URL] [URL="https://www.icmag.com/ic/userimages/thumbnails/24/bad25ae8e0a94ff8e41444a7f2a58736_24443.jpg?dl=1235325932"]View Image[/URL] [URL="https://www.icmag.com/ic/userimages/thumbnails/24/af16e55015428c8f36266f948cbfb44b_24441.jpg?dl=1235325932"]View Image[/URL] [URL="https://www.icmag.com/ic/userimages/thumbnails/24/47e4c4e0d98857051c0344caec5cdef9_24444.jpg?dl=1235325932"]View Image[/URL]

So that's about it.. Nothing revolutionary, but I think by combining elements of old and new methods, I've found something simple and low maintenance that works really well for me and will likely do the same for anyone else who gives it a shot.

You are a true pioneer, can I ask where I would get such a cell tray, I have been looking around and havent been able to find one looks like the Sheeit!!!


Mr. Bongjangles

Head Brewer
ICMag Donor
You are a true pioneer, can I ask where I would get such a cell tray, I have been looking around and havent been able to find one looks like the Sheeit!!!


Aww thanks for the kind words! Really though, this isn't a groundbreaking technique, as these trays are super common in the agriculture industry, and perlite has been used for cloning way before I ever tried :D


There's some online for sale, or just search for "cell tray" elsewhere. Most any garden store or nursery will carry them and the matching trays as well.


amazing the dif techniques used for cloning, i found my best strike rate in coco and perlite but change slightly diff things during the year because of diff rooms temp, hume etc ,best was 4 days near fell of my chair when i seen the roots, everything must have been perfect.

Sativa Dragon

Active member
Aww thanks for the kind words! Really though, this isn't a groundbreaking technique, as these trays are super common in the agriculture industry, and perlite has been used for cloning way before I ever tried :D


There's some online for sale, or just search for "cell tray" elsewhere. Most any garden store or nursery will carry them and the matching trays as well.

Thanks for the Link, I went looking through my stuff and found a cell tray with 9 cells like the cheap plastic type, filled them with perlite and set it in a caserol pan with a bubbler underneath and a dome overtop, and holy sheeit! works like a charm, less thyan a week I got some roots. Thanks for the brain seed.

Much appreciated good Vibes


Another option is the walmart cloner rack, if space is an issue. I personally use a pc case, with 2 23 watt cfl in it.

This is the item, just drill holes in the blue push on bottom. Fill with vermicilite, and toss it into a plastic shoe box, also available at walmart. Keep the water level just above the blue bottom of the clone rack.

Until I found this method, and its very similar to the OP, I had dismal success rates with cloning, now I am at 99%.

(I take no credit for this, just passing on another option that is available year round)

Sativa Dragon

Active member
Awe Man thanks for the thread, my fave part is that its all re-usable, and I literally cobbled my first test setup together in minutes. Now I am going to build the Bomb clone unit customized for my needs. I love growing stuff.... Damn I can't think of anything I would rather be doing.

Good Vibes


Active member
Nice thread Bojangles. I have an extra bag of perlite laying around and some Black Gold Organic potting soil. Heres whats in the soil: Ours is strictly created with sphagnum peat moss, compost and finely ground forest products for water retention and overall nutrition. To prevent packing down and ensure perfect drainage, optimal proportions of coarse perlite and pumice are incorporated for a moist, yet aerated root zone

You think 1/2 soil/perlite would work as well? i feel like the soil might wick a little better than just straight perlite.

thanks in advance


i use the same method but with promix.. just make sure that u pack them right with promix. and get it wet and pack them.. so there very very packed.. then put a hole in with pencil.. and put clone in . and go.. same results. and if u do it right.. wen u go to transplant ull have no shock watsoever. i just cut them out of the plastic.. it works well for me because i dont want my plants to root as fast as possible.. i want them to take 2-4 weeks till they need to be transplanted.. so my timing all works out for my perpetual rooms. i harvest. 1 room at a time. 1 then 2 weeks later.. then 2 weeks later.. then 2 weeks later as i empty i fill them again.. and im off.. i do SOG 1 run. then while sog is going i veg then i do Trees.. 1 run.. then bag to SOG.. i been getting great harvests.. but now i need to breed again and buy more genetics.


Absolutely love this technique. Get about 95% success rate. Personally like to use 60/40 perlite/vermiculite, but perlite alone seems to work just as well. Only problem I have ever had is when I used the crappy miracle grow stuff with added ferts.

there goes edro

Well-known member
Glad I found this!! Been thinking of leaning towards sog to maximize yield but I must admit I such at cloning. I consider growing a journey. At one time I sucked at growing but over time with patience and effort I improved. I'll apply this same principle to cloning!!


Question about watering amounts??

Question about watering amounts??

How do you ensure even distribution of water in those trays? I've played around with it and, it seems you have to put at least 1/2 inch of water to over come any unevenness. Does that sound correct ?

That just seems like a lot of water ? How about when adding water after 5-7 days ? I was thinking about using 2 trays one with holes and just removing one and filling the bottom tray and re-nesting...

So how much water is too much ? Or not enough ...

Thanks in advance !


Anyone ? Day 6 added 1200 ml / 40 oz

Anyone ? Day 6 added 1200 ml / 40 oz

Day 6 added back approx 1/2 in of water to those planter trays.. That
worked out to be 1200 ml or 40 oz ..

Does that sound like too much water ? Anyone ???


For the record .. 1200 ml seems to be the right amount of water .. Also I used 2 nested trays one with holes, a funnel with some 5/8's OD black tubing attached.. Just lifted up one side, stuck in tubing and refilled the trays .. Works perfect!! Trying have hands off or moving them too much. Popping roots already !! Thanks again for this thread .. Throwing out my Ez Hydro Herpies machine lol

Update: For anyone coming along in future:
For watering either Rockwool or Pearlite: Get 2 sets of black flat nursery plant trays, with a carrier tray for very bottom.

Set 1, is the top tray that you set your planted medium in. This tray needs to have holes punched evenly all across the bottom. You can either make them or buy them this way. The next tray that goes under it is a non-hole tray, and it sits in the bottom carrier tray.
Set 2 is your watering tray, it is just a non-hole tray with a carrier tray under it.

Pour your water/feed solution in the second set. Now just remove the top plant tray from the 1st set and dip it into the second set. You set the feed level how you like.

I know this sounds ridiculously easy, but it took me a minute to figure it out. Just passing along the learning curve.
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New member
how much water should go in perlite tray?

how much water should go in perlite tray?

I have clones in a tray with perlite - how much water should I put in to keep the perlite pot moist - clones are in small pots not cubes - I'm thinking half an inch would do it but I'm not sure.


Follow up .. I made a go of it with perlite... Couple times and my strike rate sucked .. Ended up going to rockwool after following Snypes tutorial.. Im getting 99% success in less time than my ez cloner.. I really wanted perlite to work ..
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