title says it all not a huge deal, but a little annoying
I igrowone Well-known member Veteran Feb 2, 2010 #1 title says it all not a huge deal, but a little annoying
KharmaGirl ~Resident Puck Bunny~ Veteran Feb 3, 2010 #2 Members can edit their posts but cannot delete them. No error here. If you would like something deleted, pm the mod of the forum or a SuperMod.
Members can edit their posts but cannot delete them. No error here. If you would like something deleted, pm the mod of the forum or a SuperMod.
I igrowone Well-known member Veteran Feb 3, 2010 #3 i guess that explains that issue i did try to edit it, but it gave me same message, 'you do not have permission...'
i guess that explains that issue i did try to edit it, but it gave me same message, 'you do not have permission...'