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Cannabutter In 7 Easy Steps!


New member
i personally like to use a double boiler or slow cooker over a long period of time. that way you dont destroy any of the thc molecules. you also wont burn the weed, making the flavour of the butter much better.

beyond that, its not just thc that gets absorbed but other cannabinoids. this is why people will use shake and vaporized weed as well as regular bud.


New member
I have a question....... has anyone ever used the water extract from the butter for anything? .... I fell the water has to be holding something in it, and don't want to waste it if it can be used.


pure dynamite
yeah it holds all the clorophyl and other nasty shits that aren't soluble in the fats of the butter.
Why would you use something that acts like a filter for your nice clean butter?


Si I made some butter with this recipe and cooked it into a chocolate cake.
I used 200 grams(+- half pound) of butter with 15 grams(+- half ounce) of trim and the cake is REALLY potent.

It's a shame i can't eat a big slice otherwise i'll be too fucked up :)

Anyway, the dosage is a bit strong for me. I'll use a half ounce of trim for a pound of butter next time.


New member
I have a question....... has anyone ever used the water extract from the butter for anything? .... I fell the water has to be holding something in it, and don't want to waste it if it can be used.

id imagine itd have some cannabinoids left but i dont think itd be worth it to use. its like with bong water, sure it could get you high but are you really that desperate?


Your bong water is a filter and it clean and takes out the bad things why would ever want to use that .. nvm sitting water attracts molds change your bong water every day or two ....Me I changed it twice a day depening how much I toke....,)


well, i just did this method but instead of just using a saucepan with butter and water + the bud i decided to place that in another pot of water . so a double boiler, but still the water and butter mixed in the top pot with the ganja.(i did this to fully insure no ganja burnedwhile simmering) simmered on low(170F) stirring frequently for about 4 hours. put in fridge to seperate violA
the best budder i ever made! t

i used ALLL THAI GANJA AND LET ME TELL U THIS IS SUM Trippy ass racy butter. never been so high off of butter all i did was eat a lil bit on sum toast ate it about 8 am today and im blasted right now typing this at 10:29 havent felt this high in awhile. not stoned HIGH way high woah

all thanks to this thread and those who have contributed to it thanks everyone for helping me make the best butter ever!


New member
well, i just did this method but instead of just using a saucepan with butter and water + the bud i decided to place that in another pot of water . so a double boiler, but still the water and butter mixed in the top pot with the ganja.(i did this to fully insure no ganja burnedwhile simmering) simmered on low(170F) stirring frequently for about 4 hours. put in fridge to seperate violA
the best budder i ever made! t

i used ALLL THAI GANJA AND LET ME TELL U THIS IS SUM Trippy ass racy butter. never been so high off of butter all i did was eat a lil bit on sum toast ate it about 8 am today and im blasted right now typing this at 10:29 havent felt this high in awhile. not stoned HIGH way high woah

all thanks to this thread and those who have contributed to it thanks everyone for helping me make the best butter ever!

Thats the way to do it man! i also like using crockpots instead of double boiler because i can cook the butter in my room and dont need to refill water ^_^


use as directed

use as directed

made this the other day from half a zip of D-grade trim with 2 sticks of butter... :jump:

so half a pound butter+
half zip of trim=
really great mornings without having to smoke...

try it sometime, great way to get non-smokers converted to medical benefits... even if it is just for depression :comfort:



Ok, so I tried reading through pages and pages. How much butter do I need when working with leaves, not bud? I think we're talking about kilos of leaves here. And obviously I'm talking about the recipe in the first post :)


Well-known member
i usually use minimum of 7 litres of fine-grounded leaf material, but i always include some popcorn and trim to give the budder a lil more kick.


Got only leaves to deal with so that will have to do. We'll see how it turns out. Tonight we'll be doing the first butter. We'll let it lay in the fridge over night and then melt it down tomorrow morning in hot water and pour through panty hose again and put it back in the fridge. The leaf to butter ratio is something we'll just have to try and learn I guess...


A little update... We used about 350g of butter and a bit less than 120g of leaves. The next time we will use more leaves and some unripe buds that we had to cut down earlier.


I just found this thread and its great :)

I do a couple of things differently from the original recipe though. I'm not a big fan of having the green taste in the butter so I soak the plant material in warm water for about 30 minutes and then strain it before I go to use it. That results in most of the green taste being removed and there is very little to no effect on potency.

I also simmer the butter again for about 30 minutes after it has set in the fridge. I use as much water as possible and after 30 minutes or so has passed I turn the heat off and let the butter set in the pan. I will admit that I lose a little bit of butter doing that, but it filters the butter and I have always ended up with a much cleaner looking end product that tastes better too.

I also found out that you only get what you put in, eg. if you use leaf you will get a leaf based high. With that in mind I recommend only using resinous leaves and buds to make cannabutter because if you use all your leaf and stem to make the butter instead of a quality product it will mostly send you to sleep instead of getting you stoned.


Is 300 gram of wet trim to 500g of butter a good ratio?To weak or to strong?

(10 oz wet trim to 1lb butter)


Active member
If I went with the original recipe...1 oz of good resiny trim to a pound of butter (4 sticks), what's the dosage? 1 pat of butter per person? 2 pats? Give me a general rule of thumb please... How many doses come from a stick of butter is what I'm asking...



haha! No wonder everyone gets so fed up on my cookies. I use 1ozpopcorn buds and sugar trim to one stick of butter.
anybody have any clue on how long the cannabutter would last in the fridge?

Depends on what you're starting with... hydrogo preservative butter? Organic butter?
Pretty much the same or a little less than regular butter... couple months?
We make bigger batches and freeze it individually in small plastic ziplock freezer containers, just take out what you need, it thaws over night, or in a few hours left out of the frigde. Butter lasts seemingly forever in the freezer if stored properly.