we gotta get this muslim out of the white house
we gotta get this muslim out of the white house
we gotta get this muslim out of the white house
Whether we like it or not, mainstream USA just isn't ready for big/bold moves in broad daylight. Obama doesn't have political capital to spare on this fight right now. Look what happened with the fight for healthcare reform. JOB creation is the main worry. Look at the elections in NJ, VA, and MA as referendums on last year's disproportionate healthcare obsession and not on job creation. There's no need to trust me on this. The polls bear this out completely.
Sorry, MJ decriminalization/legalization is NOT the number one question on America's mind these days, guys. Furthermore, there is absolutely no consensus whatsover amo
You've been around since 2006 but, I've only just seen your thoughts in this forum. I deleted the rest of your rant and would just like you to address how.....
(1) MJ Question
(2) MJ Question
(3) MJ Question
(4) Non MJ Question
Equals.... "NOT the number one question"
I'm a stoner so you'll have to take it really slow with me. Your comments in the Starbucks thread were well too esoteric and over my head. Please enlighten me.
the only thing that the NJ, VA, and MA elections show (VA in particular, since it is historically a red state) is that young people don't show up to off-season elections. Obama won on the youth vote, and the minority vote, with a super majority in both categories.
Cannabis is mainstream. It's use might not be encouraged like alcohol use is, but for most Americans it is a tolerable activity. It's the very loud minority who are the issue, as they are well-established institutions with backing from people who may or may not agree with their prohibitionist stances: churches, LEOs, parent groups, etc. Cannabis use is everywhere: music, TV, movies, every form of media has glorified cannabis use. Rarely do I see anyone in the media (not counting news.. they are the tool of oppression and fear) giving lip-service to the prohibitionist stance.
I know more people who use cannabis than don't. And those who don't are very tolerant of its use, either because they were users before and quit for their own reasons or because they see that it's not that harmful at all. Still, there are some out there who, for all the wrong reasons, thinks cannabis is dangerous and should remain illegal. They need to be educated.
The President's job is not to do what's popular, but what's right. Thankfully, cannabis legalization is both popular and right. That he continues to deny the very demographics who got him elected this request is disgusting to me. Maybe he'd prefer it if we were all arrested and given felonies for cannabis possession, so that we won't be able to vote for him next election? Don't bother, the way things are going, I'll stay home next time.
the only thing that the NJ, VA, and MA elections show (VA in particular, since it is historically a red state) is that young people don't show up to off-season elections. Obama won on the youth vote, and the minority vote, with a super majority in both categories.
We should all write letters to the president concerning this issue since he continues to ignore the "internet voice".
Go to herehttp://capwiz.com/norml2/issues/ and use one to the president http://capwiz.com/norml2/issues/alert/?alertid=13012496
We need to make this clear and if you can write a a regular letter by mail that would be even better. Don't stop there, write to your governor and senators, you elected them to speak for you. Let them hear your voice and whats on your mind. As xfargox mentioned on another thread
email= 100 people
letter= 500 people
phone call= 500 people
Personal visit= 1000 people(i think)
Instead of complaining about it, take a stand and actually write to these people. Their not god's who can't be spoken to. There's also no reason to be scared your not doing anything wrong by telling them that you think this is personally stupid and taking a toll on the Americans who are already sturggling.
You've been around since 2006 but, I've only just seen your thoughts in this forum. I deleted the rest of your rant and would just like you to address how.....
(1) MJ Question
(2) MJ Question
(3) MJ Question
(4) Non MJ Question
Equals.... "NOT the number one question"
I'm a stoner so you'll have to take it really slow with me. Your comments in the Starbucks thread were well too esoteric and over my head. Please enlighten me.
The only way it's going to happen is if he gets in for a second term... Just imagine the commercials from the Republicans about "Obama wants to legalize the dangerous drugs that are destroying our precious youth!"... Make sure you go vote on any medical marijuana bills that end up on the ballot in your state... & then Federal changes are sure to follow.![]()
He is not really "black" though, he is half & half. An F1 hybrid if you will, that explains the vigor!![]()
To the person who earlier said they shoot drug addicts in Russia. Have you considered the prison slave system here?
I'm talking about scientific polls conducted Nationally -the sort of research that academia, the media, and politicians takes seriously. A YouTube sample absolutely does not represent a true cross section of America. Therefore it is interesting but not statistically significant. People in power don't pay attention to YouTube surveys.