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Cannabis Legalization #1 Question for Obama


Active member
The #1 Topic for Obama with 2,406 questions and 195,198 votes concern marijuana legalization on YouTube's CitizenTube.

Apparently the top THREE questions concern marijuana! He's gotta start getting with the program!

The top question is supposed to be given to Obama today. What will he answer? The you tube link is below.

"Mr. President, When you asked the country to give you questions, one of the most asked was "Are you going to legalize Marijuana". When you read it, you laughed like it wasnt [sic] serious. Why is that?"
"What are your plans for cannabis legalization?"
"Why don't you legalize marijuana, it seems like a great way to gain tax money, and people should have to right to use it if they please, and it would cripple gang activity? Do you plan to?"


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Registered Non-Conformist
Second time he has done that. We all remember the "#1 question from 'Online,' " remark. And the Smirking joke about "I don't know who's on the Internet, these days..!" or some such... Which led to the whole room laughing (due to being uncomfortable).

I personally, am tired of people saying, "He will get to it, there are so many things more important going on."

Sign the Damn papers, BO. Thanks, that's why I voted for you. I also was under the impression that you DID, in fact, Possess Balls. Not so sure of that now.

And then, by all means, feel free to Continue with the further Bankrupting of our Economy. The EXACT same way, with the EXACT same people that Dimwit Georgie did.
-- Except for Paul Volcker, of Course. Might wanna listen to him right about now, Barry.


ffs...he once again ignored the number one matter put to him.

Its about time for tokers everywhere to unite...boycott every product that doesn't keep you alive. And...start withholding paying your state and federal income taxes.

Its your money...stop giving it to government that flat out ignores your demands.


Active member
America has been derailed and the American public has been robbed.

Educate yourself and help educate those around you so we can all have the power to stand up and say...

"You only have power because WE GIVE IT TO YOU! Well, we're taking it back until you address the issues that need to be addressed and quit all this unconstitutional bullshit that's been going on for 150 years!"

Until then... enjoy the ride as this country is taken apart, piece by piece and the public is left with a socialistic nightmare they all 'thought' they wanted.

Stay Safe! :tree:

big ballin 88

Biology over Chemistry
We should all write letters to the president concerning this issue since he continues to ignore the "internet voice".

Go to herehttp://capwiz.com/norml2/issues/ and use one to the president http://capwiz.com/norml2/issues/alert/?alertid=13012496

We need to make this clear and if you can write a a regular letter by mail that would be even better. Don't stop there, write to your governor and senators, you elected them to speak for you. Let them hear your voice and whats on your mind. As xfargox mentioned on another thread

email= 100 people
letter= 500 people
phone call= 500 people
Personal visit= 1000 people(i think)

Instead of complaining about it, take a stand and actually write to these people. Their not god's who can't be spoken to. There's also no reason to be scared your not doing anything wrong by telling them that you think this is personally stupid and taking a toll on the Americans who are already sturggling.


That takes the piss, he just laughs it off
This obviously isn't a serious issue for him at all...
Maybe if arnie gets it taxed in Cali they'll start to see how this not only benefits citizens but the state aswell
Im in the UK but you guys are miles (sorry kilometres!) ahead of us, i know we would follow suit ifit was prooven to work over the pond....
Sorry, MJ decriminalization/legalization is NOT the number one question on America's mind these days, guys. Furthermore, there is absolutely no consensus whatsover among the voting public about what to do with our favorite herb. Obama isn't ICMag's President. He's the leader of the entire country and has to answer to those that oppose us, too. Do you want fascism or democracy?

By the way, we *can* see things trending in our direction and Obama deserves credit for calling off the Feds/leaving enforcement up to States. With that in mind what have previous administrations done for us since Nixon began the stupid War on Drugs and Reagan doubled down on it?

Whether we like it or not, mainstream USA just isn't ready for big/bold moves in broad daylight. Obama doesn't have political capital to spare on this fight right now. Look what happened with the fight for healthcare reform. JOB creation is the main worry. Look at the elections in NJ, VA, and MA as referendums on last year's disproportionate healthcare obsession and not on job creation. There's no need to trust me on this. The polls bear this out completely.

Obama campaigned on a transformational agenda and it's brought him a lot of grief. He's attacked from the left for not being progessive enough. Here he's attacked from the right for being a "commi". So, what's this guy to do??? -make our stoner activism his priority and call US his base? Yeah, riiiight....

well what do you expect when you elect a commi for the president.

This statement reveals that you have no clue what communism is in the first place. Also, are you aware that drug addicts were routinely executed in Soviet Russia? It still goes on in China TODAY.


P.S. I'm a moderate and centrist and have an independent voting record. Obama is the very first Democrat that I've ever voted for in a Presidential election. (So, spare me any liberal nut swinger rhetoric.) Again, let's be practical and "real" about our activism and what we expect from the POTUS. Unless we devote ourselfs to reality, we'll never attain a position of strength.


Isnt the opposition to our stance, indeed WRONG about cannabis? They just need further education and prodding..


Isnt the opposition to our stance, indeed WRONG about cannabis? They just need further education and prodding..

Yeah, most topics are just a matter of opinion. Abortion, pre-marital sex, and most other topics don't really have a right answer (the exception being gay marriage, which I think falls under basic human rights and I think it highlights why I don't like religion). Marijuana is one of the few topics where I am completely closed-minded and am pretty vehement in my support. I will and do verbally assault people and belittle them if they think marijuana should be illegal. That's really not who I am in general, but I don't really have patience for something like this not being legal.

He is still worried about a second term. I think he could lock it in with a legalization vote. just sayin'...

I've thought about this, but there's a huge problem. Even if Obama isn't pro-marijuana, you think his opposition will be? Independents won't win, and if you look at the mmj and legalization votes, the republicans vote nearly 100% no. It's a total bitch, but we could at least threaten him with supporting other candidates. The 2016 election is the first one where we'll really be able to press for a democratic pro-marijuana candidate.

Edit: I think the best threat we'd have is "if you don't become more proactive in your desire to decriminalize or legalize marijuana, we will vote for an independent that does." That could hurt his vote enough for a republican to win, but that's a "be careful what you wish for" kind of thing, because if a republican wins, we're in even more of a shitstorm with this.
He is still worried about a second term. I think he could lock it in with a legalization vote. just sayin'...

It'd be political suicide -plain and simple. Again, look at the National polls. The country just isn't interested in radical reform to MJ laws right now. Incremental change is preferred and we've got to accept it no matter how ridiculous the status quo has been. Our opposition might be totally off their rockers, but they're Americans just like us and also enjoy the power of the vote.

At the moment, the Pres. isn't so worried about his own second term so much as protecting Democrats in the House and Senate (but especially the House). All of a sudden now his side of the Senate is down to 59 (after MA) and that means that they've lost their Super Majority. The threat of a GOP filibuster has the lefties completely hamstrung and they can't get anything done. They certainly aren't going to take major risks.

This is high-stakes politics -not some sentimental game. Unfortunately for us Obama has to moderate his approach, regain his footing, enjoy a solid win come this November (which is fairly unlikely), and only then get back on the attack.


Active member
Legalization will happen from the bottom up, not the top down. I doubt the Federal policy will change until at least half the states have MMJ and a good number of those have decrim/legalized.


A pro-mj stance is not political suicide. That assumption need to be shown the door.

A pro, government all up in your personal affairs is.

We know that the passive approach does not work. Waiting on reform...means we'll keep on waiting. We must be proactive in our pursuit to get the madness of anti-marijuana legislation done and over with.


It'd be political suicide -plain and simple. Again, look at the National polls. The country just isn't interested in radical reform to MJ laws right now. Incremental change is preferred and we've got to accept it no matter how ridiculous the status quo has been. Our opposition might be totally off their rockers, but they're Americans just like us and also enjoy the power of the vote.

At the moment, the Pres. isn't so worried about his own second term so much as protecting Democrats in the House and Senate (but especially the House). All of a sudden now his side of the Senate is down to 59 (after MA) and that means that they've lost their Super Majority. The threat of a GOP filibuster has the lefties completely hamstrung and they can't get anything done. They certainly aren't going to take major risks.

This is high-stakes politics -not some sentimental game. Unfortunately for us Obama has to moderate his approach, regain his footing, enjoy a solid win come this November (which is fairly unlikely), and only then get back on the attack.

Actually, Zogby's 09 poll showed either a majority or a plurality (check NORML), and Gallup's poll showed that a majority of democrats favored it. It might polarize the democrats, but here's another way to look at it: medical. I think it's an average of around 80% (I've seen polls ranging 75-95% support) support for medical. If medical legalization is his catch phrase, it very well may INCREASE his support for the coming election.

big ballin 88

Biology over Chemistry
Actually, Zogby's 09 poll showed either a majority or a plurality (check NORML), and Gallup's poll showed that a majority of democrats favored it. It might polarize the democrats, but here's another way to look at it: medical. I think it's an average of around 80% (I've seen polls ranging 75-95% support) support for medical. If medical legalization is his catch phrase, it very well may INCREASE his support for the coming election.

Fargo has it spot on. Medical marijuana is truly what we should be fighting for. full on legalization isn't what we truly need. We need to make sure MMJ gets the same respect(in terms of scheduling) as harder drugs such as xanax and morphine!

Also polls have shown that marijuana legalization it at its peak. The problem isn't the American people as the majority now lies in our favor, atleast when it comes to MMJ. Our main problem is people not speaking out for what they truly believe in for fear of getting caught. We may not becommunist but that definitely sounds communist