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Cannabis Cats


Well-known member
Yea, it’s bunny season here. Mine has already brought a few home. Feel sorry for those little buggers, they really don’t have a chance as their best defense is to remain motionless. My cat is very patient. She’s getting a little smarter too. She used to dash in with them if I wasn’t paying attention when I let her in, like Bud said. Now she keeps them on the patio and unfortunately tears them to bits after she’s played with them a while. I used to keep the door open a crack so she could come and go but got tired of chasing the critters around she brought in. So open door policy no more.

St. Phatty

Active member
I've been pouring fat and butter and frying pan things on top of the Calico Cannabis Cat's Kibble.

Today I ended up saute-ing the kibble with red onions, hamburger fat, potatoes, and bits of Canned Whitefish. :woohoo:

Then thought it still looks a little dry, added some butter.

With a slab of canned whitefish on top of that, and a spoonful of strawberry ice cream ... because she likes ice cream.


Well-known member

actually more laid back than previous pic suggested. that was her post-nap stretch, which she does just before lying back down for ANOTHER nap...:biggrin:

St. Phatty

Active member
How many of you have had your Cannabis Cats interfere with small plants ?

I have a closet with rooted clones, prepping for a winter grow.

So far the main cat-plant casualty I had was a clone still in the bag. Cat was digging in the dirt - through the bag. Knocked it off the window-sill ... clone disappeared.

Before I wised up to the ways of cat-keeping, I didn't have a spare kitty litter on the other side of the house from the main kitty litter.

I found digging in a large house-plant. No poop but it looks like it was trying to do the kitty litter thing, in the soil around the house-plant. So I put a kitty litter in that room.

Anyway, I now have the closet with the smaller plants barricaded from the cats.

For those with cats & indoor cannabis, do you have to keep the cats away from the small plants ?
My cat would eat cannabis leaves. If he was in the room and we didn't watch he would just take bites right out of them. We try to keep him out but he knows so he tries to sneak past.

St. Phatty

Active member
They sure do a great job cleaning the dishes !

I've been putting some old China on the floor for them. Haviland-Limoge with (metallic) gold trim.

They do about a better job than the dishwasher. It's noisy, the cat purrs.

I think GE should make appliances that make a Purring Sound.


Well-known member
The problem with adding purring sound to dishwashers and washing machines is because of greedy technobeat music producers that own the rights.

St. Phatty

Active member
The problem with adding purring sound to dishwashers and washing machines is because of greedy technobeat music producers that own the rights.

own the rights to kitty purring sound ? are they like the Music version of Monsanto ?

I have a female cat that is about to enter her first heat. Working hard to catch her before that happens, so I can put her in Quarantine, one approach to cat birth control.

Which means setting traps. Which means catching skunks. Which means getting sprayed, which I just did ... though I was wearing a welding mask.

This time it was my clothes. Should I go shopping at Walmart like this ?

St. Phatty

Active member
^^^ Tell everyone is just pot smell, not skunk.:D

When it's faded, maybe.

The only person that didn't say something was the Pharmacy tech. Looked like she was in a well ventilated room. Felt like asking her if she was in a negative or positive pressure room.

The cloud of skunk stink is about 100 feet in diameter. I held my breath while I walked away, took my first inhale when I was about 40 feet away. GACK ! like smoking a skunk spray cigarette.

Pinball Wizard

The wand chooses the wizard
Tom the Baptist

Tom the Baptist

He don't drink hard liquor,
He don't dance ...


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Well-known member
She doesn’t look too happy about getting a manicure but actually she doesn’t mind. She knows she’s going to get a special treat when we’re done.

The Friskars are for the tough to get dew claws and I only trim the fronts.

Ps. The best way to neutralize skunk spray is with hydrogen peroxide, baking soda and dish soap. Mix 1 quart of peroxide with 1/4 cup baking soda and 1 teaspoon of liquid dish soap. Lather up affected area and let sit for 5 minutes. Completely rise off and repeat if necessary. Then shampoo or wash the affected area and rinse well.


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St. Phatty

Active member
My cannabis cats are having too much fun digging up houseplants and pooping in the houseplant soil.

That's OK if it's just a house-plant ... but I wanted to move some Cannabis girls into the same room.

The kitties already nuked one clone in a bag. Somehow they got interested in the soil and the fact that it was in a bag didn't stop them. They didn't break the bag, but the clone was history.

When I move the Cannabis into larger pots I might need to pave the top surface with a round piece of plywood or some bigger rocks.

Is there some chemical they put in Kitty Litter to make it attractive to the cats ? I'm amazed what people are paying - $16 for a 20 pound bag of sand at Walmart ?

My official kitty litter is sand in a large (but not tall) plastic pan, about 15x20. They use it a lot ... but then they go digging in the house-plants.

If only they would focus all that energy on catching house-flies.

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