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Cannabis Biz folks stay out of Thailand


Well-known member
something about this does not pass the sniff test. sounds like (to me) that he was hit up for a bribe & told them to go take a running fuck at themselves. offend an Asian (or any other ) cops honor, you WILL pay one way or the other...guilt or innocence does not figure into it.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
I am with hippie

I am with hippie

Something made this personnel somewhere. If he still has access to some money maybe it will work out but fuck Thailand.


Probably hollywood who ran outta inspiration and idea's again. Its not the first time they frame someone when they need some new based on a true story idea's.They do the initial setup and the story writes it self.Only this time its alot more obvious.I dont believe in conspiracies but i did watch Bangkok Hilton


Invertebrata Inebriata
You're blaming Hollywood for this guy getting busted in Thailand? I guess your name says it, you sound like a nut.


Active member
Anyone who makes a living from Cannabis business might want to just stay clear , its not about personal smoke or tolerance of use everyone who this might effect gets it .


ICMag Donor
Although I thoroughly enjoy Thai cuisine, that's the closest I'll ever be.

Maybe we should do more by boycotting their products as well. Hit 'em in the wallet!! I'll start by not buying anything made in Thailand. I tend to look for MADE IN USA anyway, but now, I'll refrain from their exports (clothing, goods, etc.).


From what I've read in this thread, I'd guess there's probably a Dutch prosecutor who couldn't nail this guy in the Netherlands, so after turning into a reptile he chose to have this guy nailed in Thailand....that prosecutor must of really hated this guy.

and shame on the Thai "justice" system for holding this guy on those bullshit charges, he really needs to bribe the right top guy and get out of there quick smart. I'm no expert on bribing my way out when the shit hits the fan, but I've learnt that if the situation permits, you really need to try and buy your way out the moment you are nabbed, every delay will only cost more.

It would be interesting to know all the facts in this case..


I have lived there for couple years as well. Think some of you guys hit the nail with the dutch prosecutor wanting him.
Before Thailand were a get away place for all criminals who weren't welcomed home anymore cause of their business.
All the money was very much welcomed and didn't matter if it was made illegal somewhere else.
So I think theres some bribing behind all this. Either money or visas for family members to get to Europe etc..


Active member
little bitches stories ! I'll never go to thailand...laos or canbodia or vietnam but never in thaïland. A governement that accept babies prostitution is not fun for human rights


Well-known member
The dutch asked the thai to hold him for questioning initially, it was suggested the thai heard it was drugs related and took it all a little further... But later it turned out the dutch did sent a letter suggesting the thai should do their own investigation too.

In 2008 van Laarhoven moved to Thailand, tired of running the shops he founded and owned. Shortly after the dutch began an investigation into money laundering, avoiding tax over 20 million euros. Van Laarhoven and his lawyers have proof they paid tax over evry euro earned, but apparently the thai sentenced him for money laundering in thailand.



New member
Thailand...won't be going there again.......ever. For a shithole like Thailand, rampant with cross dressing hookers and anything you may want a pirated copy of, bootleg merchandise, etc., to get all morally engorged over a plant is a little fucking ridiculous.


He was busted because he stepped on the collective toes of too many powerful people in Chonburi and Pattaya. He was warned to back off but was too stupid/greedy to listen.

The 'money laundering' charge was only a sideshow to put him away as it was convenient and easy to facilitate.

It's surprising he and his 'wife' weren't just 'disappeared' long before now--that's what usually happens when someone dares to 'eat' from the ricebowl of local mafia in Thailand. I'd venture to say he got off relatively easy...


Active member
I'm with Midwest sticky. One of our friends switched from Jamaica to Thailand for his vacations. After this story a Thai visit has been crossed off our bucket list. It's Jamaica again MON!!!!