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Cannabis Biz folks stay out of Thailand


Active member
- Convicted Dutchman files appeal against 103 years imprisonment

American cannabis entrepreneurs risk ending up in a Thai prison cell, Dutch lawyer Sidney Smeets of convicted Dutchman Johan van Laarhoven warns. A Thai court sentenced the former coffee shop owner to 103 years imprisonment last week. He will appeal the verdict.

Van Laarhoven was convicted of money laundering by the Criminal Court in Bangkok. Disturbingly, the money the Dutchman 'laundered' was earned by selling cannabis through a legitimate business in the Netherlands. "The court ruled the money has a criminal origin, because selling cannabis is illegal in Thailand," says Sidney Smeets, one of his Dutch attorneys, currently visiting his client in Bangkok's Klong Prem prison. "The Thai judge completely ignored the fact that selling cannabis is allowed in the Netherlands."

The Dutch tolerance policy on soft drugs allows the retail of cannabis from so-called 'coffee shops' under strict conditions. All the coffee shops Van Laarhoven owned had their required license and satisfied all government obligations. Therefore Van Laarhoven was never convicted in The Netherlands. "In other words there simply is no predicate offence that could possibly constitute money laundering," says Smeets. "Nor was Van Laarhoven ever prosecuted or even accused of any drug related offence in Thailand. His only 'crime' is running a legitimate Dutch business."

Other Dutch coffee shop owners are worried about these developments and are afraid they are in danger too.

According to Smeets, the Thai verdict has immediate consequences for all cannabis entrepreneurs all over the world. "This effectively means any legitimate cannabis entrepreneur is at great risk. This includes legitimate cannabis entrepreneurs in the US, Uruguay and Spain, who risk ending up in a Thai prison cell if they spend or invest their revenue abroad."

"The government might authorize cannabis entrepreneurship and collect taxes accordingly, but this proves any foreign court not sympathetic to cannabis can still impose excessive sentences," prominent Dutch criminal defence lawyer Gerard Spong states. According to the lawyers, this verdict jeopardizes everything that is legal in other countries and illegal in Thailand.

Johan van Laarhoven started his first coffee shop 35 years ago in the Dutch town of Tilburg. After his retirement he moved to Thailand, were he was apprehended after a request from the Dutch prosecution. He has been imprisoned for over a year under appalling conditions. The coffee shops he started are still in business and comply with all the rules of the Dutch government.

SOURCE Spong Advocaten
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mack 10

Well-known member
AMSTERDAM, November 25, 2015 /PRNewswire/ --

- Convicted Dutchman files appeal against 103 years imprisonment

American cannabis entrepreneurs risk ending up in a Thai prison cell, Dutch lawyer Sidney Smeets of convicted Dutchman Johan van Laarhoven warns. A Thai court sentenced the former coffee shop owner to 103 years imprisonment last week

"Nor was Van Laarhoven ever prosecuted or even accused of any drug related offence in Thailand. His only 'crime' is running a legitimate Dutch business."

Johan van Laarhoven started his first coffee shop 35 years ago in the Dutch town of Tilburg. After his retirement he moved to Thailand, were he was apprehended

after a request from the Dutch prosecution. He has been imprisoned for over a year under appalling conditions. The coffee shops he started are still in business and comply with all the rules of the Dutch government.

SOURCE Spong Advocaten

Holy shit! 103 years for legally running a coffeeshop?

Seems the Dutch wanted him after all...
Sneaky bastards.

Gtfo of Thailand.

Lester Beans

Frequent Flyer
If the Dutch wanted him, I would say he's in big trouble. 103 years, wtf, that's insanity. Hope he gets back to the Netherlands, even if its prison there it would be better than a Thai prison. Wow. Sad.


Well-known member
curious what the dutch prosecution said was his sin
hoping, if that's the right word, that he did something heinous, because it is that kind of punishment


ICMag Donor
I lived for a year+ on Koh Samui in Thailand ( never again ). Never got island sickness but I sure got sick of Thailand in general even after the ambassador kissed my ass in front of a roomful of people and personally authorized a multi-year-come and go anytime visa's ( this is 15 years ago, don't know what it's like now. Don't care either ) without any of the having to leave the country like so many expats there do ( lol )

Now this? Hell I'll swear off ANYTHING that comes from the so called los.

Baron Greenback

Why the fuck would you go to Thailand knowing the insanity of the laws there?
Lady boys that much of a draw?


Active member
Dont they know that their landrace sativas are amongst the best cannabis cultivars on the planet!

I do wonder what the dutch wanted this bloke for though,must have been tax evasion or something...


5.2 club is now 8.1 club...
Dont they know that their landrace sativas are amongst the best cannabis cultivars on the planet!

I do wonder what the dutch wanted this bloke for though,must have been tax evasion or something...

Yes, sounds very much like there is a bit more to this than "simple retired Dutch coffeeshop owner gets busted in Thailand for offences that were not offences"

Not good news and another example of just how shitty paradise can suddenly become


Active member
The situation really sucks if I was in Thailand I would be shitting bricks knowing some frustrated Cop with visions of scar face in his head could write a letter to some poverty stricken Thai cop who resents foreigners with $ and get me locked in prison .
If they are going through this effort for a guy who simply Ran a shop in NL what will they do with a brother who shipped seeds globally for decades ?
Nasty Business indeed we only have to consider the plight of Gypsy when considering the potential harm that could arise from this type of behaviour from a country .


Active member
Yes, good idea to boycott Thailand.
Their laws have not been cannabis friendly for decades (not that they ever were).

Last time I was there their cannabis was total crap. Forget Thai stick, nobody is making anything like that anymore.

And now they are really down on any drug dealing, unless of course that drug is meth. They love meth in Asia and can't get enough. So that's what they expect their citizens to be doing so they can work harder and longer hours...

That is what ANY culture is about, their legally preferred drug. And such societies' cultures reflect that drug in many ways. Usually the vested interests want to keep out competing drugs as they make tons of money from the unofficially approved drugs.

Cambodia seems a much better destination for the cannatourist in Asia.
"So that's what they expect their citizens to be doing so they can work harder and longer hours..."

I never thought of it this way before...that is some creepy shit!
Suddenly dosing kids with amphetamines makes sense beyond the neurotoxicity and dependence.