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Cancel Culture


Well-known member


Well-known member
Any windfall tax legislation to punish the gas companies is the wrong way to do things. They already got the money. It's just more money grab for the crooked politicians. How about policies to keep energy affordable. Seems someone showed US how to do that.
the "crooked politicians" are crooked because they take money from oil and gas companies.

very much yes, punish these companies and people. hell, just nationalize the energy industry. fuck these crooks. energy will never be affordable so long as there is a monopoly on who controls the energy. its no different than any other industry in this country. 3-4 companies control entire industries.

Three Berries

Active member
the "crooked politicians" are crooked because they take money from oil and gas companies.

very much yes, punish these companies and people. hell, just nationalize the energy industry. fuck these crooks. energy will never be affordable so long as there is a monopoly on who controls the energy. its no different than any other industry in this country. 3-4 companies control entire industries.
So you want to nationalize it and eliminate all competition? The government is the last one that you want to depend on your your energy. They are proving that right now.

The point is the high prices for energy are ALL self inflicted by our overloads in the name of Goodness. It's about control.

St. Phatty

Active member

I just bought another copy of Admiral James Stockdale, "In Love and War."

He was the Senior Flyer at the Gulf of Tonkin.

He testifies clearly - there were no North Vietnamese boats in sight.
They were ordered to fire on open water, and that's what they did for 3 hours - attacked the South China Sea.

Then the next morning, the "mighty US" launched their REPRISAL for the non-attack.

Then Americans fell for the same Scam in 1991, and 2001.

The "Fog of War" is almost always, in the Minds of Americans.


Well-known member
if they don't personally want it, they don't want anyone else to be able to get it. just like with sex, drugs, and rock & roll. it's a commie conspiracy to make men gay, women work, & destroy the 'murican way... "just say no!" :biglaugh:

St. Phatty

Active member
I had an interesting run in with Cancel Culture last week.

I saw "Mike", a former gold miner who described his technique, doing Mercury extractions in an apartment building, creating mercury fumes in an enclosed space where he was working ... a story he told me a few years ago.

Anyway, saw Mike at the library, and I know he generally likes to Bash Democrats.

So I made a comment about how Covid19 was interesting because it was so Bi-partisan.

1 year of Trump managed Covid19, 1 year of Biden managed Covid19.

DING DING DING ! This brought the librarian running. "No politics discussion in the library".

And I thought the main guideline in a library was keeping your voice down to a whisper.

In rural America, I feel like I'm surrounded by the stupidest people on Earth.

But maybe the people around me feel the same way.

Jericho Mile

I had an interesting run in with Cancel Culture last week.

I saw "Mike", a former gold miner who described his technique, doing Mercury extractions in an apartment building, creating mercury fumes in an enclosed space where he was working ... a story he told me a few years ago.

Anyway, saw Mike at the library, and I know he generally likes to Bash Democrats.

So I made a comment about how Covid19 was interesting because it was so Bi-partisan.

1 year of Trump managed Covid19, 1 year of Biden managed Covid19.

DING DING DING ! This brought the librarian running. "No politics discussion in the library".

And I thought the main guideline in a library was keeping your voice down to a whisper.

In rural America, I feel like I'm surrounded by the stupidest people on Earth.

But maybe the people around me feel the same way.
Practicing proper etiquette means not discussing politics in public places.

Tip of the hat to the librarian


Well-known member
St. Phatty says -"In rural America, I feel like I'm surrounded by the stupidest people on Earth."

they are not "the stupidest people", but their education level IS lower (on average) due to circumstances beyond their control. but their practical knowledge (fixing shit that broke and getting by with what they have) is far superior to those with degrees & the wherewithal to PAY someone else to do the work... "a country boy can survive..."

Brother Nature

Well-known member
It's a matter of perspective though isn't it? You drop a Harvard intellectual into the amazon, into one of those tribes that's had very limited contact with moderns society, they're going to think he's pretty fucking stupid for not knowing how to survive in the jungle. Thinking you're smarter than someone else because they're different doesn't make you better than them, it makes you an asshole and it's divisive.

Not talking to aoh or phatty, just making a generalized statement based on the last couple posts.


Active member
A Harvard intellectual would be prepared. Possibly there to do research, putting all the individual knowledge collected from the natives into their battle for existence. They would do quite well. It’s not what you know that counts. It’s your ability to acquire knowledge that will get you through. Critical thinking and an ability to learn. The natives are too busy trying to survive.


Well-known member
It's a matter of perspective though isn't it? You drop a Harvard intellectual into the amazon, into one of those tribes that's had very limited contact with moderns society, they're going to think he's pretty fucking stupid for not knowing how to survive in the jungle. Thinking you're smarter than someone else because they're different doesn't make you better than them, it makes you an asshole and it's divisive.

Not talking to aoh or phatty, just making a generalized statement based on the last couple posts.
i agree with you, no argument here...