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Canadian pot activist to plead guilty this summer


End Cannibis Prohibition Now Realize Legalize !!
thx sleepy for the info wondered what was going on with him [ME]

WoW what a thread ifn he is a diddler of young teen girls, when he gets to the big house he'll be candy for the masses. now unless hes in protective custody 23 hr day lock down 1 hr day get out of cell. Karma has a way of coming up from behind and biting

Weedman Herb

Go big, or go home!
So I should chuck my 2000 watts because it doesn't meet Your standards? I think you need to check that attitude for real ... I have more respect for CFL growers and the Micro Crowd than I do for people who state things like "Go Big Or Go Home" ... and for that matter ... many of us grow at home ... if we aren't going Big and are already Home where should we go? You're almost as full of yourself as ME is ...


ICMag Donor
Assuming that you're not patronizing me, and are genuinely curious...No, JJ. The 'J' doesn't stand for Jodi. It stands for Jason. I'm not affiliated with Marc in any capacity at all; and, yes. I am from Vancouver, Canada. Like I said, it was simply a case of being extremely offended by some preposterous comments. I sincerely apologize for any bad vibes that may have been stirred up due to my response...that's never my intention, in all honesty. Sorry all! You too, KNK0420. I hope we are all still friends here, JJ. The cannabis community knows no borders...we are all looking to accomplish the same thing. Again, I've personally enjoyed cannabis for more than twenty years now - an eighth, per day. I bought my first 400-watt in 1992, and then got a second a month later. I upgraded to two 1KW kits within six months - then three - then ten...and the rest is history. Usually ran 8-14KW's, or more. Helped a lot of people start up over the years; I've seen quite a few contractor bags full. I think it was probably ten, plus years ago that a buddy of mine took me to a house that he was looking after that had a 9-flop; 18 lights. I changed my mindset after seeing that. Go big, or go home!

Welcome Jason. And I like to think we are all friends.

I'm not sure if you're going to garner a lot of support here for Marc. Although most everyone sympathizes with him regarding being imprisoned, most have been around long enough to have read some posts that were sexually deviant in nature. If you have known him long you should have read a lot of them. Along with blowing smoke in the faces of policeman and discussing giving pot to minors, some feel he has done more harm than good. If you came here looking for the majority of members to support him I would guess it won't work out. If you came to make friends and discuss growing you should find many friends and things to discuss.

My view? I don't think anyone should be imprisoned for growing herb....

Whatever your motives, welcome and I hope you enjoy the site.....


Wow, apparently you've had a bit too much 'Hatorade'. You can rock your fluorescents or your 2000-watts to your hearts content; who am I to judge? I need to check *my* attitude, huh Hatorade? You're hilarious. Not to mention extremely argumentative in the majority of your posts...chill dude. "So I should chuck my 2000 watts because it doesn't meet Your standards? I think you need to check that attitude (lol) for real ... I have more respect for CFL growers and the Micro Crowd than I do for people who state things like "Go Big Or Go Home" ... and for that matter ... many of us grow at home ... if we aren't going Big and are already Home where should we go? You're almost as full of yourself as ME is ..."; Is that all you do is rant? Is that where the 'Hatorade' comes into play, or? I think you took my entire post the wrong way, 'Weedman Herb'. 'Go big, or go home!' is a figure of speech...you should have enough common sense to realize that and not take it as a personal slight. Personally, I'd rather see a larger multi-lamp set-up versus a CFL or micro-garden in an empty PC-case; respect aside. Most growers will eventually come to the conclusion that growing in a PC-case or your average micro-garden (under 1KW) will not provide them (and their significant other, or friends) with enough quality cannabis at maturity to last them until their next harvest. 'High Times' should be ashamed for advertising those overpriced, gimmicky, rip-off micro-garden units, a la the Phototron and most LED units - they're, generally, a waste of time and money, imo. That being said, I do love to see cannabis gardens - large or small; and everyone has to start someplace. Peace.


Thanks JJ. I hope I can be of some help to individuals with less experience than myself and maybe learn a few things in the process. The sooner the day comes that all individuals can responsibly consume cannabis without fear or risk of persecution or prosecution; will be a much better day. Considering the fact that cannabis is a natural, non-toxic (no 'LD' toxicity rating, because it cannot kill you), non-carcinogenic (unlike tobacco), and practically non-addictive plant - it doesn't make sense that people are being imprisoned over it's cultivation and consumption in this day and age. I'm of the belief that having a legal framework in place in regards to cannabis distribution is considerably more important than any potential profit a cultivator can acquire in this current climate. Simply put, I'd personally give up everything, just like a cannabis defence lawyer, to achieve an end to cannabis prohibition. Money isn't everything, obviously.


New member
I'm not going to get into details, but Marc has a widely known bad history, especially on his other forums where he touts child pornography, and having sex with girls under the age of 14 and 15. He is a sick, sick man.

Just because he smokes weed and decided it would be a money making business to sell seeds doesn't mean he's a good person and deserves his freedom.

His time in jail is long overdue, and he deserves to be in there.

I hope he spends the rest of his life in there to be honest with you all..

I understand marijuana prohibition is wrong in every way, but this dude is seriously, seriously fucked up in his head. Other poeple who have read the forums in which he frequents know what i'm talking about.

Don't make accusations like that without proof.

I've known Marc since his London days of fighting Sunday Shopping laws and City Lights bookstore.

He is not a child molestor. Although if he was he would be facing considerably less jailtime than he is.

Marc for better or for worse has stuck up for the movement time and time again.

His seed business was a solid source for many grow ops. I personally had success with 3 different orders.

Another poster said he kept records. Which he did. But all records were by initials only.

Whether you like him or not he has sacrificed for the cause and he has been a tireless educator.

I continue to support his efforts.


~Resident Puck Bunny~
Wow, I'm sure it's just a co incidence you found this thread within your 2nd post....

I'm a Canadian and I first heard rumours over a deacde ago about ME and young'uns...I'm sure it's co incidence that numerous people across 2 countries have heard the same rumour. When I heard the rumour I did not have the internet, did not read CC and I was never a member of his forum.

Irregardless of all that, I can attest first hand that ME has only hurt our cause in Canada. That's hard to swallow for some, but it is my opinion, formed by watching first hand his antics across the country. People who portray him as some kind of martyr need to get a grip. If the man is as pure as the snow is white up here, why does he needs friends defending him every time something bad is mentioned about him?

h^2 O



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Marc Emery,

he's either a cringe inducing buzz kill or a wonderful man who has helped thousands.

a loud mouthed, self promoting ranter or an exceptionally intelligent and entertaining public speaker who has done more for Canadian cannabis legalization than anyone else.

a shrewd businessman or a filthy lying cheat.

a middle age creep who lusts after teenage girls or that's just sour grapes, good luck to him that he married a beautiful young woman.

Marc Emery justified selling packs of seeds for $300 per pack that cost $30 or $60 per pack elsewhere because he donated "large sums" to the "cause"...no wonder there's some haters out there. especially those who paid $300 and then found out later online that they got ripped off. "Hell hath no fury like buyer's remorse"

but whether you think he's good or bad, one thing is for sure it's wrong that he is doing time for supplying seeds, it's wrong that Canada is bending over again for the US and handing over a Canadian who should of been dealt with in a Canadian court, it's wrong he will do more time alongside many who committed violent crimes...but that's the price you pay for being a tall poppy

Not everyone believes he gave away as much as he has hinted at time and time again..

I'd like to see a printout from his accountant that shows just how much he actually gave away for the "fight"

fat chance of that happening, I bet most, but not all of the 80% or 90% mark-ups on the seeds he sold went into the promotion fund of Marc Emery, which is why there is not a massive ground swell of anger against the government for letting this happen to a Canadian..because if they can do this to Marc Emery now then next time it could be you on much lesser Charges.....

Canadians should not sit back and say to themselves "well, I don't like him, he sold expensive seeds, he loves to hear his own voice, he makes me cringe at times, so why should I speak up?" the big reason is so you won't be like the decent non-nazi Germans just before WW2 who later said with massive regret after the war "We didn't speak up when the nazis came for the Jews, because we weren't Jewish, we didn't speak up when they took away the Gypsies, the gays and Leftists because we weren't those people either, but when they started taking away people like us who dared speak up against the Nazis, we shut up and then realized it was too late to speak up....."


and speaking of Canada....I read there are some tough cannabis laws coming in soon that if passed will dramatically increase the prison population in Canada..6 months minimum jail for dealing small amounts.

invest in the Canadian prison industry - it's a sure thing!


Hello all , What a crazy ass thread about the ''Prince of Pot''... I like Mark and I dont , I have never heard of him having any child molesting or under-age sexual activities before I read this thread..I think there probably is some truth in it (no smoke without fire) but its probably like all things on the web and blown out of all proportion.. I look into it and see. I certainly wont let it affect my view on him just coz of someone else s post totally slandering him , he obviously doesnt like him which is his opinion and thats cool..HAVE A LOOK AT THIS VIDEO WHICH WAS MADE BY MARK EMERY AND HIS WIFE A FEW DAYS AGO AND HE TALKS ABOUT HIS UPCOMING TRIAL.....I would say Mark made alot of money from seeds but he certainly has none nowadays as his Cannabis Culture Magazine is finished.. Here is the LINK -- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N-t1Nq7OcE8 , What yous think of him here speaking ?


New member
Wow, I'm sure it's just a co incidence you found this thread within your 2nd post....

I'm a Canadian and I first heard rumours over a deacde ago about ME and young'uns...I'm sure it's co incidence that numerous people across 2 countries have heard the same rumour. When I heard the rumour I did not have the internet, did not read CC and I was never a member of his forum.

Irregardless of all that, I can attest first hand that ME has only hurt our cause in Canada. That's hard to swallow for some, but it is my opinion, formed by watching first hand his antics across the country. People who portray him as some kind of martyr need to get a grip. If the man is as pure as the snow is white up here, why does he needs friends defending him every time something bad is mentioned about him?

I came to this forum to post about my group in San Diego not defend Marc Emery. What makes you think he needs me to defend him anyway?

Marc Emery is far from perfect but he doesn't deserve to be judged on rumors. If he's done something specific than call him on it. Otherwise anyone can make up a rumour.

No one is pure as snow. Marc is a human being who did what he thought was right for the movement. A human being who will be locked in a box for years.

I know there are plenty of people in the US and Canada who question his methods. Saying he grandstands, goes too far, is a stoned rambler, etc...
But you cannot deny all the people he has helped through his seed sales, his donations, and his magazine.

I'm also Canadian and lived in Ontario when Marc was fighting Sunday shopping laws in London... that's 18 years ago... so you will have to pardon me if I form my own opinion based on my own observations.


The people who are hating on Emery are just armchair moralists. boo f'kn hoo. So what if he likes young chicks.. WHO TF DOESNT?
The guy put his fuckn face and his real name on the line. Where the hell were YOU while this was going down? I dont recall seeing your face on the internet or on tv advocating marijuana for all of us. And "Kharma girl"...im sure thats your REAL NAME. Lets hear what you LIKE, and lets see your pic ma'am and lets talk shit on you for a while.

p.s. irregardless is not a word.


~Resident Puck Bunny~
Grow up child....


 <SCRIPT language=javascript>AC_FL_RunContent = 0;</SCRIPT><SCRIPT language=javascript src="http://cache.lexico.com/js/AC_RunActiveContent.js"></SCRIPT><SCRIPT type=text/javascript>var interfaceflash = new LEXICOFlashObject ( "http://cache.lexico.com/d/g/speaker.swf", "speaker", "17", "15", "<img src=\"http://cache.lexico.com/g/d/speaker.gif\" border=\"0\" />", "6");interfaceflash.addParam("loop", "false");interfaceflash.addParam("quality", "high");interfaceflash.addParam("menu", "false");interfaceflash.addParam("salign", "t");interfaceflash.addParam("FlashVars", "soundUrl=http%3A%2F%2Fcache.lexico.com%2Fdictionary%2Faudio%2Fluna%2FI03%2FI0308200.mp3&clkLogProxyUrl=http%3A%2F%2Fdictionary.reference.com%2Fwhatzup.html&t=a&d=d&s=di&c=a&ti=1&ai=51359&l=dir&o=0&sv=00000000&ip=63e03a58&u=audio"); interfaceflash.addParam('wmode','transparent');interfaceflash.write();</SCRIPT><OBJECT id=speaker codeBase=codebase= height=15 width=17 align=textTop classid=clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000 http: fpdownload.macromedia.com pub shockwave cabs flash swflash.cab#version='6,0,0,0"'>

lɪs/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [ir-i-gahrd-lis] Show IPA –adverb Nonstandard. <TABLE class=luna-Ent><TBODY><TR><TD>regardless. </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>

<HR class=ety>Origin:
1910–15; ir- <SUP>2</SUP> (prob. after irrespective) + regardless

Usage note:
Irregardless is considered nonstandard because of the two negative elements ir- and -less. It was probably formed on the analogy of such words as irrespective, irrelevant, and irreparable. Those who use it, including on occasion educated speakers, may do so from a desire to add emphasis. Irregardless first appeared in the early 20th century and was perhaps popularized by its use in a comic radio program of the 1930s.


ICMag Donor
I think it's funny that all these posters with less than a dozen posts are here defending Emery.

I also find it funny that these same people that claim to "know him so well" and have read his posts for years are disagreeing with what has been said. I barely read anything at his site but yet I came across a lot of posts where he was discussing "younger" girls. I also read many posts where he gave "advice" on what to do to be able to have sex with them. And in one of them posts he advised a poster to give his girlfriend cocaine and alcohol and that should "loosen her up" so they could have anal sex. And if I remember correctly the girl in question was 15 years old. So if you know him so well, how is it you have never read any of these posts, but I have? Just the type of comments someone needs to make that is supposed to be a spokesman for legalization, huh?

In closing, if you don't think he has a fetish for younger girls, ask him how old Jodi was when they first got together. I know the answer to that. And if you know him so well you will know the answer as well.....


ICMag Donor
I came to this forum to post about my group in San Diego not defend Marc Emery. What makes you think he needs me to defend him anyway?

Marc Emery is far from perfect but he doesn't deserve to be judged on rumors. If he's done something specific than call him on it. Otherwise anyone can make up a rumour.

No one is pure as snow. Marc is a human being who did what he thought was right for the movement. A human being who will be locked in a box for years.

I know there are plenty of people in the US and Canada who question his methods. Saying he grandstands, goes too far, is a stoned rambler, etc...
But you cannot deny all the people he has helped through his seed sales, his donations, and his magazine.

I'm also Canadian and lived in Ontario when Marc was fighting Sunday shopping laws in London... that's 18 years ago... so you will have to pardon me if I form my own opinion based on my own observations.

Is that his new angle for money? Telling people he's going to be locked up for years?

I'm guessing Emery gets 1 1/2 to 3 years. Do I think it's right? No. But that is the price he's going to pay for all the money he made off this and flaunting peoples noses in it. I never saw so many stories and links asking for money because he was looking at " life in prison ". In my opinion, he played it for every penny it was worth. Emery intentionally put his face out there for the cash. And every antic he pulled, was another black eye against legalization. Someone forgot to tell him that when you're that heavy in the public eye, it only takes one transgression to destroy your credibility and image. He made a huge mistake involving minors in some of his publicity stunts and blowing smoke into the face of a police officer. Let alone the comments involving sex. The sad part is he could have actually made a difference. And in a positive way. Ask him to prove to you the amount of money that he "donated" for the cause. He always manages to avoid that question. I'm betting it's a whole lot less then what you think.......

My apologies if I have offended anyone. But this is my opinion.

As I told other posters. If you have come here to try and make people here think he did anything to help us, you're wasting your time....... I feel bad that he is going to jail for weed, but from what I read from his own posts I wouldn't want him around my Daughter....
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Moldy Dreads

Active member

\Rant over....

On the Marc Emery case in specific:

but from what I read from his own posts I wouldn't want him around my Daughter....

I think he really likes the illegals, he should be investigated for that IMHO, good reminder JJ,
He loves to wow sixteenies with his free pot...ergh, he is a creep, too bad he's the biggest MJ martyr in the media..


Well, I will admit that where there is smoke there is fire, and I have never really read anything he wrote, so I don't know.. But the government of both countries are not showing any softness on sexual child abuse. They have all his computers, all his photos, all his records, probably his phone records and they all seen the same thing you all did. If they had anything more to stick this guy with and to disrespect the weed culture any further they would.

I am not even defending one that would abuse a child, even a run away or a street kid or anything like that, but if there was one shread of evidence I am sure that would be the main charge, both countries would be fighting to charge him and anything marijuana related would have taken a back burner.

My 2 cents.


"I think it's funny that all these posters with less than a dozen posts are here defending Emery"

Here, before I respond and get wrongly accused by someone...let me start by reiterating my earlier statement that I didn't join ICMag solely to counter claims by some divisive idiots that, ultimately, "Marc Emery advocates or participates in underaged child-sex abuse". That's not the case. I repeat: not the case. Is that clear enough, or? That's good. I'm simply defending a human who I have witnessed do positive actions for fifteen years - one who isn't here to defend themselves - because, I feel it's unjust to slander any individual when no physical proof is presented, which is clearly the case here. Again, I'm not personal friends with Marc...don't get it twisted (again). Where are the criminal postings? How hard is it to copy and paste a link/s here? I'd suggest that you do that before attempting to grossly dishonor someone as you have attempted to do. And, I'm not referring to some picture depicting Marc giving a bong-toke to a young woman; I'm talking criminal. Very big difference, for the record. These claims are ludicrous and preposterous, and without merit whatsoever. If you feel the need to post baseless comments about a married individual with grown children, who sold cannabis seeds, without an iota of tangible proof presented to backup said claims, you're pretty god-damned pathetic and low-brow; especially when the individual isn't here to defend themselves in any capacity.

"Grow up child...."

You're one to talk, "KharmaGirl". What an ignorant, antagonist you are. Please post the links to the *alleged* *criminal* posts; otherwise, close your divisive mouth. You're from Canada, aren't you? Where's the proof of criminal misconduct, KG? I didn't think so.

"In my opinion, he played it for every penny it was worth. Emery intentionally put his face out there for the cash."

Your opinion is moot and incorrect, in this case. Have you heard of Richard Lee, in Oakland, California (Oaksterdam)? He's put his name and face out there, in a for-profit scenario, and now he owns seven buildings within three blocks. I guess he's just in it for the money too, right? You keep referring to "these posts". Find them and post the links here. Post the proof of criminal wrongdoing, if it exists. Otherwise, you and KG should go acquire some scruples someplace.

"Well, I will admit that where there is smoke there is fire, and I have never really read anything he wrote, so I don't know.. But the government of both countries are not showing any softness on sexual child abuse."

What kind of nonsensical innuendo is that? Where's the smoke? I haven't seen any smoke yet. Post the smoke; or, close the slanderous pie-holes.

Like VanXant had so eloquently stated, "The people who are hating on Emery are just armchair moralists. boo f'kn hoo. So what if he likes young chicks.. WHO TF DOESNT? The guy put his fuckn face and his real name on the line. Where the hell were YOU while this was going down? I dont recall seeing your face on the internet or on tv advocating marijuana for all of us. And "Kharma girl"...im sure thats your REAL NAME. Lets hear what you LIKE, and lets see your pic ma'am and lets talk shit on you for a while.".