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Canadian pot activist to plead guilty this summer


Sorry, but if you're insinuating that I created this account with the sole purpose of ultimately 'passing judgement' anonymously; that isn't the case. I just happened to join ICMag yesterday, and noticed this thread regarding Marc. My sincere apologies if I misunderstood your comment. I'm from the Vancouver, Canada area, and I've heard and seen nothing but good things from Marc Emery the last sixteen or so years. The guy has been arrested more than twenty times in regards to his outspoken cannabis beliefs; before he came along, you'd be lucky if you could find a 'High Times' magazine in Canada. That being said, let me say, it sure is nice to have a seriously informative place like ICMag here to reference...thanks guys!
People gotta stick to the facts. Mark has done a lot of good work towards the legalization of cannabis.

I would agree with you BUDOGHI. I think people can argue all they want about his motives for doing so, but he definitely put seeds in the hands of a lot of willing customers in many countries. Some proceeds of which undeniably went towards helping the cause of Cannabis legalization in many ways.

As I personally think that people who believe in the same cause should support Marc Emery in his legal battle with the U.S government, regardless of what they think of him personally.
I have little doubt that if everyone who believed in the cause of legalization was to try and effect change to the extent that Marc Emery has tried, Cannabis would already be legalized in Canada and the U.S, and likely many if not most "democratic" countries.
Regardless of what I think of the man, I commend him on his efforts to push the envelope.

I think too that Canadian citizens should be outraged by their Governments failure to protect not only their citizens inherent rights and freedoms, but the countries sovereignty as well.
If you are from the U.S and bought seeds from Marc Emery, I think you should be deeply concerned. For if these charges are fair and just, then by those accounts, you should also be punishable as accessories to these alleged "crimes".
If for no other reason, all Americans citizens should be demanding that their government provide victims for these alleged crimes!
By all accounts though, I personally think this is a serious miscarriage of justice on both sides of the border.
At some point though, I think the question beckons "When is this kind of flagrant bullshit going to be made to stop"?


im sad hes going to jail because hes not doing much harm at all if any and this is only going to bring more seeds in to the states for making it a big issue on the news


vancityj: hey bud. understand something real quick. i don't give a shit what you think, why you think it, or where you got the thoughts from. on that note, i will say as i please as this is a free-speech forum and people like you who establish accounts on the sole basis to PASS JUDGEMENT, have absolutely no room to talk. you contributed nothing to this forum aside from running your mouth about me because you were upset at something i said, bottom line.

Satchifunkilus: you too, shut the fuck up. i don't deserve to go to jail, mainly because i haven't done anything that deserves it. also, enough about your "post proof when you convict someone of a criminal matter"...do you realize youre on a forum that is dedicated to illegal shit? what i said was what i heard and witnessed in another thread about the same topic. i don't have time to locate that thread, spend the time finding the posts, and replying with it JUST to please you...you want the information and the opinions so bad, google it bitch!


I can't remember exactly, it was either this forum or another weed forum (but i only surf ICMAG, so i'm sure it was this one) but there was a thread about something where the conversation delved into ME's seed business, forums he frequents, etc.

multiple, multiple ICMAG members and members of his forum posted on the thread, all agreeing and essentially saying that M.E. was known for his interest in young girls, especially one in her early teens who helped with his seed business. another thing said was that he was diagnosed with herpes, and he would frequently shut out any nay-sayers on his forum, banning them for life and instantly deleting any post "outing" his flamboyant ways. almost like a north korea, but on the internet.

anyway, many of the members that posted on that thread had first hand experience seeing the shit go down and the shit said on his forum, and others, and others agreed they heard/watched the same shit said too. i tend to lean towards believing 4,5,6 people all agreeing saying the same thing. slander? not at all. its a judgement passed by multiple people that heard and witnessed above.


I use to be friends with this guy on facebook and could easily see what KMK is talking about. Always saw pics of him getting kids in highschool high. Fucked up if u ask me and one of the reasons i removed him.


vancityj: hey bud. understand something real quick. i don't give a shit what you think, why you think it, or where you got the thoughts from. on that note, i will say as i please as this is a free-speech forum and people like you who establish accounts on the sole basis to PASS JUDGEMENT, have absolutely no room to talk. you contributed nothing to this forum aside from running your mouth about me because you were upset at something i said, bottom line.
Satchifunkilus: you too, shut the fuck up.

Why don't you close your ignorant, illinformed, unintelligent mouth before you make yourself look any worse, kid. Free-speech is certainly allowed, but when you grossly slander an individual in a public forum - implying that they ultimately, "have sex with pre-teens" - you'd better back up your statements with fact or expect consequences of some sort...legal, or otherwise. That's the way the world works, kid. Clean the crap out of your ears, shit-for-brains...I didn't join to respond to your drivel; that was the furthest thing from my mind, actually. Don't flatter yourself, "KMK0420". Your caustic comments just rubbed me the wrong way, that's all. I don't know why I'm stooping to responding to your inflammatory garbage anyway, so...I'll digress now. Peace. For the record, I joined this site (once) because cannabis is a very large part of life - it has been for more than twenty years.


Why don't you close your ignorant, illinformed, unintelligent mouth before you make yourself look any worse, kid. Free-speech is certainly allowed, but when you grossly slander an individual in a public forum - implying that they ultimately, "have sex with pre-teens" - you'd better back up your statements with fact or expect consequences of some sort...legal, or otherwise. That's the way the world works, kid. Clean the crap out of your ears, shit-for-brains...I didn't join to respond to your drivel; that was the furthest thing from my mind, actually. Don't flatter yourself, "KMK0420". Your caustic comments just rubbed me the wrong way, that's all. I don't know why I'm stooping to responding to your inflammatory garbage anyway, so...I'll digress now. Peace. For the record, I joined this site (once) because cannabis is a very large part of life - it has been for more than twenty years.

I'm not even responding to your stupid ass post, aside from the part where you threaten legal action against me.

Before i even start, re-read my above post. Now after reading it, read on.

I explained very easily for you why i believe what i believe. I saw 6+ posts about M.E., the way he conducts himself on his forums and with his seed business. I made a JUDGEMENT. Everyone does. That is not against the law in my country (USA), so i have not one fucking clue why you even mentioned legal action. Slander? Libel? Defamation?

In law, defamation is the communication of a statement that makes a claim, expressly stated or implied to be factual, that may give an individual, business, product, group, government or nation a negative image. It is usually a requirement that this claim be false and that the publication is communicated to someone other than the person defamed (the claimant).

The ACLU's vision of an uncensored Internet was clearly shared by the U.S. Supreme Court when it struck down the 1996 Communications Decency Act (CDA), a federal law that outlawed "indecent" communications online. Ruling unanimously in Reno v. ACLU, the Court declared the Internet to be a free speech zone, deserving of at least as much First Amendment protection as that afforded to books, newspapers and magazines.

Now let me explain something. Your basis of making the thread will require you to prove in a court of law that due to the claim i made (the belief i hold) about M.E., i somehow negatively affected M.E. You can't prove that in any shape or form. Lets even say by some chance you find a loophole and even had me in court, with SOME sort of a case. What are the damages? vancityj's feelings?

Also understand these servers are privately owned servers in another country. Have fun circumventing the fact that the US government or legal system has no jursidiction outside their own country. And do you really think they would even ATTEMPT to try for any sort of warrant because you're "upset" over the fact that i feel a certain way about M.E. and make fun of him?

Seriously, stop posting. YOU'RE the one making yourself look more and more retarded as you post more and more. I've been around here lot longer than you, and even back on Overgrow...you're a nobody to me...i don't know you, don't care about you, don't care what you say, but i like verbally decimating idiots on the internet so i posted this. Now i'm done. Please, come again.


Active member
ouch. that is some bad energy

you shouldn't have to prove anything to anybody

swallow your pride boys


on a different note, maybe he did show interest in the kids... i dunno.

I never liked his personality either, he doesn't seem to bad of a guy

but his prince of pot thing. well dunno, it's like an empire

he had nice girls, a nice life, nice friends, a nice wife, a nice car (convertible, zeal green thunderbird)

made over 4 mils.

i'd say he is a smart guy, definitively outspoken, definitively organized

his seeds we're expensive, I never bought any, dunno if he really did send out 4 mils. to the cause

I respect him for what he did to the cause, it's true about him bringing
cannabis litterature to canada

and I'm sure he did a lot of good, he went all out
and made a martyr of himself

wouldn't want to be in his shoes right now

I saw a video of him (he always has these huge eye shadows)
you can see the fear, anxiety in his eyes.. poor guy

good luck marky mark


New member
Here in the UK we witnessed the same ignorance. Seeds are allowed here i.e. from Amsterdam etc, but not allowed to be used! So many contradiction on sweet Maryjane its untrue.


ouch. that is some bad energy

you shouldn't have to prove anything to anybody

swallow your pride boys


on a different note, maybe he did show interest in the kids... i dunno.

I never liked his personality either, he doesn't seem to bad of a guy

but his prince of pot thing. well dunno, it's like an empire

he had nice girls, a nice life, nice friends, a nice wife, a nice car (convertible, zeal green thunderbird)

made over 4 mils.

i'd say he is a smart guy, definitively outspoken, definitively organized

his seeds we're expensive, I never bought any, dunno if he really did send out 4 mils. to the cause

I respect him for what he did to the cause, it's true about him bringing
cannabis litterature to canada

and I'm sure he did a lot of good, he went all out
and made a martyr of himself

wouldn't want to be in his shoes right now

I saw a video of him (he always has these huge eye shadows)
you can see the fear, anxiety in his eyes.. poor guy

good luck marky mark


im so done with this thread.


ICMag Donor
I can verify that I have read some very disturbing posts Emery made regarding the things stated above. One of the worst I read was him giving advise to a guy on using coke to get a girl to have #### sex.

Anyways, lets just stick to the issue and not debate his sexual morals, or lack there of.....

Weedman Herb

Anyone who threatens to rat on Disgruntled Customers (let's amend that to anyone who rats or threatens to rat Period) when things are obviously not Kosher in Jerusalem is a piece of shit and not on the level IMHO ... I want my 300 returned or the Authentic Genetics I paid for ... and an apology from the man himself ... then we can discuss his Present Situation ... I suppose I'm going to get called a Liar too so here's some Fuck Yous in advance FuckYou FuckYou and in case I haven't said it enough on His forum and here FUCK YOU Marc ... I wish I could have gotten to you before all this went down ...

Weedman Herb

When you owe me it doesn't just go away because you made a bad move ... If you're that passionate about preserving the ME name you can cover his debt ... I read the How to Sneak Into a BungHole post he made ... what a fucked up thought and even more fucked up that he posted details about his latest Invasion ... an invasion that you can go to prison for ... and that could be replicated there ... his perversion is a Known thing ... defending an Ego Maniac like Emery might get you tossed in with his Lot ... I thought he swore to fight to the end and now I hear he's punked out and copped a plea ... Pick a new Martyr ...


Active member
I don't like the guy, either...

just thought it was newsworthy...

delete the thread if you wish.

peace bros...

Weedman Herb

It is newsworthy sleepy ... I didn't mean to bomb on your thread ... Like him or hate him I guess the interested people should be informed ... let me know and I will chip in to buy you a new cowbell for ... ummm (as Herb searches for a festive occasion) How about Summer Solstice?

Weedman Herb

Do Lung it is ... we have to bring Lots of weed ... you know how The Roach is ...


ICMag Donor
vancityj, the J doesn't stand for Jodi now would it? And I'm betting vancity would be Vancouver. You can confide in us........... We're all friends here....


Assuming that you're not patronizing me, and are genuinely curious...No, JJ. The 'J' doesn't stand for Jodi. I'm not affiliated with Marc in any capacity at all; and, yes. I am from Vancouver, Canada. Like I said, it was simply a case of being extremely offended by some preposterous comments. I sincerely apologize for any bad vibes that may have been stirred up due to my response...that's never my intention, in all honesty. Sorry all! You too, KNK0420. I hope we are all still friends here, JJ. The cannabis community knows no borders...we are all looking to accomplish the same thing. Again, I've personally enjoyed cannabis for more than twenty years now - an eighth, per day. I bought my first 400-watt in 1992, and then got a second a month later. I upgraded to two 1KW kits within six months - then three - then ten...and the rest is history. Usually ran 8-14KW's, or more. Helped a lot of people start up over the years; I've seen quite a few contractor bags full. I think it was probably ten, plus years ago that a buddy of mine took me to a house that he was looking after that had a 9-flop; 18 lights. I changed my mindset after seeing that. Go big, or go home!

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