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Hey BG...could you give me some info on protecting a US buildings, you know those steel prefab buildings, http://www.us-buildings.com/ , also any info on concealing the use of a 20k watt geny, i know they sell those sound proof covers but what about the heat signature and exhaust

3rd I


ThirdEye said:
Hey BG...could you give me some info on protecting a US buildings, you know those steel prefab buildings, http://www.us-buildings.com/ , also any info on concealing the use of a 20k watt geny, i know they sell those sound proof covers but what about the heat signature and exhaust

3rd I

Well, It's hard to really say. I'm holding off on what i really say about this. Trying to really hold off till I have a unit or two in my hands. As for metal, it's still going to show up, but I really didn't get any training on this type of issues, but I'm guessing. Depending on how hot it gets inside. The metal is going to throw off a signature of some sorts. Will the heat signature be focused or spread out? I really don't know for sure, but I do know this. If the heat source is hot and close to the metal. You have a more focused signature for sure. Like a motor in a Tank, or truck. That's how the IR sidewinders lock on to their targets.

The idea behide blocking the IR signature is a buffer zone. I know of some foam board that works, but I want to be DAMN sure before I post it. You are going to make a type of vapor barrier between the heat and the building. You are then going to vent out all heat. I know it's hard to wait, but it's better if I explain everything with pictures and material to better explain everything.

As for this film they are selling. It sounds like the same stuff we used in the Army, but I will be buying a roll and putting their product on the spot and testing it. Along with some other materials.

As for the generators. You can either go with a metal sound proofing enclosure or place the unit underground. The do this up in canada. Place them in the ground to keep them sound proof and out of sign. The ground also helps with the heat signature. The cool ground mask the heat better.

I hope I helped in some way. Sorry, if I did not answer your question directly. I don't want to tell you something and it not work. Hang in there and I will have a few units to test. I will post the models I'm using with all the info. How long lights have been running. How many watts per a room, etc. What material works to block and what does not. Wish I could do more now, but I'm in the middle of things. Good luck and take care.


My little pony.. my little pony
Sorry but anecdotal 'evidence' is just that. When flying and maintenence costs anywhere from few hundred to a couple thousand dollars an hour to keep a helicopter in the air theres no reason to make that expenditure 'fishing' for random heat sigs that arent proof of anything. Especially when that type of activity is illegal in the US.

Cops never had to fish to catch growers before. What makes you believe they need to do it now?

Not to mention that helicopter flir isnt tuned to pick up those kinds of gradient heat signatures. They are tuned to pick up large differences between a subject and its surroundings. I have yet to see any image from a helicopter flir that wasnt a grainy black and white image. The only color ones capable of showing gradient heat sigs are those hand held units.

Not saying its impossible, just saying if it were common place there would be more than anecdotal stoner 'evidence'.


You know what Verite. I've got along with you for a very long time. I'm going to just let this one go. You believe what you want. I'm not saying this is done every day, but it is done. Whether we like it or not. I've seen the chopper siting on the flight deck and it's pretty DAMN hard to not know what that unit is on the front of the chopper. Once I move to my new location. I will post a picture of the local boys chopper. Then I won't have to worry about my safety and location. Then you can tell me i'm full of shit and post some funny picture like you always do.

THEY HAVE FLIR's and they use it. Believe me or not. I really don't care. Take care all. I'm done with this thread. Not going to get in a pissing match over it. Whether it's used or not.
Take care,

PS, sorry didn't know what Anecdotal meant. "Anecdotal evidence is an informal account of evidence in the form of an anecdote or hearsay. The term is often used in contrast to scientific evidence, such as evidence-based medicine, which are types of formal accounts. Some anecdotal evidence does not qualify as scientific evidence because its nature prevents it from being investigated using the scientific method."

So, I'm guessing your saying I'm talking out of my ass. Well, did you goto the United States Army of Thermal Imaging School? Did you run around the middle East with a Thermal Imaging Sniper Scope. OH, must be that other guy down the street, because this guy. Has all his paper work right here. Proving I've got all the training on this gear.
Thanks and take care
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Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
CanadianGrower said:
In Canada is it legal for police to use heat lens cameras over homes to find grow ops? this is my biggest nightmare!!! Is that allowed in Alberta Canada? Any one got knowledge on this?

Having a high electrical bill? at what point does en max notify police?
Im switch all my normal home lights to low voltage to help keep bill down.

Dude I don't know if it is legal, but I am sure they would if they use Helicopters.

The thing is they are not going to come bust down your door, because they think you have a grow, they will require proof, that you are up to no good.

So they will check your power, which I am sure is not crazy, they will possibly check your trash, but If you are not a huge commercial grower, or selling to kids, they will not care

you are just having newb paranoia bro, everything will be fine


Active member
Believe it its true- what JC say. I've seen them oven me own house and have personally ran for the main power switch like some fool diving to turn it off. Probably looked pretty funny if they saw me do that one on the scope.


AND HEY JC don't point that thang at me now- hehe



Active member
oh yeah that too always goto the dump yall. And BTW- anybody play with google earth. That's kid's toys compared to what they had years ago. I seen my onw pile of trash sitting outside my house once on google earth. Funny stuff, but then again no so funny for some.



End Cannibis Prohibition Now Realize Legalize !!
well tonight ive had a getto bird flyn over my block for the last half hour no spot light just circling. after his 2nd pass directly over my house i turned off all my lights rotflmaoh he's still flyn over hopefully sayn wheres that heat signiture lol. wish he would give up fly away so i can turn my lighting back on man every since i read this thread and i hear that dam helo i turn my lights off now arghhhhhh. oh yea i live in a city of 2 million ppl so i'm sure the funding is there also theres a major airforce base
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I Feel Good
ICMag Donor

i think it would be a bad idea for you to make this topic public by sending in an article to a magazine...the more people know about this, the more likely every LEO is going to utilize this...we dont want this

keep it in the forums... fuck magazines...

also, i have said it once, and I will say it again...

who's to say you are not growing tropical plants, or perhaps indoor tomatoes?

just dont fuck up anywhere else, and im sure things should be all gravy
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MajPotHead, Sorry to hear you got buzzed. Hopefully it was nothing, but it's always best to play it safe. Good luck and Hope nothing comes of it. Who knows what they where doing. Maybe, checking out some hot chick through a widow.lolol

Lil Wayne, Me publishing a article about this technic and equipment. Isn't going to ramp their use. They get funding from State and Federal and if they got the money. They are sending officer's to training and Purchasing this equipment. Me writing a article isn't going to do anything but maybe piss them off at me. I will give it some thought, but you got to understand also. Not allot of growers come online, so they would be missing out on the info also. I'll think about it, but thanks for your comments.
Take care,


My little pony.. my little pony
You guys are funny, what good is turning off your lights going to do for a camera that doesnt pick up light? Are you going to empty your ice cube trays into your grow room?

Sorry JC, didnt mean to wad up your panties but you still didnt manage to explain away the technical aspect of FLIR heat signature reading and the fact it isnt tuned to pick up gradient heat loss signatures on a house. Ask any home heat loss specialist if the FLIR that police helicopters use are tuned to pick up home heat loss signatures.

If these images are what you are worrying about I prefer to worry about tangible security threats. If you can find any helicopter based FLIR pictures that are clearer than these that would show enough resolution to tell home heat loss signatures I'll be impressed. Even more impressed if theyre from a police helicopter and not some outrageously expensive military vendor.


http://www.henry1.com/index images/FLIR-Capture-2.jpg







There are a few things these units look for.

1. Being the facula point of the hottest point of a place. The unit will focus on this spot. They will then try to figure out what it is by location of the house or building. The software will show other heat temperatures and show difference in degrees by different colors. The unit will focus on a facula point. The hottest point of a building. It is "NOT" showing heat lost in a house. Verite! I don't know where I said this.

2. The newer units and this is Generation 4-5. They can focus on a signal. This would be the arc of the light bulb. Before anyone says i'm full of shit. Anyone can see online what these bulb put off for a electrical signal. When the bulb is fired. There is the arc from the electricity that is pass through the bulb. When the bulb fires. It produces a electrical signal. This also produces a amount of heat. A bulb that is on for a few hours will have a very hot facula point. This will stick out like a sore thumb.

I don't know what else to say, but I'm sure someone will rebutt me. Guess, we are not here to help each other out. Just here to knock other members down.

I'm done with this subject and this thread.
Good Bye,


youngbuck1986 said:
dont they have like a type of mylar that blocks out heat signatures??

yes its called C3

You can always use cfl lights for growing to reduce the heat.
So instead of one 400 hps i would use envriolite 125 watt but 4 of them which is about just over 40000 lumens like a 400 hps in terms of lumens but hps bulb has a few 1000's more. This is not big deal as the cfl's can be a few inches from the plant.(remember further away from the bulb decreases the amout of lumens the plant gets.)


Active member
JamesChong, if you hold a piece of paper up about 1 m from a 1000w hps, you can see the light through it. But to the FLIR it will be opaque, as it sees surface temperature only, and isn't sensitive enough to detect shadows yet, let alone see through dense matter.

Police FLIR is mainly for seeing at night!!!

Satellites give us much higher resolution IR data than any non-cooled FLIR currently does, they use the specific cannabis IR signature to hunt down outdoor grows, but satellites aren't scanning constantly yet, but the info is being acquired by police and used to find outdoor crops, saw a documentary on it.
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Active member
Verite said:
You guys are funny, what good is turning off your lights going to do for a camera that doesnt pick up light? Are you going to empty your ice cube trays into your grow room?
The rest of your post may or may not have validity, but this comment is stupid. Turning off lights also turns off heat sources. Granted it'll take a bit for the lights to cool down, but maybe a few minutes may be enough to go below the threshold if the FLIR unit is looking and hasn't spotted you yet. I read they mainly look for patterns / spacing of heat spots. Eg. 4 x 2 grid of spots could be a grow up ... then again, they may not be looking ...


Well-known member
Apparently they're using these in the UK to find grows now. Some say it's just media hype to deter people from growing, but considering how many busts they're making and how high a priority they're treating "killer skunk", it wouldn't surprise me at all.


My little pony.. my little pony
coolx said:
The rest of your post may or may not have validity, but this comment is stupid. Turning off lights also turns off heat sources. Granted it'll take a bit for the lights to cool down, but maybe a few minutes may be enough to go below the threshold if the FLIR unit is looking and hasn't spotted you yet. I read they mainly look for patterns / spacing of heat spots. Eg. 4 x 2 grid of spots could be a grow up ... then again, they may not be looking ...

Do you really think the flir is going to see the outline of light??? [ find me one of those pictures. In fact find me any helicopter flir pictures used in any grow room bust, you wont. ]

The bulb will be cool in about 7-8 minutes, the hood is going to take 10-20 minutes to cool, and the rest of the warm room isnt going to cool for hours, so turning off the lights aint gonna do diddly.

When helicopter flir isnt tuned the same to pick up gradient heat loss from homes I dont know why people run around flipping thier lights everytime they hear whats probably a news or hospital helicopter anyways.
Alright so reading all your the threads, and looking in to low heat equipment and in gorw room cover up in general ive decided to run 2 400watt hps cool tubes, 15 lbs carbon filter with 300cfm fan pulling air from cool tubes with small carbon filter at end of them as well. Better than safe than sorry is only way to go.
thanks all CG


CanadianGrower said:
Having a high electrical bill? at what point does en max notify police?
Im switch all my normal home lights to low voltage to help keep bill down.
high power bill is enough to get a warrent in canada,but you must be using alot more then the norm.they will compare your useage to your neigbours on the left and right.basically if your using 80-90 kw a day thats enough to start investigation.you should be able to run your set up with no worries on power useage.hope this helps you :wave:

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