JJ, I spent my day today...
JJ, I spent my day today...
JJ, I spent my day today...
~~~ JJ, I spent my entire day today just about..every free moment..working for/towards getting Ron Paul elected! I passed out..&..posted this information every place I could to friends & relatives! Here: https://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=226485&page=168 ..the information I am speaking about here is POSTS#2512 & POST#2513 & POST#2514 I made an all out effort to give that information to ex-military members and people I know love this country & who vote! I am doing all I can to get Ron Paul into office in 2012!! monkey5I think the Constitution has been trampled on and stretched for years......
But it's become clear to me how it happens..... People sit and bitch about the President instead of laying into the clowns that write and pass these Bills...... And that's why it will continue to happen.....While you're sitting here cursing and blaming the President, some Congressman's probably drawing up another one of these travesties.....