That last pic shows the promise of tasty meds to come
cabbage my bad bro didn't mean to skip your post - you know about the p-nine-one? it's really something else - intense genetics - heavy aroma - thick leaves - thick buds - trichomacious like a mofo and solid enough to hold up this heavy weight. I can't wait to medicate with her.. I am considering pulling her when she has about 20-30% ambers so that its not too heavy of an indica high... i love growing from clone as problematic as it's been its worth every ache to get this fine of medicine under one's thumb, grow on, stay safe ...cabbageman said:That last pic shows the promise of tasty meds to come
subrob said:lookin sweet man. like i said in sdf thread-you wont believe how much more growth MADNESS will still do. how would you describe her smell at this point?
ograskal said:
thanks homie! praise to the organic earth and genus cannabis sativa!Georgia Green said:damn it man, nice job! peace