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Butane honey oil for dummies


Power 5X is available in socal and you can check different smoke shops they will usually give you the case price. Hope this helps.


I get power for 30 a 12 pack

The 45$ is tax included out the door price and of course everything in the LA area is more. I haven't searched around too much I just go to the place about a 10 min walk from the house. Maybe I should though as 30$ sounds nice and I could run more without worrying so much, thanks for the heads up.


Yes I whip it.
Strains are hybrids, mostly sour d and c99 hybirds
Is it a bad thing to be "budder?"
Imo budder degrades faster and doesn't stick to my dabber. After spraying just let it chill for few hours [depending on the amount maybe more] in the pan with heat under it and a fan over it. Just make sure to scrape it while its still warm. Budder or honeycomb is a result of butane left in the resin.


IMO i dont think theres any butane in dry budder or honeycomb when you make shatter first then whip that into budder/honeycomb, whipping right away and scraping to early may result in a gooey underpurged product. also some strain auto budder with no whipping or stirring at all. i do agree that it loses flavor faster than a nice rock hard sexy oil.

i love oil
How does this look



IMO i dont think theres any butane in dry budder or honeycomb when you make shatter first then whip that into budder/honeycomb, whipping right away and scraping to early may result in a gooey underpurged product. also some strain auto budder with no whipping or stirring at all. i do agree that it loses flavor faster than a nice rock hard sexy oil.

i love oil

I agree 100% shatter first then whip for budder, but most people whip way to early. I think the strains that autobudder hold on to the butane longer due to different compositions of the resins.
Thanks Hammalamma

Thanks Hammalamma

Still learning....just perfecting the process.

I get power 5x for 29 a case out the door cash....smoke shop.

can get the yellow case for 22 out the door cash which is 10 oz cans....but i feel the 5x does a better job and is easier to purge.



New member
Humanitarian aid, democracy, The Crusades, white mans burden,, human rights, save the souls of savages and barbarians for the glory of god, save the Iraqis, liberate woman from the tyranny of their religion, save us all from drugs and terrorists. I can see saving myself from being saved to death becoming a full time job.

Let me add a dose of selfish honesty. My first post and I am in the awkward position of having to point out what I have learned, in contrast to what I should have learned considering the knowledge here, is sad. I read the first 16 pages and the last thirty some, so if I missed the jewels I apologize. I will selfishly point out that selfishness balanced in a reciprocal altruism dynamic is healthy, and participating in pissing contests with generous, “umble,” long suffering, charitable Mr. Heep,“obsessed with maintaining the appearance of humility”and good will, is the opposite of healthy, as evidenced by posters having remarked in exasperation the repetition hindering progress. Feigned concern over strangers, broadcast repeatedly with indifference to the audience from the soapbox of moral high ground should be transparent. When A annoys or injures B on the pretense of saving or improving X, A is a scoundrel.-- H L Mencken

How competition is used to control our behavior against our best interests is a study that bares fruit and worth looking in to. I suggest cooperation can build unity and community that could shorten the chain of competition to where any passer by couldn't just yank a response from us to stir up shit. Just imagine the benefits if only in disrupting the disruptor's? Just a couple of thoughts addressed to nowhere particular, or the whole twisted-too-tight planet.
Now, for my purpose being here.

If I had 5 oz. of bud and 5 more of loose stuff that was from the bottom of a large bin that had contained only the buds and the protector leaves, (I will assume I would process them separately, but what do I know) the weed 3 years old, dried in front of a large dehumidifier, vacuumed packed for that time, the buds had mold on them, (it's why they were packed away) but the weed is/was reportedly very good, what are my options? Will the oil taste bad because of the mold?
I read something about distilled oil. I have a case of King 300ml. Can the weed be put in a borosilicate glass container like a large flask or beaker and then have the butane added by poring it from another container submerging the organics, then run it through a buchner funnel it to a filter flask under vacuum? Is there a window of time that has to be adherd to so contaminates aren't picked up, and/or if so can they be processed out with what I have access to: basic, vacuum, and fractional, distillation set up, single and double neck boiling flasks 500 to 2000 and a bunch of other glassware. No Soxhlet Extractors or anything as fancy as that but I did see an incomprehensible YouTube video where one was presumably being used. Any info on that? Assume that I'm aware of butane's flammability.
Is there another reason required for pressure other than forcing the liquid through?
I read no plastic but plastic covers polymers in general and I know polypropylene is pretty inert and cheap. Stuff like Nalgene at $200+ for one 600ml beaker I'll assume, and PTFE I'm familiar with and it's inert as about anything.
Even glass reacts with some stuff, in fact as crazy as it sounds, hot water will dissolve glass over time. The sight-glass in a boilers I know, because a guy I knew had a box with about 50 used sight-glasses, a mystery in it self, and one day on the Corning or Dow/Corning website the mystery of how some of these tubes that looked like they were melted plastic inside and my MAPP gas wouldn't even melt a couple of them, was answered. If I wouldn't have read it on their site, I still wouldn't believe what my eyes were telling me. I'll go out on a limb and say that there are other plastics that are safe too.
What is QWISO? Something to do with isopropyl?
What is Kif, or something like that, I wrote down and misplaced?
Butane being cold enough to freeze ethanol, and you folks using it all the time, has anyone tried removing water from it that way? Get the ratio past the azeotrope?
Anyone try vacuum distillation of ethanol from water at temp. below 85F or down lower around 50F and what the temp v inHg, torr were? The one-size-fits-all graph I have has the bp of EtOH around 50F-55F at 28 inHg and from what I read and referenced at wiki the azeotrope vanishes at 85.73F. So my very amateur guess is if the mol fraction can be significantly brought past the .894 .105 ratio, then regular distillation without adding anything to bind the water down would be a snap to get 100% alcohol +/- a negligible degree.

Somebody said they used a meth pipe to smoke the oil. What is left behind in the bowl if anything? Their isn't anybody around my neck of the woods that smokes oil and two tokes off a joint would feel like I had been poisoned so I'm no judge even if I could bring myself to try it. How far does this stuff go? The stoners around here grow some pretty good stuff out doors, but a lot of the year all they have available is what they call commercial and it looked like the green red haired buds I got down Mexico-way 30 years ago, so bare that in mind for any info on dosage.

I've been told by I guy I knew that his people on a tropical island grow primarily what are just huge buds but I don't remember the details or if buds were grafted on to something that had roots or they used hormones to have the bud grow roots. Any ideas on what I might have been told. He was the real deal, 1000lb in and parted it out, so no BS, but off topic.

Can a useable oil or product be economically processed with the the rest of the foliage? A case of King comes out to 5 bucks a can after shipping, where as if their were cheaper solvents and then refining a managble amount of product that would make the effort +$ process v -$ butane? Lots of questions I know. An interesting thought: This “field” still has room for innovation that one person rather than a research team, could make significant positive gain.

Storm Shadow

Well-known member
Just got a Master Case of Power 7x the Red Cans...96 of them for $246!! The blue Power ones were $140 for a Master Case of 96... Crazy how much the other shops tax on these Products