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Busted, need your advice, anything i can do?


Matter that Appreciates Matter
Nerve, please don't take this the wrong way, but do you look like the type of guy that smokes weed? Sounds like you got profiled.
Sounds more like someone got busted with too much of something and they flipped your barely smoking ass into Scarface in the eyes of the law, to save their own ass and not give up the real man, who in their eyes is much more resemblant of Scarface, than you. And knowing that you barely smoke, you would barely take a hit, if you took one at all. Other than that the only advice I can give out is play it out as long as you can to get the d.a. to flip you a better deal for whatever charges. And trust me they don't want a trial and the closer you come to a trial date, the better the deal will become. And don't listen to a public pretender if you go that route, they will say take the first deal offered about every time, remember they are in cahoots with the state. Take your hit do your 30 days and move on with your life. The piggy's will get bored of you after a while and move on to some other non-deserving fish to fry, waiting for that elusive big catch to come along.


me blunt is like, wicked yo!! owight
nerve said:
what do you mean why the scale? you smoke and im assuming you havent been growing since you started, i dont know about you but i like to get what i pay for... getting ripped off is shitty.
gotta agree with you here, at no point in time when i bought from my dealer, was there not a scale present, and he even told me where to get one, most time i went to his place i always remember there being three or four scales lying around on the dining table.

ah the good ol days, and damned str8 i walk around with mine when i know im gonna buy. you aint jippin' me on the run buddy!!


yamaha_1fan said:
God O mighty, this is getting so old. You answered the door, YOU had control. Why the hell would you wake someone up that is going to give consent? You should have told them you were not the homeowner, she was asleep and you could not give consent. They CANT force you to wake her up.

She signed a consent form, you voluntarily gave up the weed. I think you are SOL

Go to court, plead not guilty and get a lawyer. You will get a slap on the wrist, some probation, thats it.

Damn, sigh :badday: Ive been following your posts and reading in the sec. section for a while and we keep seeing this time and time again- People getting intimidated by Leo and handing over their rights.

yamaha- i wanted to find out from pro's like you with the big grows, what is the best way to vent that much heat. That is the only part i dont understand for a large scale grow.

i started a thread talking about that in security section
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