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Bush Weed Seeds


Well-known member
Got some starts going.. trying some nh21 x mm seeds from the plant I liked so much but had bananas hence seeds. Lol.
Also some nh21x mm crosses. Swazi rooibard, red raid, and grand funk.


Well-known member
After a bowl of the MMxThai78 last night I noted zero come down or lethargy after a few hours. This with 4hrs of sleep night before and working until 2:30am. The OSSxMM def has some come down and is a bit muddier/crazier. MMxThai78 is perfectly clear and up. Admittedly my sample was harvested way early, but it might be my new preference for every day smoke.



Well-known member
I’m not expecting much from the herm seed, will viciously cull any that herm but a couple seem to be male so maybe I had a little male pollen too(they were outside and I did pollinate a few other plants outside intentionally). Only planted 10 of those.
Yes hand water, labor of love.
A lot are regulars and will cull males so will end up more manageable. ✌️


Well-known member
This nh21x mm supposed s1(obsviosly not) seems to be male and has the same look and Stem rub smell as the nh21 x mm regs I got from OJD, these should all be female so it’s possible the oss x mm was a pollen donor idk. I think I will keep this plant in the male room and observe it and collect some pollen for fun.
Non of the plants from Bushweed looked like this only the plants from OJD and they were more uniform than Bushweed.
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Well-known member
I am marveling a bit on how interconnected it all was in the 70s, damn near as fast as the Internet allows us today.

I agree with your assessment because even Southern Star says he got his MM from his uncle who had the MM since the 50s or 60s which he also says was a pure Thai straight from Thailand. There is also the concurrency happening where MM was popular and overused for a time but I do not think that applied to Kanga or Southern Star's cultigens and that sort of misconstruing of names by unnamed people only adds to today's confusions.

On the topic of Escobar.

Escobar is Thai 82 x Colombian.

While MM x Oaxacan is perhaps an older thai x with an older colombian (any of the Mex guys can confirm there is no Oaxacan necessarily - everything in Oaxaca (or acapulco for that matter) is coming from the fields of Guerrero highlands and/or Colombia. Also it is common knowledge any weed in Mexico is very likely a collective of sorts because of the nature of the cartels and their supply chains and bricking et al so it appears MM X Oaxacan is an older "Escobar" or Escobar is Southern Star's take on Nev's MM x Oaxac, or vice versa
This is an old post, but man i am mexican and thats not true.

Oaxaca has always had many landraces and it has been cultivated there for a long time, especially in the mountains and they are not the same varieties as in Guerrero. Also, unlike the rest of the country, it is not yet controlled by a cartel but by family clans that cultivate and distribute


Well-known member
Good to see you carrying this work onward Sub. 😉

Imbibed in half a joint of MMx Thai78 at 1am last night. MISTAKE!!!! Head on pillow eyes wide open for a few hours lol. I knew better, but…that dry toke on the j was so minty and enticing. 😁



Well-known member
Lotta action here lately , I’m hoping for some help

I can’t find any grows , not one of
MM x NH15 . I’d love to see or hear more experience with this line . It’s supposed to be a Incense bomb

I’m curious has any of our Aussie family or OJD grown out this hybrid ?

Not sure on how consistently itl show on the f2s.....but a very high percentage of stuff using the real nevils haze puts out the incense in spades.....chek those out and let us know what you find......if they aren't putting it out in large numbers hit me up.

On another note....has some of this thread been edited....?

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