unless you guys moralists know those guys personally, like KITCHA, its all hearsay from internet, and you have absolutely no right to judge anybody. only reasonable post on this matter is from KITCHA. the rest is just moralizing, and very hypocritical I would say. I would be interested if anybody of you, who judge Bushweed so strictly, sent some funds to Kanga? or did you help him some way??? Kanga is an angel probably. never did anything wrong. no mistakes in relationships, is he human at all? and why Nevil stole plants from Kanga´s garden? because Kanga was sooo good friend? I dont know. I was not there, so I cant judge. but you moralist have it clear. by the way this thread is about genetics, so info about selection etc. like DM provided info how many seeds of laos Bushweed recieved etc. that´s valuable info for this thread. make your own thread where you can express how much you hate Bushweed please. the guy you have never seen.. and seeds are tested. I saw them grown by Bushweed and he is some great grower. I hope that Shantibaba pays something to Sam the Skunkman for "HIS" genetics, and ACE seeds pay something to vibe collective or to old timer, if not then you, who are growing mns or ace seeds and bashing Bushweed, are total hypocrites and moralistic posers..