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Bump This Thread If You're NOT High!

You keep bumping for the past 4weeks what is your issue? is this a personal choice you have made?

Curious is all......

nope not a personal choice --- I live in a state that isn't cannabis friendly -- I don't have any friends or family -- I don't know anyone & even if I did - I don't see cannabis as a social event --- I prefer to avoid outlaw activities & other people & just go to the store & get some weed --- if I can't grow it myself



New member
Hmmm.... i'm not sure if i should be here, or not.
I'm not high right now.... (i'm not proud of my sobriety)
However.. i do feel a tad hazy after last night's session.
Maybe i should do something positive and productive...
... i'll make a decision on that, when the haze clears.
toodle pip ! :)
Hmmm.... i'm not sure if i should be here, or not.
I'm not high right now.... (i'm not proud of my sobriety)
However.. i do feel a tad hazy after last night's session.
Maybe i should do something positive and productive...
... i'll make a decision on that, when the haze clears.
toodle pip ! :)

I'm not proud of mine either


Chevy cHaze

Out Of Dankness Cometh Light
ICMag Donor
I though this place must be deserted, but no!
So, a sober BUMP.
No just kidding I'm high


Well-known member
I am sober as can be, but it takes a bit for the first cup of tea to kick in.


Me now. Had a week off for minor surgery and smoked my brains out for a few days. Need to clean out due to being subject to random tests. BTW I dont think I would smoke every day even if I could. Im one of the folks who when I smoke I am not productive. I can function and do the day to day but not as effectively as normal. Kind of like drinking a few cocktails. Thats why its called recreational use. If I was like some who smoked basically 24/7 Id be bummed because there is no buzz or relaxation if your like that 24/7. At least IMO. Let me have the weekends or occasional evening and Im good.