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Bump This Thread If You're NOT High!


Crotchety Old Crotch
I know how you feel. Refraining myself due to a job hunt...part time, being retired, but the jobs I 'm best suited for always test prior to employment. Cannot rely on the masking urine products, so refraining for a while.And so true, that 1st hit after a hiatus....sublime! Look forward to it!

I got my seed pack out last night & I think I got a contact buzz just from opening the packages & smelling herb again. Also checked my vape/bong for residue, just to maybe get a puff.

None to be found :-(

Bump (dammit)


I'm not high and I am usually not high but I like growing and consuming what I grow. It's too sad if you are caught growing (even 1 little plant) and do not have thc in your blood that makes you grower/seller. To be honest I like getting high but I don't like the hassle, it kills my joy.


Active member


About 4-5 weeks from harvest atm. If you had 125 in cash and could order one strain that's TOP SHELF potency. What would it be please and thank you?


Well-known member
I've been sober for two months now, have to take a piss test twice a month for the next 4 months. People that say freedom exists are completely wrong.


Well-known member
nope, not me. they be too mad at me at work to risk it right now. no "random" tests in over a month. can you say "overdue"? of COURSE you can...:moon: