trichrider Kiss My Ring Veteran Feb 28, 2011 #6,583 dry sift support between tablespoons of olive oil bump
C Classy@Home Feb 28, 2011 #6,584 Bumpin' fresh 1/2... Nice, fragrant, pliable, sugary nugs. Nice lookin' count - $95 Cdn. 2 bowls - half hour apart. I'm spending 18 minutes typing this... To TB4U...
Bumpin' fresh 1/2... Nice, fragrant, pliable, sugary nugs. Nice lookin' count - $95 Cdn. 2 bowls - half hour apart. I'm spending 18 minutes typing this... To TB4U...
GeorgeSmiley Remembers Veteran Feb 28, 2011 #6,585 Bump...... just smoked a fuck ton of LVPK and.... cant remember what else I was gonna say hmm Goodnight fuckers Smiley
Bump...... just smoked a fuck ton of LVPK and.... cant remember what else I was gonna say hmm Goodnight fuckers Smiley
pearlemae May your race always be in your favor Veteran Mar 1, 2011 #6,592 Monday afternoon bumps to alllllllllllllyikes hi ya ojo
milo_xxx Stress Tester/Plant Torturer Veteran Mar 1, 2011 #6,595 BUMP bump BumP!!! mmmm SDOG... diesel pheno... .. mmm diesel!!!
L LetTimmySmoke Member Mar 3, 2011 #6,600 i got way too high today off hash and cannacookies and my hand started shaking and shit it was weird. and my heart rate was racing. had a few beers now i feel better.
i got way too high today off hash and cannacookies and my hand started shaking and shit it was weird. and my heart rate was racing. had a few beers now i feel better.