This is now:
@ habeeb, very interesting link. The guy doing the test state in his op "I allowed for the jig to cool as the test currents increased so the LED temp ranges from 25c on up as it got warmer, probably not 85c at any point but certainly warm." More of the same if you scroll down. According to the xml pdf, you lose some 12-15% right there. Some guys asking for performance at 4A, that's the spirit! They are my people!
As for me talking 'bout a 3amp lamp, are we down to "pic's, or it didn't happen?" Hehe, I just might bite. Let rrog decide if this is the place to do it, after all this ain't the 2cent-buildalamp-thread. Once I get started, can go on til doomsday...
I can slow the speed of the drill motor by changing pulley position. I can set the stop on the drill press to drill same depth every time.
you have a funny way of expressing yourself man.
rives (who seems to be a really nice guy) claimed one would need liquid cooling to go 3A. To me, that's plain wrong. I say so.
They call for a very fast speed with aluminum and a small bit. Again, Delta recommends a very fast bit speed.