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Buddy raided while i was there need help


Well-known member
KharmaGirl said:
Yes, I know what you are talking about. Med patient to med patient...Still a grey area regarding the TOU... I don't like it personally...kinda one set of rules for some and another for others here buuut... it's not my site, so if Admin is ok with it, nothing to be done.

KG, thank you for answering my question. I was just a little surprised when I read the thread in question.

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I think some of you have some mis conceptions on how prison works. Your charges dont get stamped on your forehead and its not like they yell out Joe Brown, armed robbery, forgery, get your mail. There are no computers to research public records. The only way to find out what someone is charged with is to have someone on the outside, and THAT is not looked upon lightly.

And nobody is going to know you snitched unless you admit it, or someone tells someone.

BTW, the majority of people in prison are so fucking stupid, they wouldnt know how or where to look for info.

cocktail frank

ICMag Donor
sorry yamaha, but your wrong.
your transcript will be with you when you enter and yes, any other prisoner can just walk up and take a look at it for awhile.
just like a police report, they have numbers written on them to describe your crime.
most long term prisoners know what these numbers mean and word will get out.

Ajunta Pall

yamaha_1fan said:
I think some of you have some mis conceptions on how prison works. Your charges dont get stamped on your forehead.......

And nobody is going to know you snitched unless you admit it, or someone tells someone.

BTW, the majority of people in prison are so fucking stupid, they wouldnt know how or where to look for info.

Though your charges are not stamped on your forehead, they are on your court papers. How does one see another's court papers? Steal it, beat the fuck out of them then take them. Take them without beating the fuck out of them, also exposing said person as a punk. Etc, etc, etc.

The second part of that is true your court papers list your charges, but don't identify you as a snitch. That label comes from the other inmates who were in the county jail you were in. Seeing as they probably know the most about your case.

And the last part is 100% fucking true!


Active member
perhaps you didn't tell them anything they didn't already know but now you have backed up their suspicions. but for it to count you'll have to state it again in court when testifying against your friend...and i really don't think you'd want to be thought of as a snitch so i suggest the same as what the others above have suggested...shut-the-fuck-up! cops are not your friends and are only out to prove their case(s). as far as what you have already told them, you can always claim you were drunk and/or stoned at the time thus invalidating any statement they might have gleaned from you. and don't put off getting a good lawyer...you need one quick and now!

btw, question for all here who have been busted...
i've been busted a couple of times for cultivation/possession but have never been asked much of anything beyond my name, address, that sort of thing. once done with that i get led off to a holding tank where i wait to bail out...never once been asked about anyone else being involved or anyone about any crimes. is it a common operating procedure to be hassled to rat out others or is my case more the norm...?


Active member
OOPS...famous last words?

09-02-2004, 09:08 PM #7
Registered User

Join Date: Aug 2004
Location: South
Posts: 140

I know the laws bro. TRUST me I will not get caught, this town there is absolutely no way to get caught, there isnt even any people that grow that I know of that actually know what there doing. Suggestions anyone?
del... said:
perhaps you didn't tell them anything they didn't already know but now you have backed up their suspicions. but for it to count you'll have to state it again in court when testifying against your friend...and i really don't think you'd want to be thought of as a snitch so i suggest the same as what the others above have suggested...shut-the-fuck-up! cops are not your friends and are only out to prove their case(s). as far as what you have already told them, you can always claim you were drunk and/or stoned at the time thus invalidating any statement they might have gleaned from you. and don't put off getting a good lawyer...you need one quick and now!

btw, question for all here who have been busted...
i've been busted a couple of times for cultivation/possession but have never been asked much of anything beyond my name, address, that sort of thing. once done with that i get led off to a holding tank where i wait to bail out...never once been asked about anyone else being involved or anyone about any crimes. is it a common operating procedure to be hassled to rat out others or is my case more the norm...?

That's common sense, del. If you just did a few plants big deal, they will not bother questioning you in most instances. xxPotheadxx is talking 129 plants, that's a whole different ballgame. Going by the formula one plant = $1000 (leo's optimistic assessment, obviously not for schwag) then that's $129k. Not bad for once every 3-4 mos harvest.


Active member
yes, i realize that...i was caught with 80-some which was made up to be 100-some (114 seems to stick in my mind) by someone breaking branches then sticking them into the dirt for a quick pic but no scales and no large amounts were onhand...of course. and several times when driving with small amounts but at no time was i ever asked where it came from or where i got the seeds or nothing...and i was even accused of being a brothers grimm and running a net biz! only because i had some of the bros' mail i stupidly kept (long story...). but even that didn't seem to matter much...i still wasn't hassled about anything! so i was just wondering if anyone else has gone thru it and if so were they given the famous, 3rd degree or just posted bail and poof...gone. i know it's none of my biz but just curious...ya know?


cocktail frank said:
sorry yamaha, but your wrong.
your transcript will be with you when you enter and yes, any other prisoner can just walk up and take a look at it for awhile.
just like a police report, they have numbers written on them to describe your crime.
most long term prisoners know what these numbers mean and word will get out.

I dont where you did time at but no way thats going to fly in Florida. A CO would knock the shit out of you for trying to look at those papers and they would only be accessible during intake to a new facility. After intake, they are locked up. I did time twice in Florida in prison, not jail, although I spent time in county w/o bond. I can assure you in the county I was from (for me to know and you to never know, too much info) and in the FDOC, theres no way an inmate is going to know your charges unless looked up outside. Could one or two trustees out of the whole camp get a sneek peek, possibly but not likely and damn sure not common.

And I know inmates with child related crimes, they werent anyones bitch
yamaha_1fan said:
I dont where you did time at but no way thats going to fly in Florida. A CO would knock the shit out of you for trying to look at those papers and they would only be accessible during intake to a new facility. After intake, they are locked up. I did time twice in Florida in prison, not jail, although I spent time in county w/o bond. I can assure you in the county I was from (for me to know and you to never know, too much info) and in the FDOC, theres no way an inmate is going to know your charges unless looked up outside. Could one or two trustees out of the whole camp get a sneek peek, possibly but not likely and damn sure not common.

And I know inmates with child related crimes, they werent anyones bitch

thats awesome, but some places are years behind florida. someplaces u go to court with all the people in your holding tank. That means they know from the court record u worked with the laws. this is county jail.

..del ... i would say ur a lucky mofo. lol seriously i know a place that is notorious for not booking u in until u've been visited by a narcotics officer, and for a while feds, wearing a "black bag" asking u all sorts of questions. Sometimes concerning u and sometimes about people and things u never heard about. then after interrogation they book u so u can get bailed out. shady shit.

and finally, there are dirty people in prison, locked up or not. and its a small f*cking world out there.



Active member
i don't know why people are hating on 18 yr olds...when i was 18 i wasn't an idiot and would never snitch on anyone...knowledge is power...you have to be prepared and ready for what can happen...not just sit there like a punk bitch and think you are cool and nothing can ever happen to you.

this tool bag is an absolute moron...and anyone like him.

he fell for the old "we already know everything" and the "so you better just be honest with us" because if you do " it will look better for you" and "we will say you were cooperating" and "they will take it easier on you".....they seen this scared little guy from a mile away...scared and idiotic don't mix.

act hard then when the shit goes down fold like a bitch....thats too funny....the best part is playing a cops bluff....they don't know shit....there's no way cops could ever know anything about anything if it weren't for snitches....period

its the weak tits that fall for the things like i just quoted a few paragraphs above this one..or "we can work out a deal"....fuck your deal...if you can't man up and take heat then your a pos....no one thinks their a snitch until the heats on and you get tricked into singing like a bird....what do you mean you don't even know how they got you to sing? it's because they made you think they already knew everything and if you were honest to them you'd get in less trouble....weak minds.

just like knock and talks folks...we need a sticky on those...when the police come knock on your door it's because they are either following a lead or don't have enough evidence for a warrant...they come to your house to try and make you think they know everything already and get you scared so you fold under pressure....when the truth is they don't have shit on you so they are trying their last or only option....don't ever let them in...play it cool...if they say they can just go get a warrant and then you'll be in more trouble because your not being cooperative ...call their bluff...cause thats all it is....if they had enough evidence on you and already knew everything they'd just come with the warrant....like anyone gives a shit you let them or they had to go get a warrant...your charges will be the same so might as well take your chances.

if you have no brains or instinct and fold under pressure you should find a new hobby...and be prepared for if the shit ever does go down that you know what the hell your doing and what can happen to you.


When I was arrested with the bullshit charges of cultivation & intent to distribute. They sat me down in a room with the leader of the NARC unit who arrested me. He said, "You can make this a lot easier on yourself." I laughed and sarcastically said, "well according to you I'm the entire operation." I stared him in his eyes for a few seconds, he got up and walked out.

Long story short I got out on bail after a couple days, got some charges dropped, did a year of probation, and had the rest of the charges dropped. And just a fun fact, I tested positive at least 4 times (once per month) at the start of my probation before my P.O. threatened to take action. I'm able to bullshit people into liking me though, your results may very.


Horse-toothed Jackass
Ok guys, you're right, xxPotheadxx is an idiot. He should not have said anything other than his name and asking for a phone call (to his lawyer or to his parents).
People like him are the reason why growers get busted: they sell a few zips to a guy, guy gets arrested and charged with distribution (maybe he had the oz split into eighths, ready for sale), guy spills the beans.
That's messed up, screws up everyone real bad, no doubt. And I feel for my fellow icmaggers that this has happened to, because getting busted is every grower's worst nightmare.

I will maintain my original point, though, that if xxpotheadxx had not been in the house, had not been arrested during the raid, I don't think his buddy's situation would have been any better. His buddy would still be charged with possession/cultivation/trafficking charges, and conspiracy because he had a guy taking care of the growhouse. The cops would still have tons of evidence against him even without xxpotheadxx's help. That's my position and I'm sticking to it.
I'll also maintain that, if anything, xxpotheadxx got the worse end of the situation because now he's charged with the same felonies and he apparently is completely innocent. If anything, xxpotheadxx going to prison over this would be a greater tragedy than him spilling the beans.
I'm not saying he's not bogus for spilling the beans, he is, but I think, in this specific fact pattern, him snitching is relatively minor in the grand scheme of things...
Wunderkind said:
When I was arrested with the bullshit charges of cultivation & intent to distribute. They sat me down in a room with the leader of the NARC unit who arrested me. He said, "You can make this a lot easier on yourself." I laughed and sarcastically said, "well according to you I'm the entire operation." I stared him in his eyes for a few seconds, he got up and walked out.

Long story short I got out on bail after a couple days, got some charges dropped, did a year of probation, and had the rest of the charges dropped. And just a fun fact, I tested positive at least 4 times (once per month) at the start of my probation before my P.O. threatened to take action. I'm able to bullshit people into liking me though, your results may very.

Was that in the us?
As far as the Inmates finding out why you are IN ... inmates and CO's talk ... some more than others. And the prison system is half staffed by Inmates who have proven to not be a threat to themselves or others or that have cooperated somehow (snitched inside) or are related to someone Important or are connected to Money/Drugs/Hookers etc. They are called "trustees" ironically ... and they have access to almost everything. For a few items off of canteen or an outside donation to a CO's pocket and you could probably even have the warden spied on ...
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Active member
i don't know why people are hating on 18 yr olds.
You kill someone at 18 you get charged as an adult so I figure its perfectly okay to hate on an 18 year old snitch considering he is an adult. Now if it was an 8 year old that's something else, but the guy is a fucking adult. Don't make excuses for him, unless of course your down with snitches and vermin too...

you kids these days are fukin weak!
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Just for the record ... I hate all snitches equally ... I do not hate elderly snitches any more or less than young ones Religious affiliation means nothing as does race, sex or sexual orientation. This is the case of a youth gone scared and when you panic like young Informant did you basically gift wrap a win for the bad guys. He is the exact type of person you Don't want to know you fuck with this and the exact type the cops want to nab. We really should be thanking him for a Weed Growers Text Book example of Rule #1 ...


Let me clear some shit up, I know i fucked up telling them what i did, I KNOW THAT get off my fucking nuts and quit bashing on me about it and help me turn this situation around. If i had to do it all over again i wouldnt have said shit i wouldve got a lawyer but that was my first time and that charge scared the shit out of me, and i really didnt tell them anything they already didnt know, yes i gave a statement but like everybody says i still have to testify, i didnt sign shit im sure it was all recorded though. Now can i tell them that i told them all that shit thinking they were going to let me out right then and it was all bullshit? Probably not but just asking. I still havent got a lawyer im still looking for a good one and want to talk to a couple before i choose. I still have no court date, i have quit smoking so i can show them a drug test in court. NOW if your not going to try to help me or give some suggestions and just want to keep saying "fuck rats" kill all rats I KNOW I FUCKED UP NOW STFU! get the fuck out of my thread if you dont want to help me turn this around. Im pretty sure i can get my charge dropped im hoping so atleast i just want to turn my statements around so just in case i did help them, i can hopefully change that. And whoever said my photos and what not helped get him busted your a damn joke gtfo, my photos or anything was NOTHING to do with his grow AT ALL. He fucked up by going to local headshops and hydro shops buying his equipment and i believe this is what got him busted because they asked me if i had ever been with him to these 2 places and he had been there on numerous occations buying all kinds of shit related to growing pot. He also had electricity bills up to $800 a month in a 3bd/2ba house and had told me about 2months prior to him getting busted that 2 young adults around my age came by from a electric company trying to get him to switch companies and asked for his electric bill, suprisingly he let them see it and said they could put 2-3 bills from his neighbors and still couldnt make his bill and was questioning how he kept it so high.


Active member
Your still a snitch

didnt you read the thread bro!... keep your fing mouth shut never talk to the dea again... if you do a little time well thats what happens when you chill in a grow house.

alright thats enough hate for today/ :bashhead: