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Broad Mites?

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5 Days in, and my plants are starting to look great. 4 of my 5 moms almost look like they did before the infestation. My clones are really starting to put out new growth as well. My plants that are ready to flip have new growth everywhere that is not damaged. I am sold!

I tried the following. High heat, Swirski mites,neem oil, karanja oil, orange oil, neem tea, pyrethrin, some other shit I am not remembering right now.


I do not agree with the way this is marketed, but that being said it has 10 different biological controls in it that pretty much kill anything. Except for bees. I have started to use it in my home garden because the grasshoppers eat me alive. Two days later, and the grasshoppers are already thinned out.

You can get all of the ingredients singly, but this is the only thing that I have seen that combines so many biological controls.

Foliar fed once per week you will not have to ever worry about any bugs. It is the only product that is needed. I sprayed four days in a row, and now on day 5 my plants are looking so much better. I did not expect it to work because the guy who sells it has not used it on broad mites. That being said he did show me that some of the ingredients in it have been tested on broad mites, and they did indeed work. He personally just has not tested it on broad mites.

If you use the coupon code "farmer" you will get a steep discount.

Get the kilo delivered for about $95. You mix in 5 grams per liter of water. I have been using 20 grams per gallon. Now that it looks like things are going in the right direction I will mix it in my compost tea once per week.

I am so happy that I finally found something that works. In the process of trying all of the other shit I lost two plants in flower, set one room back 3 weeks from flip, Lost some clones, and lost about half of the seeds I had started a month or so ago.

I feel way less stressed now. I can see a light at the end of the tunnel now. I was preparing myself to kill everything, and break down, and sterilize. Then setup again.

Organic as well.
Keep us posted

Keep us posted

5 Days in, and my plants are starting to look great. 4 of my 5 moms almost look like they did before the infestation. My clones are really starting to put out new growth as well. My plants that are ready to flip have new growth everywhere that is not damaged. I am sold!

I tried the following. High heat, Swirski mites,neem oil, karanja oil, orange oil, neem tea, pyrethrin, some other shit I am not remembering right now.


I do not agree with the way this is marketed, but that being said it has 10 different biological controls in it that pretty much kill anything. Except for bees. I have started to use it in my home garden because the grasshoppers eat me alive. Two days later, and the grasshoppers are already thinned out.

You can get all of the ingredients singly, but this is the only thing that I have seen that combines so many biological controls.

Foliar fed once per week you will not have to ever worry about any bugs. It is the only product that is needed. I sprayed four days in a row, and now on day 5 my plants are looking so much better. I did not expect it to work because the guy who sells it has not used it on broad mites. That being said he did show me that some of the ingredients in it have been tested on broad mites, and they did indeed work. He personally just has not tested it on broad mites.

If you use the coupon code "farmer" you will get a steep discount.

Get the kilo delivered for about $95. You mix in 5 grams per liter of water. I have been using 20 grams per gallon. Now that it looks like things are going in the right direction I will mix it in my compost tea once per week.

I am so happy that I finally found something that works. In the process of trying all of the other shit I lost two plants in flower, set one room back 3 weeks from flip, Lost some clones, and lost about half of the seeds I had started a month or so ago.

I feel way less stressed now. I can see a light at the end of the tunnel now. I was preparing myself to kill everything, and break down, and sterilize. Then setup again.

Organic as well.
keep us posted on the results sounds interesting. I have been hearing stirrings of a systemic type of organic's that may be able to keep BM's from wanting to stay on our plants. Just rumors so will not elaborate yet.


So if I buy something, and it works (even though nothing else has worked) it is a scam? I have spent well over $400 trying to fight this. Then I spend $95 and it works. Doesn't seem like a scam to me. You do know the point of a business is to make money right? I would like to also point out that this is organic, and not chemicals. If you knew about this why have you not used it yourself?


Hey thanks for the links though. Now everyone can buy it direct. Since it is a scam and all.


My room is 12x16x8 with three 1000w gavita's in the room. I have to run three 1500w space heaters and it takes 1.5-2 hours to get my room up to 120 degrees.

Thinking you'd need 4 of those heaters to get the job done.

Thanks did those heaters you mention have BTU ratings?

I am using some online calculators for BTU to take the guesswork out of how big I need to go.

So far it's looking like 15-60K BTU

Storm Shadow

Well-known member
I don't use it because it doesn't work....you think just because you have new healthy growth that your plants are going be normal again?? Your lack of exp with these BM's will shine bright come harvest time... welcome to Dudley Ville


New member
I really appreciate all the information in this thread. I discovered I had BMs a few months ago (at least, that's what I assume... The damage is consistent, and I can see the eggs all over the leaf bottoms to varying degrees, but I have yet to see an actual mite with my cheap radioshack scope), and had very limited success with a spinosad spray and aspirin in the water. As I was moving, I decided to kill everything and start fresh. I wiped my equipment down with bleach, then put everything into my growtent and got it to about 130F in there for a few hours. I repeated that at the new house, and got clean clones from a friend (his plants have no signs of damage, and I didn't see any eggs under any leaves). After about 2 weeks, I started seeing the damage again. I sprayed the new mothers with Avid (which seems to be having moderate success...), but I'd rather not use it, and at the moment I can't afford Forbid or another poison to rotate with, even if I did want to. I tried the heat treatment for my flowering plants, but I'm not sure how successful I was. I put my thermometer at the base of a plant on the soil (I figured that would be the coolest spot, in the shade with some evaporation around it) and got the temperature to 124F, and kept it there for an hour. After the hour, I took a leaf whose bottom was covered in the eggs (though they looked milky at this point) and put it in a ziplock bag. Two days later I checked the leaf again, and could only find a couple of eggs on it. Is it possible that the eggs can survive the heat, or did they just desiccate and fall off? I have yet to see an actual mite, even on the leaf in the bag.
I was planning on ordering Mycotrol O, but I think I am going to get a small package of the stuff OrganicOzarks recommended (as it has the same fungus that Mycotrol O does, plus more) to try it out. I'd really appreciate any additional advice / help anyone may have to offer as I'm pretty much at the end of my rope... I'll report back on the efficacy of the stuff OrganicOzarks linked to once I try it.
My room is 12x16x8 with three 1000w gavita's in the room. I have to run three 1500w space heaters and it takes 1.5-2 hours to get my room up to 120 degrees.

Thinking you'd need 4 of those heaters to get the job done.

Are you talking meters here? I think the OP of the question's measurements were in feet?

Never though of those halogen they are cheap thanks, will be checking that out for sure. As far as the BM's ya, Most people get there BM's from clones . I thought I was smart (let the opther guy grow the AAA+ genes )I'll keep a mother or two and all will be jake. Very famous clones dispensary in L.A. That ef'ed many people up like looking back it was a "fateful day" A day that changed my life forever. Grew from seed for thirty years never a single "Real" problem. Sometimes you gotta bite the bullet with your grow to have peace of mind. I would take a clone or two and completely move them out of the area you think your having "Offgassing problem" to move on to check that problem off the list I have seen pics of your plant very strange indeed those shinny glossy leaves almost looks like a micro nutrient toxicity or something weird. Hope you get that straight. In fact I would just do a "Double blind" use the same soilles or potting soil and nutes your using now on a separte clone moved to a completey differetnt place (you know does not have a "offgassing problem" and take another clone and use different planting medium and nutes. Really only way to take down a problem by elimination sometimes. Sometimes the great spirit steps in to help like when a notion came to me years ago telling me to use "Judo" on a crop cause I was a wits end had nothing really to lose then there was the problem of finding a source that sold what I could afford .Took a while but then I found a place that sold small 1 ml for twenty bucks. I remember when this hobby was so dam easy. I could go on vacation for a week or more away from grow no problem.Maybe you could find a friends house to move a couple of clones to or make a makeshift cabinet with a small bathroom fan in the cabinet that has fresh outside air constantly coming in for testing...? You said air from attic ...? is that where you always got your air...? That may be your problem. I would try to get air source fresh from outside.

I really feel for you mate :-(

I think I've just come across the other half of my problem, its becoming apparent I'm pretty sure. Off gassing for sure, part one. Can you believe a MH bulb can be responsible for ongoing problems. . . . no neither would I, but the plants under a second MH bulb from a different manufacturer are doing fine, whilst the other half of the plants under the original MH bulb are still struggling, even though they're side by side in the same room. I switched a plant over and low and behold the good one got worse and glossy and the bad one put out new growth that is healthy and not glossy. I can't for the life of me imagine why that should be so, but its there staring at me. Its taken a while for the plants to recover from the original damage, and now a clear difference is apparent. I'm totally baffled by this :tumbleweed:

I've posted in the infirmary a little earlier, take a look. https://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=264263 I'll post some pics there later to show the difference. I don't want to take up any more space on this thread as its for Broad Mite issues, and very fortunately I'm free of them.

Itd be nice to keep up with you, retro and the other good guys on this thread though, I'll send you friend requests.

In the meantime I'd like to wish you all the very best of luck and development for dealing with this problem and for sharing so that others can benefit from your good efforts. ( I don't mean you Storm)

All the best, Trev :tiphat:

sunset limited

avid-forbid-avid, for those who understand how to responsibly use chemical pesticides.
i didn't mention it before because i took it for granted, but only a very greedy, desperate, or stupid person would use these sorts of chemicals in flower.

as for duds, i haven't been able to undo them yet. even after 8 and 9 clone generations of BM free cuttings, i've still felt the damage. storm mentioned calcium thiosulfate as a fix in another thread. i'd like to try it, but i haven't been able to find the stuff anywhere. yo storm! where can a guy lay his hands on some?
My results

My results

avid-forbid-avid, for those who understand how to responsibly use chemical pesticides.
i didn't mention it before because i took it for granted, but only a very greedy, desperate, or stupid person would use these sorts of chemicals in flower.

as for duds, i haven't been able to undo them yet. even after 8 and 9 clone generations of BM free cuttings, i've still felt the damage. storm mentioned calcium thiosulfate as a fix in another thread. i'd like to try it, but i haven't been able to find the stuff anywhere. yo storm! where can a guy lay his hands on some?

I know what you mean. What happened with last battle is I usually catch the bugs really early (I use judo very sparingly) Last year after nine months of no sign of BM damage one day I started seeing signs on some mothers very slight blistering starting so I got out the judo. Sprayed them waited about a couple weeks took clones. That crop grew into mostly dud's I figure about only 30-40 % of normal vigor, smell trics. I condider those dud's. ..next round same mothers after they recovered some more about three months later took clones again the result was almost 100% of normal 95-100% .then a few months later got the BM signs again and used judo again this grow Im growing now But I waited a little longer 4- 5 weeks then took clones did heat treatment now using swirskii mites and asprin and the result after waiting a little longer using heat and predators is less toxin affects.And this time I figure it's going to be about a 80-85 percent success. And I suspect the next grow will be normal or almost normal just like happened last year.It seems given time and measures to keep the bugs and toxins from the bugs out of the plant some strains do pretty well. You can choose chems or biological's this is just a personal choice.Hopefully someday it will be like it use to be and people won't have to use these chem's but I fully understand and sympathize with everyone who has this scourge. I have been trying to see if other people had similar experience or just never recovered dud's all the time...? I have been reading about commercial ornamental crops where some of the people are saying it takes a full year for there particular crops to recover from broad mite toxin but those I suspect are yearly perennials ...? that rely on mother nature photo period in outside greenhouse's and are yearly blooming type of ornamental.


My room is 12x16x8 with three 1000w gavita's in the room. I have to run three 1500w space heaters and it takes 1.5-2 hours to get my room up to 120 degrees.

Thinking you'd need 4 of those heaters to get the job done.

I just picked up one of these, I think it'll do the job nicely

Thermoheat 80000 BTU Portable Convection Liquid Propane Heater

It cost $109, at $20/10ml of Avid this is a way cheaper option for me.
Not to mention safer and healthier for everyone and everything involved.


I just picked up one of these, I think it'll do the job nicely

Thermoheat 80000 BTU Portable Convection Liquid Propane Heater

It cost $109, at $20/10ml of Avid this is a way cheaper option for me.
Not to mention safer and healthier for everyone and everything involved.

Wow, tha's just cool bro. price is rite. I am going with the 1200 watt dual halogens as I only need it for a bathroom size "mother room". The flower room three 1000 W gets it plenty hot for sterilization where I live. Thats the ticket nice find. Be careful can't be too safe. Just at the zenith of our exuberance comes a fall. Nice work man.


Yea man, this thing gives off a LOT of heat!!!
I'm gonna fire it up in the room later tonight, I'm pumped!!
Just from running it for a couple minutes I have a feeling it will get up to 120 in no time


Moms Permanently Ruined?

Moms Permanently Ruined?

What is this you guys are saying about mother plants being permanently impacted by broad mites, even after the infestation is removed?
How could that even happen?
Wouldn't that mean the broad mite toxin was permanently altering the plant's DNA?

For everyone claiming this, did you fix the mom with heat, or by using pesticides?

If by pesticides, did you consider you probably just never got rid of the mites completely?

I read up on greenhouse practices, they usually throw away any plants that are infected. Since the broad mite's habitat is in the meristematic tissue (new growth points) it is virtually impossible to completely kill them with anything sprayed. All you need is one living female to start the infestation again through asexual reproduction.

What have been your experiences with this? Can moms again produce healthy clones after being heat treated, or is there some way (which I can't currently concieve of) that broads permanently fuck up the plant?

In theory, if they're 100% gone and the plant is recovered, how could any new cuts taken exhibit low vigor, etc?

Looking forward to hear what you guys have to say.
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