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Broad Mites?

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Talking in circles

Talking in circles

Some Old Dude dont get all butt hurt buddy...You bring a Knife to a gun fight and let me know how it works for you.... in Your case...You've created Super BM's for never rotating Chems... Say hello to your Progessive Options super Mites ...They did the same thing and created The Uncanny X-BroadMites ...

Your going off Bro Science ... No thanks

Me hurt...? naw, I'll leave the fighting to you. To old for that svit. So you had mites and now you don't...? Well good for you. I don't have any at the moment and probably not for a while. But I'll stay with what I know and sleep well at night knowing i'm not causing neurological damage to people. Have a great night pal.

Storm Shadow

Well-known member
hey storm, what concoction+ratios do you recommend for dunking clones? i've got in my arsenal: forbid,avid,spinosad,3x neem,azamax, indicate. gracias

Pour some water into your sprayer...then add the Forbid...then a little bit more water...add the Avid.....then fill to the top of the desired amount of gallons...add the Indicate (wetting agent) at the end ... mix it up and then dunk away... Spinosad and azamax can be mixed togethor and used the same way... do this dunk a few days later... then do the Triple Action 3x Neem Dunk...Solo with no Indicate... repeat like a week later the whole thing...and you'll be good to go...

moses wellfleet

Well-known member
Trevor, I know how frustrating it can be to type a long response... then be prompted to log in again when attempting to post the response. No need to break out Word, simply type your response in the message box and copy it from there. With your response copied, attempt to publish your post. If prompted to log in, do so, then revisit the thread you would like to post in and paste your copied response to the message box and post your reply.

Hey guys I'm not trying to burst bubbles, or say that Mycotrol wont work. I understand that Mycotrol O is simply the OMRI version of Botanigard, a brand name for the Beauvaria Bassiana fungus. I suspect the Mycotrol O version might be softer on plants due to the exclusion of petroleum distillates present in Botanigard. I have read literature that suggests Beauvaria Bassiana may work to control Tarsonemid mites (broad/cyclamen) as part of an IPM program, so that is certainly good. However, the hiccup is that I don't believe Beauvaria Bassiana is systemic. You cannot water it in and expect it to protect your foliage, and vice versa. What your sources may mean to say is that the fungus CAN spread from mite to mite, creating a fungal epidemic among the mite population. However,the literature I have read suggests that MAY only happen at very high population densities.

I am in no way discouraging anyone from using Mycotrol O or Botanigard, and I do believe it could help kill off a BM/CM problem. I could be wrong, and hope I am, but I am pretty certain Beavaria Bassiana is Not systemic. Though it would be sweet if BB was systemic or there was such a thing as a systemic fungus for the treatment of these terrible creatures.

Thank you for all your time, help, and continued updates in this battle,
Agree, I also don't see how it can be a systemic, can be used as a soil drench against soil dwelling pests but it is not systemic.


Active member
Some Old Dude: You may have noticed by now that "storm shadow" resents it when anyone comes up with an original/different method of fighting this scourge. He considers "his" solution to be the only one, which is pretty funny, since it's not his solution at all. Google "broad mites" and you will come up with the chemicals used against them. It isn't as though he actually figured anything out. Thinking outside the box is not his strong point, and if you do, it makes him angry, and he goes on the attack. His small brained response to you is just one example. He has done the same thing to me about heat treatments, even though he has never tried it. His ego is much larger than his brain, and he can't seem to get it into his thick skull that some folks just don't like using poisons on their plants if there are other alternatives. If your method works, you will be stealing his "thunder", and he can't have that. After all, he is "storm shadow", and the thunder is his. Keep us posted on your info. We are all supposed to be here to learn.
Ya, no worries

Ya, no worries

Some Old Dude: You may have noticed by now that "storm shadow" resents it when anyone comes up with an original/different method of fighting this scourge. He considers "his" solution to be the only one, which is pretty funny, since it's not his solution at all. Google "broad mites" and you will come up with the chemicals used against them. It isn't as though he actually figured anything out. Thinking outside the box is not his strong point, and if you do, it makes him angry, and he goes on the attack. His small brained response to you is just one example. He has done the same thing to me about heat treatments, even though he has never tried it. His ego is much larger than his brain, and he can't seem to get it into his thick skull that some folks just don't like using poisons on their plants if there are other alternatives. If your method works, you will be stealing his "thunder", and he can't have that. After all, he is "storm shadow", and the thunder is his. Keep us posted on your info. We are all supposed to be here to learn.

Ya ,we all remember the kid who needed attention and usually got it. He has a way of projecting. Prolly a good guy . I am not to proud to say i was mistaken or i should say my Oregon guy was. It appears he must of been talking about something else he was a little confused when I was talking to him this morning . He directly told me this fungus stuff was systemic. So I'm going to call him out about that tomorrow.I had a great though though. I heard on the news about the Colorado state control taking affect of the market there. And if they have strict controls over chems being on the product it's going to get very interesting about what is allowed. So I expect to see something good come out of this for everyone. In other words the state regulated market will not allow I don't think to let them introduce "nuerotoxins" in the products they allow for human consumption.It may turn out to be a win for all the growers when they come up with whatever regulations that work to grow a safe product. Or to put it this way there will have to be some method of growing clean weed. And it will be impossible for them to keep this secret I would imagine.All the very best Retro.
Trevor, I know how frustrating it can be to type a long response... then be prompted to log in again when attempting to post the response. No need to break out Word, simply type your response in the message box and copy it from there. With your response copied, attempt to publish your post. If prompted to log in, do so, then revisit the thread you would like to post in and paste your copied response to the message box and post your reply.

Yeah I know mate, thanks, I always copy whatever I'm posting because of this, but now and then I do something stupid (stoner) and do another action intentionally or by mistake that clears the copied info. I can be a fuckwit at times

I'll use Word next time, then my fuck ups won't count eh? lol.

I gotta say Storm, you're a narrow minded ignorant excuse for a human being. I assume you sell your poisoned crap to unsuspecting users.

I won't make a long post here now as I haven't got time, but I wonder how many of the failed plants at harvest time are down to continued BM damage when the grower thinks he/she's rid of them. It seems a lot will spray heavy amo during veg, then hope for the best or think they're gone (but still seeing toxin damage) through flower. I suspect this will account for a large number of these failures.

I don't hear of many taking Retro's approach of continued heat treatments throughout flower. These things by all accounts don't just disappear, so if no further treatment after the flip will most likely not be a BM free grow.

Storm, I'm pretty sure I could keep a BM free grow if I nuked em with all the shit you suggest in flower up until harvest, but that shit would be worse than there being no weed at all. You don't have to convince us that these poisons work, of course they do, but they're not safe for our produce.

You seem to think its the only possible way, but as I've said before you're blinkered and can't expand you're brain, only damage it with the shit you spray. You'd do us all a favour if you just kept out of the thread and let the rest of us who give a shit to get on with trying to come up with a way that work for us and gives us clean meds.

Why the fuck wont you give heat treatments a go anyway, or at least recommend them to others, seeing as you're still BM free and probably don't need it (lol, still need every poison you can lay your hands on though huh?). Why are you against it? You try and back things up with scientific links, where's the one saying that heat treatments are bad for the plants. Your line of work wouldn't happen to involve the sale of heavy poisons would it? I can't otherwise see why you're so dead set against heat treatment when the evidence clearly shows that the fuckers can't survive it. Don't give me that shit about it destroying potency, that wont happen with short bursts of heat whilst the plants are alive. Of course once its dead and harvested intense heat wouldn't be good.

Grow up little troll and let the sensible people get on with their good work.

My Oregon guy

My Oregon guy

Just off the phone with "My Oregon guy". After telling him about everyone saying the Mycotrol O was not listed a s a sysytemic. He re-asserted that more "recent testing" done by a list of people from university's that had used it as a "foliar" and in a hydro rez by his friends who have large "hoop greenhouse" operations confirms the existence by testing plant tissue that it "acts like a systemic" He asked me if I would be willing to send him tissue samples for systemic tests he is going to send me the product for free. So before I make any further claims I will be part of an experiment that many others are involved with. He still claims I should not be discouraged by people who claim this method and product does not work on BM's as a systemic. As his personal trials have rid completely in large grows the BM's without having them return. He is refunding my charge to the credit card and sending me free samples as long as i send in tissue to be tested.

Storm Shadow

Well-known member
Yeah I know mate, thanks, I always copy whatever I'm posting because of this, but now and then I do something stupid (stoner) and do another action intentionally or by mistake that clears the copied info. I can be a fuckwit at times

I'll use Word next time, then my fuck ups won't count eh? lol.

I gotta say Storm, you're a narrow minded ignorant excuse for a human being. I assume you sell your poisoned crap to unsuspecting users.

I won't make a long post here now as I haven't got time, but I wonder how many of the failed plants at harvest time are down to continued BM damage when the grower thinks he/she's rid of them. It seems a lot will spray heavy amo during veg, then hope for the best or think they're gone (but still seeing toxin damage) through flower. I suspect this will account for a large number of these failures.

I don't hear of many taking Retro's approach of continued heat treatments throughout flower. These things by all accounts don't just disappear, so if no further treatment after the flip will most likely not be a BM free grow.

Storm, I'm pretty sure I could keep a BM free grow if I nuked em with all the shit you suggest in flower up until harvest, but that shit would be worse than there being no weed at all. You don't have to convince us that these poisons work, of course they do, but they're not safe for our produce.

You seem to think its the only possible way, but as I've said before you're blinkered and can't expand you're brain, only damage it with the shit you spray. You'd do us all a favour if you just kept out of the thread and let the rest of us who give a shit to get on with trying to come up with a way that work for us and gives us clean meds.

Why the fuck wont you give heat treatments a go anyway, or at least recommend them to others, seeing as you're still BM free and probably don't need it (lol, still need every poison you can lay your hands on though huh?). Why are you against it? You try and back things up with scientific links, where's the one saying that heat treatments are bad for the plants. Your line of work wouldn't happen to involve the sale of heavy poisons would it? I can't otherwise see why you're so dead set against heat treatment when the evidence clearly shows that the fuckers can't survive it. Don't give me that shit about it destroying potency, that wont happen with short bursts of heat whilst the plants are alive. Of course once its dead and harvested intense heat wouldn't be good.

Grow up little troll and let the sensible people get on with their good work.


Enjoy your Duds Mate :gday:


Active member
Yeah I know mate, thanks, I always copy whatever I'm posting because of this, but now and then I do something stupid (stoner) and do another action intentionally or by mistake that clears the copied info. I can be a fuckwit at times

I'll use Word next time, then my fuck ups won't count eh? lol.

I gotta say Storm, you're a narrow minded ignorant excuse for a human being. I assume you sell your poisoned crap to unsuspecting users.

I won't make a long post here now as I haven't got time, but I wonder how many of the failed plants at harvest time are down to continued BM damage when the grower thinks he/she's rid of them. It seems a lot will spray heavy amo during veg, then hope for the best or think they're gone (but still seeing toxin damage) through flower. I suspect this will account for a large number of these failures.

I don't hear of many taking Retro's approach of continued heat treatments throughout flower. These things by all accounts don't just disappear, so if no further treatment after the flip will most likely not be a BM free grow.

Storm, I'm pretty sure I could keep a BM free grow if I nuked em with all the shit you suggest in flower up until harvest, but that shit would be worse than there being no weed at all. You don't have to convince us that these poisons work, of course they do, but they're not safe for our produce.

You seem to think its the only possible way, but as I've said before you're blinkered and can't expand you're brain, only damage it with the shit you spray. You'd do us all a favour if you just kept out of the thread and let the rest of us who give a shit to get on with trying to come up with a way that work for us and gives us clean meds.

Why the fuck wont you give heat treatments a go anyway, or at least recommend them to others, seeing as you're still BM free and probably don't need it (lol, still need every poison you can lay your hands on though huh?). Why are you against it? You try and back things up with scientific links, where's the one saying that heat treatments are bad for the plants. Your line of work wouldn't happen to involve the sale of heavy poisons would it? I can't otherwise see why you're so dead set against heat treatment when the evidence clearly shows that the fuckers can't survive it. Don't give me that shit about it destroying potency, that wont happen with short bursts of heat whilst the plants are alive. Of course once its dead and harvested intense heat wouldn't be good.

Grow up little troll and let the sensible people get on with their good work.


No sense trying to reason with an ignorant troll who poisons his peeps. If you had them in veg, you will have them in flower, so his claims of being totally BM free are just a blowhard talking shit. He is interested in money, not the health of his peeps. As I pointed out before, "his" "ideas" aren't his. Anyone can look up what miticides are used for BMs. Nothing he figured out.
And, by the way, a number of people have used heat in late flower to eliminate the BMs that always come back, including OJD and others. I've done it and know it works, and have plenty of PMs from others who have had success. Predators work also if you use large enough numbers of them. Early recognition and treatment are key. Once you've had them the first time and identified them, you will control them much more easily. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.
pretty crappy micro photos, ID?

pretty crappy micro photos, ID?

Yeah I should know better than to engage with him. At least it should be clear to people how he goes about things, problem is there are plenty of people out there like him who'd take his advice as they could also up the money :-(

Anyways I got a USB scope, supposed to be 50-500x, but I couldn't get the zoom to work on my laptop, though it worked fine on my mate's laptop when I went to pick it up, tried uninstall and reinstall but no difference. My mate's going to take a look at it for me and hopefully I'll get it working properly.

I did take these though, but they're not great, what do you think? Am I just looking at trich's or are there some eggs in amongst them?

I didn't see anything move at all.

even more scope images

even more scope images

This one is of the top side of a leaf showing the blistering and the mad glossyness

Some good new, I'm going to be taking a fresh batch of clones from plants 2 weeks into flower from a mate's grow.

I know they take a little longer to root and to switch bac to vegetative state, but I like the multi branching you get with clones from flowering plants. Fuck its going to take a while though, I was planning to be well into flower by now!

I'll root these cuts up and see how mine are doing by the time they're through. If mine have bounced back by then I may run them to the end, but they're very spindly and painfully slow still, so I definitely don't want to put all my eggs (doh!) in one basket.

The root systems look to be doing fine, about the stage you'd want to be potting up to larger pots, they could also do with a trim from the bottom, but I don't want to do anything to put more strain on these weak plants.

At least I've got an out now, and I'm thinking I may well need it.

My 50th post under my current user name, wish I could carry my rep and post numbers I'd built up under another name.

at least I can PM peeps now ;-)

And, by the way, a number of people have used heat in late flower to eliminate the BMs that always come back, including OJD and others. I've done it and know it works, and have plenty of PMs from others who have had success. Predators work also if you use large enough numbers of them. Early recognition and treatment are key. Once you've had them the first time and identified them, you will control them much more easily. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

Sorry mate, I wasn't doubting that it kills the mites, my concern was more to do with heat in the final stages when mould/bud rot might be an issue in large dense colas. You've had no problems with this, or do you leave them untreated for the final couple of weeks or so?

Thanks, Trev


I got a biological mixture in that I am going to try. Suppose to knock out just about everything. It has 10 different bio-controls mixed into one. Some of the things people have been talking about are in this product. Should be interesting. I will report back. Suppose to only take about 6 days to knock shit out.


Active member

Looks like just trichs highly magnified. What's the magnification there? Didn't you say you were having off gassing issues? That may still be an issue if you didn't completely eliminate the source. Try pulling a couple of plants out of that room and just put them under flourescents for a couple of days and see if there is improvement. I've had off gassing before, and had to start a whole new room. Off gassing is a bitch and you may still be dealing with it. I may have you confused with another poster, but I thought you mentioned off gassing.


Active member
I got a biological mixture in that I am going to try. Suppose to knock out just about everything. It has 10 different bio-controls mixed into one. Some of the things people have been talking about are in this product. Should be interesting. I will report back. Suppose to only take about 6 days to knock shit out.

What's the name of it, or do you have a link?
Looks like just trichs highly magnified. What's the magnification there? Didn't you say you were having off gassing issues? That may still be an issue if you didn't completely eliminate the source. Try pulling a couple of plants out of that room and just put them under flourescents for a couple of days and see if there is improvement. I've had off gassing before, and had to start a whole new room. Off gassing is a bitch and you may still be dealing with it. I may have you confused with another poster, but I thought you mentioned off gassing.

I'm not sure of the magnification, the scope is supposed to be a 50-500x, but the zoom function wasn't working and it didn't tell me what the magnification setting was on. Works fine on my mate's computer.

yeah I have new glued down carpets and lino throughout the house, but not in the grow room. I ran it with air coming through the house initially and the plants went down hill fast. I finished the room off with plenty of outside air flushing through, and at the same time roughly I sprayed with AVID as a standard precautionary measure. Things stopped dying, they were going rapidly, 75% have shown improvement, but desperately slow, 25% no improvement or less at least, but are not getting any worse either.

Getting better did coincide with heat treatment as well, but I may have been fooled as they might just have drunk more after being a bit dehydrated.

The room is pretty well sealed, heavy neg pressure, maybe slight leak around the door seals, though I have draught excluded them. I'll look to see if off gassing could be an issue still here, the carpet/glue smell was highly toxic smelling, maybe a little is still getting into the room, but I'd have thought it would be insignificant with the air I have coming through there 8" RVK L1 990m3, and 6"&4" intakes. As I said though the neg pressure is strong so will be trying to pull through any leaks it can.

I took scope pics of the worst affected old growth and from new stunted growth from the tops, do you think there would be definite evidence of eggs on these pics, if I did have a seriously bad infestation of BM's? I couldn't find anything that looked any different anywhere on the plants, and certainly nothing moving.

Thanks for your trouble mate, you're a star!:tiphat:
you are totally sealed? how do you provide co2?

Sorry, I meant sealed from the rest of the house, I have fresh air flowing in from outside (attic) and exhausted through the chimney. I don't use CO2, always though it'd be a bit heavy going should the law come in and see bottle of gas, having said that, my room does look specialised, I don't suppose it'd make that much difference. There's also taking bottles in and out in a busy neighbourhood.

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