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Broad Mites?

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Active member
broad mites don't like intense heat. my plants directly under the light were always affected less than the ones in the corner


Registered Non-Conformist
Una Pregunta... : How are the frikken BM's gonna like being outdoors. .>?

Just moved to a new house..
Gonna start indoor with new clones from a trusted friend (which I will dip anyways in AZATROL) and some new TGA seeds.

I am "hardening-off" the vegging plants in question above in the shade as of today, moving then into a shed for the nighttime. Did an AZATROL spray 4 days ago. The Buggers are still there, but decreased after that one spraying 50 percent or more. Looked at a leaf today, and saw a few, where there were previously much more..

Usually AZATROL takes 3 applications a week apart to kill spider mites...

I am gonna wait a couple more days and hit em with SAFER Garden Fungicide, since I have it already, and many reports call it effective on BM's.. Can;t hurt regarding Powdery Mildew with these Spring temperature differentials..

If nothing else works within a few more days, I will get AVID>..

So, as I digress as usual..

BM;s like cooler conditions than Spider mites, if I read correctly in my online research. But how are they going to like a cold shed..? 39 degrees or so tonight...?
I am inclined to not let em get so cold in the shed.. I want to give em a heater at night, as I do in their greenhouse which they will have in a few days, when they can handle sunlight.

These plants were being prepared to go outside - now 3-4 feet tall, representing all the strains I have listed in my sig below...
Now they are spending their first outdoor sleepover in the shed. Back in the shade tomorrow AM>

Operator error (me) made this BM thing a reality. Probably had em almost right away when I started up again after being away for 2 years.. I stopped weekly spraying of AZATROL which has always done it for me.. But, I started up with others' clones this run... More fool me.. I have had em a while.. they came with the Girl sc*ut cookies cut and/or the Cherry Pie.. BM's= A new problem in my experience. Now, I can remember when I first started noticing the damage.. My friend listened to my diagnosis, and we ruled out other things - whereupon he deduced that I had BM's and how right he was as my loupe showed clearly.

Already knocked em for a temporary loop, Next is the Sulphur spray. Think I can beat dem BM"s..?

Thanks Fellow Cultivators..

Dave Coulier

Active member
broad mites + avid/forbid = QUICKDEATH!

Stasis, Gnome has your answer. Forget all the other options, and just go this route. You will be very happy and you'll have great results.

One application of either will give your plants about a months protection in veg, but they will come back, so make sure to follow up one with the other a week or two after application.

If you are flowering, Ive found one treatment of either right at the onset of 12/12 will give me problem free plants throughout flowering even for very long flowering plants.


Registered Non-Conformist
Got it.. Thanks Dave, and all the rest of you well-meaning Mad Scientists.. I can buy AVID..


ICMag Donor
I was also UN-lucky enough to get these free w/ a bag of soil this past winter that was probably sitting around outside for way too long. After alot of research and trying various methods to kill these lil bastards, I have found that the most important thing to know w/ Broad mites is that the live insects will be killed by almost anything...I have even had great success Organic methods such as Safers 3-way and Insecticidal soap...but almost NOTHING will kill the larva/egg stage!! Most important step to take is to use 2 or 3 treatments about 4-5 days apart, so that you kill them all and Most Importantly the larva/eggs that are hatching as well. As mentioned earlier, a good soaking before flowering is also a great idea, so that you do not contaminate your flower room and make sure they are eradicated completely before flowering out your girls. I have had great success w/ Organic pesticides using this method, which I am happy about because I am not a big fan of these harsher chemicals. Btw, a small hand scope will help you identify them and you will also see the larva/eggs as little circular/oval dots w/ very identifiable markings. Good luck on your battle! They sure are resilient lil fuggers!


Registered Non-Conformist
Avid on the way. But, my instinct tells me to scrap these plants and use other ones...
What side of the leaves do these buggers usually hang out, bottom or top?

I have plants with leaves that wont stop curling upwards, but Im not seeing any Broad Mites anywhere. Im using a 40x-800x usb scope.

Mountain High

Top and bottom, look near the center vein on the leaf blades. There might only be one or two mites every few leaves. Look at multiple leafs, especially the next node above the curling leaves.


Registered Non-Conformist
Bastards...!!!! In or outside, they thrive. Never had them to deal with before... wonderful.

Trying to not infect my whole outdoor crop... Keeping them separated by 1/2 an acre, and yet, I think I still see some eggs on a few new God's Gift clones I got a couple days ago...

Tapping my fingers waiting for the Avid to arrive via post.
Thanks Mountain High.

Do they move fast enough to identify them from their movement?

Also, are they colored or clear and shiny like a trichome?

Dave Coulier

Active member
Thanks Mountain High.

Do they move fast enough to identify them from their movement?

Also, are they colored or clear and shiny like a trichome?

Their movement will easily give them away. They are opaque buggers. Look deep into the very newest growth, and you will find them hanging out there if you have them.


Active member
I thought they were gone. I saw no signs of broad mites from the end of Jan until 3 days ago. Once the weather warmed up and the air conditioner came on, they came back.

After 13 years, I'm finally taking a break for a month or two this summer, and during that time I'll have everything in small cups and 1-gal pots, and I will be able to treat with Avid and Forbid

I think they were holding tight until the temperature got right. These bugs are the worst I've dealt with


Registered Non-Conformist
Used avid, 1ml/gal. W/Coco-wet. Hope the Deer don;t eat the plants, for their safety. Not sure I care about the plants so much anymore.. Still see the BM's walking around. The more I look the more I see. Yes., as stated above, they hide around the central stem on even the smallest leaf.

I think these particular plants are too far gone.. Big time leaf damage. The BM's liked the NorCal weather outside of late. Will hit em in a few days again. Good probabability they are also vectoring on the legs of whiteflies. I see them here and there. So, that 1/2 an acre is not gonna do the trick to keep 'em away from the others.>! DOH..!

Oh, well. Growing ain't always fun and games.. That's how it goes.

Dave Coulier

Active member
Used avid, 1ml/gal. W/Coco-wet. Hope the Deer don;t eat the plants, for their safety. Not sure I care about the plants so much anymore.. Still see the BM's walking around. The more I look the more I see. Yes., as stated above, they hide around the central stem on even the smallest leaf.

I think these particular plants are too far gone.. Big time leaf damage. The BM's liked the NorCal weather outside of late. Will hit em in a few days again. Good probabability they are also vectoring on the legs of whiteflies. I see them here and there. So, that 1/2 an acre is not gonna do the trick to keep 'em away from the others.>! DOH..!

Oh, well. Growing ain't always fun and games.. That's how it goes.

Dont give up hope yet. You need to wait 4-10 days to judge the effectiveness of Avid/Forbid. Once those mites are dead your plants will spring back in no time.

I had a few plants I thought for sure were done and gone. Go ahead and pull the plug, but 10-14 days after treatment they were right back on track.


Registered Non-Conformist
OK, Dave. They are also getting 'hardened-off' in their new outdoor home.. Must be really hard to be them right now.. These would be worth it if they could bounce back.. Thx...


Registered Non-Conformist
With a 30X scope, I have not seen a "live one" in a few days.. The plants still look pretty crappy, with just a bit of improvement, but no "live ones..!!"

Gonna transplant them and hope for the best.

Must admit, I could have covered up my nose better, and I beleive I am having ill effects from the AVID.

Although I am quite glad the BM's seem to be dead,
I haven't felt well since I sprayed it. 5 days ago.

Do any of you REALLY feel it IS strong enough to make one feel bad if not protected enough..? I am curious what 'cha think.


Grow Tech

I've got a stalk of sinsemilla growing in my back
Do any of you REALLY feel it IS strong enough to make one feel bad if not protected enough..? I am curious what 'cha think.

you need to get yourself the properly rated respirator, wear gloves, eye protection & long sleeves / pants.
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