broad mites + avid/forbid = QUICKDEATH!
Thanks Mountain High.
Do they move fast enough to identify them from their movement?
Also, are they colored or clear and shiny like a trichome?
Used avid, 1ml/gal. W/Coco-wet. Hope the Deer don;t eat the plants, for their safety. Not sure I care about the plants so much anymore.. Still see the BM's walking around. The more I look the more I see. Yes., as stated above, they hide around the central stem on even the smallest leaf.
I think these particular plants are too far gone.. Big time leaf damage. The BM's liked the NorCal weather outside of late. Will hit em in a few days again. Good probabability they are also vectoring on the legs of whiteflies. I see them here and there. So, that 1/2 an acre is not gonna do the trick to keep 'em away from the others.>! DOH..!
Oh, well. Growing ain't always fun and games.. That's how it goes.
yes!Do any of you REALLY feel it IS strong enough to make one feel bad if not protected enough..? I am curious what 'cha think.