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Brazil Sets 40 Grams or 6 Female Plants to Distinguish Between Users And Dealers


Well-known member
I think a president did end slavery, I think his name was Lincoln. Far right guy.


Why are you going off topic and arguing with facts? Speak to the far right comment,I'm right and you are wrong in this case.You're validity now turns to just an opinion and a personal attack.
But i'm speaking facts them I see everyday in real life, not in social media, where did I tell a lie? Argue. And what personal attack did I make? wtf. Trump continues to be right-wing, no matter what populist measures he defends to win the votes he needs. And it seems that the electoral strategy is working on you.
And well, there is nothing "off topic" here, I am Brazilian, the topic is about the decision on cultivation in Brazil, and you campaigned on this imperialist ideology of "freedom of expression" in a topic about my country, meu país, BRASIL. When we have been destroyed for decades by these and other North American and imperialist ideologies, respect my country please. These ideals are alienating my people more and more, and this should be considered "personally offensive" because it has a real effect on my life and the lives of millions, while some think that the world's biggest problem is not being able to make racist posts because they are taking away their "freedom of expression", wake up, grow up. And if you still don't understand, read my comments again because I won't keep repeating the same things. The freedom that the elite defends is not ours, and that it's a fact.


"But Obama, Biden or Trump is the same shit, all right wing politicians."

Maybe you should sit this one out?
Hey, you didn't stay out of the topic about my country, and I can't stick my nose into yours either? How about talking about what the US did in Laos and several other countries around the world? I have nothing against you, friend, but unfortunately you have no idea that you're defending the absurd.
And for you, is one of these 3 "leftist" or something? Dude, it's literally as if I were arguing with a Bolsonaro voter in Brazil. Apparently you don't know what left and right really are. Do you really think that it was the "right" that abolished slavery in the fields? lol... They literally defend slavery to this day with slave jobs that pay misery and work exhausting hours. And... do I need to remind you of the confederate flag? Is it a "communist" thing now? Historically, the right has always been on the side of the exploiter, the colonizer, the owner of capital, the billionaire, the businessman who exploits those who actually do the work, it's basics.
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Well-known member
Of course I respect your country and you but truth matters."You sound exactly like Bolsonaro's voters,"you make an assumption.
So what if he's right wing? Do you paint everyone that isn't"left wing" with the same brush?. You said free speech is a problem did you not? I simply replied to your right wing comment as you portray them to limit freedom. "This "free speech" thing is a big problem" .... seriously free speech is a big problem? You referred to the far right as far as putting people in prison for weed,I responded by stating the opposite which is a fact.
The United States does not allow the left to flourish in any government in the world. The US is left wing at this time and has been for 4 years,are you saying the left wing in the US is stopping left wing from flourishing in other countries? That wouldn't make much sense. We have seen what a far left government does,it turns to communism.Canada,Sweden,Norway,Denmark,Switzerland,Estonia,Belgium,New Zealand,Finland,Ireland,Costa Rica, to name a few are all left wing,are you saying the US won't let them flourish?


Well-known member
Hey, you didn't stay out of the topic about my country, and I can't stick my nose into yours either? How about talking about what the US did in Laos and several other countries around the world? I have nothing against you, friend, but unfortunately you have no idea that you're defending the absurd.
And for you, is one of these 3 "leftist" or something? Dude, it's literally as if I were arguing with a Bolsonaro voter in Brazil. Apparently you don't know what left and right really are. Do you really think that it was the "right" that abolished slavery in the fields? lol... They literally defend slavery to this day with slave jobs that pay misery and work exhausting hours. And... do I need to remind you of the confederate flag? Is it a "communist" thing now? Historically, the right has always been on the side of the exploiter, the colonizer, the owner of capital, the billionaire, the businessman who exploits those who actually do the work, it's basics.
I didn't mean it like that,sorry I didn't mean to offend,type sometimes is taken the wrong way. yes the republicans certainly did abolish slavery in N America.The Confederate States of America, otherwise known as the Confederacy, was a government of 11 Southern states that withdrew from the Union during the American Civil War. It had nothing to do with slavery. New York was the hub of slave trade. Anyway my work shift is over, I hope you get a better government that helps you. Take care.


Of course I respect your country and you but truth matters."You sound exactly like Bolsonaro's voters,"you make an assumption.
So what if he's right wing? Do you paint everyone that isn't"left wing" with the same brush?. You said free speech is a problem did you not? I simply replied to your right wing comment as you portray them to limit freedom. "This "free speech" thing is a big problem" .... seriously free speech is a big problem? You referred to the far right as far as putting people in prison for weed,I responded by stating the opposite which is a fact.
The United States does not allow the left to flourish in any government in the world. The US is left wing at this time and has been for 4 years,are you saying the left wing in the US is stopping left wing from flourishing in other countries? That wouldn't make much sense. We have seen what a far left government does,it turns to communism.Canada,Sweden,Norway,Denmark,Switzerland,Estonia,Belgium,New Zealand,Finland,Ireland,Costa Rica, to name a few are all left wing,are you saying the US won't let them flourish?
"So what if he's right wing?" Ask people in Laos, or the children in Gaza, ask the Africans devastated by English colonization. Ask people on Haiti... I could cite countless examples. There seems to be a lack of historical knowledge here about what is right-wing.
If you had paid attention to half of what I wrote here, you wouldn't ask such an absurd question. And again, you think that Trump's populist politics are something that justifies voting for the right-wing. And as previously stated, they take away your power so that you can see them as saviors when they give you back a little bit of what they should never have taken from you!
Ohhh Trump will free some people about weed, but what about all the rest of his policies? What about his environmental proposals? The Trump administration dismantled major climate policies and rolled back many more rules governing clean air, water, wildlife and toxic chemicals, he fucked up about 100 environmental rules. And therein lies the "freedom" that the right preaches, the freedom to fuck over the whole world without being held accountable for it.
The countries you mentioned are capitalist, they are far from being socialist or communist and you know that. The US cannot get involved with big countries, like going head-to-head with China, for example, because the world would end. Sweden itself profits a lot from the work of my people, here it is full of foreign companies that pay miserable wages and make billions in profit, and this is the excitement of the right wing, they defend the maintenance of this system of exploitation where one exploits the other to try to extract the maximum profit possible, and for the right wing it doesn't matter if you work your whole life to support the fortune of an Elon Musk who "can't put a nail in the sand" as we say in Brazil. The left wing defends that the worker has access to profit, to put an end to this aberration of billionaires wanting to turn 52 billion into 53 billion while many don't even have enough to eat.
And yes, we can discuss politics without becoming enemies. I have nothing against you, but I am totally against what you defend.


Well-known member
Every country(excpet communist) is a combination of capitalism and socialism . If not for capitalism,technology would stagnate,every new invention or technological breakthrough is due to capitalism. I don't know what you really have against it. I welcome it, I'm happy when others have money and their life improves. If not for capitalism and privatization we would all live shitty lives. If not for rich people no one would get ahead because they supply the money.The fact that you are evenposting is due to capitalism because it brought that technology because there is incentive. I'll take it over living in Cuba ,N Korea, China etc. You even claimed all parties in the US are right wing. The left wing dissolves the middle clas through taxation and inflation aka marxism. In Canada people are taxed over 50%. Lets talk about left wing and socialism then if you want examples. Stalin,Hitler,Pol Pot,Mao,Sellasie,Kim Jong Il,Basescu,Tito,Castro,Ceausescu. I personally was born in Germany and my relatives were seperated by the wall. Capitalist and right wing president Ronald Regan brought that wall down and after it came down no one went to the left but everyone came to the west because it was capitalist and free. Your take on capitalism is bizarre at best. No one on this board would prosper without it,we would all be dependent on the state and have few choices. It empowers people who can embrace it and is a thorn for people who don't.The richest people in the world,the best healthcare and the highest standard of living is found in capitalism because there is competition and money. It produces millionaires out of ordinary people,In Cuba surgeons also drive cabs to make ends meet. Only really wealthy people can afford socialism. It destroys the middle class because they pay for it. This is just a meme,in no way am I calling you a dummy but this depicts socialism to a tee.


  • socialism.jpeg
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Captain Red Eye

Active member
With all due respect brother but I must disagree. This "free speech" thing is a big problem, the expression really should be limited for obvious reasons. This doesn't even exist in real life. It's basic. It's an ideal propagated by the ruling elite to spread their agenda without any limitations or barriers like Musk disrespecting laws in my country to protect criminals on twitter, spreading fake news about my country and the Brazilian judiciary, Musk tried to destabilize politics in Brazil by supporting the worst of the politicians here. Do you know who defends him here? The far right that fights for marijuana to be criminalized and for users to be arrested. And they still open their mouths to talk about "freedom", they are hypocrites. The elite propagate whatever crap they want, but the people, the poor, the real workers don't, we can't... So "free speach" for who??? This is the "freedom" that they defend, the freedom to destroy nature, to destroy the oceans, the freedom to spread whatever rubbish they want to alienate the population while your voice and mine will NEVER be heard like theirs, they dominate everything, they are the owners of capital, not you! Musk and others like him defends his own freedom, not yours, to continue fucking the planet.
And c'mon bro, all this talk ultimately comes down to defending hate speech, and well, nowhere in the world do you have total freedom to say anything to anyone. Depending on where you are, you may never go back home depending on what you say and who you say it to. And that's not provided for in the law. It's just a matter of good common sense.

Isn't it great that you have the ability to speak out about things that concern you?

Politics doesn't need any person to destabilize it, it already is a destabilizer and the source of much instability and death in the world. The very nature of politics, being an entity which is derived from coercion and is funded by extortion is a large "instability" to individual liberty and freedom of speech and action.

Rights don't come from governments, Elon Musk or Santa Claus. I don't give a fuck about the first two, and I kind of like Santa Claus, but the fucker still owes me a new bike for that shitty christmas in 1966. C'mon man, a G.I. Joe and a train set!!?? I wanted a bike.

Hate speech is an interesting term, I'm not sure I know what you mean by it. Could you give a definition of what you believe it is?


Thank you for saying that.

Isn't free speech awesome!!??
Yes! But freedom of speech does not give anyone the right to be racist, for example. And that's what we're doing here, expressing ourselves, you see? C'mon man, have you read anything I've written?
A short time ago in Brazil there was a guy (Monark, now a fugitive in the U.S.A.) defending the existence of a Nazi party based on this talk of "unrestricted freedom of speech." Which is obviously absurd and yes, he should be arrested for what he said. Brazil used to have many states with a high degree of xenophobia/racism among themselves, especially those in the southeast. This was greatly reduced with the criminalization of prejudiced speech. It still exists, but to a lesser extent. Just as racism in the U.S. has also decreased, we know that it still exists but nothing compared to what it once was, and thanks to the laws, because, as far as I know, federal laws prohibit discrimination based on national origin, race, color, religion, disability, sex and familial status of a person in the United States, right? Well, in Brazil it's the same thing, but lately many have been defending this "unlimited freedom of expression" thing to want to go back to the times of free discrimination and open prejudice, spreading fake news, spreading hate speech, spreading all kinds of crap. These people should be arrested or punished as they always have been, not heard. This whole speech, besides being illogical, completely ignores the practical consequences. Besides that, it's ridiculous, it's like saying that a red light is an affront to the right to come and go, it's a childish fallacy.


Well-known member
Wow !!!

this thread was pretty cool at the origin ,since i know some Brazailian's who are cool and like to enjoy ,
but it derails totally , i have no interrest about how it is about politics ...

next !
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Captain Red Eye

Active member
Wow !!!

this thread was pretty cool at the origin ,since i know some Brazailian's who are cool and like to enjoy ,
but it derails totally , i have no interrest about how it is about politics ...

next !

I appreciate your concern about the conversational tangent. Sorry.

As a point of explanation, I'm not in favor of promoting politics or politicians or their policies on limiting freedom whether it's cannabis or speech related. I prefer to expose and denigrate that.

I'd add prohibitionist policy, which is what the Brazil 40 gram limit really is, (crumbs from masters table) is hard to separate from "politics" though, since politics is the origin and the enforcement mechanism of the Brazilian weed policy. I think lots of people will ignore the prohibitionist Brazilian policy and that makes me happy!