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Brazil Sets 40 Grams or 6 Female Plants to Distinguish Between Users And Dealers


New member
Why are you going off topic and arguing with facts? Speak to the far right comment,I'm right and you are wrong in this case.You're validity now turns to just an opinion and a personal attack.
But i'm speaking facts them I see everyday in real life, not in social media, where did I tell a lie? Argue. And what personal attack did I make? wtf. Trump continues to be right-wing, no matter what populist measures he defends to win the votes he needs. And it seems that the electoral strategy is working on you.
And well, there is nothing "off topic" here, I am Brazilian, the topic is about the decision on cultivation in Brazil, and you campaigned on this imperialist ideology of "freedom of expression" in a topic about my country, meu país, BRASIL. When we have been destroyed for decades by these and other North American and imperialist ideologies, respect my country please. These ideals are alienating my people more and more, and this should be considered "personally offensive" because it has a real effect on my life and the lives of millions, while some think that the world's biggest problem is not being able to make racist posts because they are taking away their "freedom of expression", wake up, grow up. And if you still don't understand, read my comments again because I won't keep repeating the same things. The freedom that the elite defends is not ours, and that it's a fact.


New member
"But Obama, Biden or Trump is the same shit, all right wing politicians."

Maybe you should sit this one out?
Hey, you didn't stay out of the topic about my country, and I can't stick my nose into yours either? How about talking about what the US did in Laos and several other countries around the world? I have nothing against you, friend, but unfortunately you have no idea that you're defending the absurd.
And for you, is one of these 3 "leftist" or something? Dude, it's literally as if I were arguing with a Bolsonaro voter in Brazil. Apparently you don't know what left and right really are. Do you really think that it was the "right" that abolished slavery in the fields? lol... They literally defend slavery to this day with slave jobs that pay misery and work exhausting hours. And... do I need to remind you of the confederate flag? Is it a "communist" thing now? Historically, the right has always been on the side of the exploiter, the colonizer, the owner of capital, the billionaire, the businessman who exploits those who actually do the work, it's basics.
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Well-known member
Of course I respect your country and you but truth matters."You sound exactly like Bolsonaro's voters,"you make an assumption.
So what if he's right wing? Do you paint everyone that isn't"left wing" with the same brush?. You said free speech is a problem did you not? I simply replied to your right wing comment as you portray them to limit freedom. "This "free speech" thing is a big problem" .... seriously free speech is a big problem? You referred to the far right as far as putting people in prison for weed,I responded by stating the opposite which is a fact.
The United States does not allow the left to flourish in any government in the world. The US is left wing at this time and has been for 4 years,are you saying the left wing in the US is stopping left wing from flourishing in other countries? That wouldn't make much sense. We have seen what a far left government does,it turns to communism.Canada,Sweden,Norway,Denmark,Switzerland,Estonia,Belgium,New Zealand,Finland,Ireland,Costa Rica, to name a few are all left wing,are you saying the US won't let them flourish?


Well-known member
Hey, you didn't stay out of the topic about my country, and I can't stick my nose into yours either? How about talking about what the US did in Laos and several other countries around the world? I have nothing against you, friend, but unfortunately you have no idea that you're defending the absurd.
And for you, is one of these 3 "leftist" or something? Dude, it's literally as if I were arguing with a Bolsonaro voter in Brazil. Apparently you don't know what left and right really are. Do you really think that it was the "right" that abolished slavery in the fields? lol... They literally defend slavery to this day with slave jobs that pay misery and work exhausting hours. And... do I need to remind you of the confederate flag? Is it a "communist" thing now? Historically, the right has always been on the side of the exploiter, the colonizer, the owner of capital, the billionaire, the businessman who exploits those who actually do the work, it's basics.
I didn't mean it like that,sorry I didn't mean to offend,type sometimes is taken the wrong way. yes the republicans certainly did abolish slavery in N America.The Confederate States of America, otherwise known as the Confederacy, was a government of 11 Southern states that withdrew from the Union during the American Civil War. It had nothing to do with slavery. New York was the hub of slave trade. Anyway my work shift is over, I hope you get a better government that helps you. Take care.


New member
Of course I respect your country and you but truth matters."You sound exactly like Bolsonaro's voters,"you make an assumption.
So what if he's right wing? Do you paint everyone that isn't"left wing" with the same brush?. You said free speech is a problem did you not? I simply replied to your right wing comment as you portray them to limit freedom. "This "free speech" thing is a big problem" .... seriously free speech is a big problem? You referred to the far right as far as putting people in prison for weed,I responded by stating the opposite which is a fact.
The United States does not allow the left to flourish in any government in the world. The US is left wing at this time and has been for 4 years,are you saying the left wing in the US is stopping left wing from flourishing in other countries? That wouldn't make much sense. We have seen what a far left government does,it turns to communism.Canada,Sweden,Norway,Denmark,Switzerland,Estonia,Belgium,New Zealand,Finland,Ireland,Costa Rica, to name a few are all left wing,are you saying the US won't let them flourish?
"So what if he's right wing?" Ask people in Laos, or the children in Gaza, ask the Africans devastated by English colonization. Ask people on Haiti... I could cite countless examples. There seems to be a lack of historical knowledge here about what is right-wing.
If you had paid attention to half of what I wrote here, you wouldn't ask such an absurd question. And again, you think that Trump's populist politics are something that justifies voting for the right-wing. And as previously stated, they take away your power so that you can see them as saviors when they give you back a little bit of what they should never have taken from you!
Ohhh Trump will free some people about weed, but what about all the rest of his policies? What about his environmental proposals? The Trump administration dismantled major climate policies and rolled back many more rules governing clean air, water, wildlife and toxic chemicals, he fucked up about 100 environmental rules. And therein lies the "freedom" that the right preaches, the freedom to fuck over the whole world without being held accountable for it.
The countries you mentioned are capitalist, they are far from being socialist or communist and you know that. The US cannot get involved with big countries, like going head-to-head with China, for example, because the world would end. Sweden itself profits a lot from the work of my people, here it is full of foreign companies that pay miserable wages and make billions in profit, and this is the excitement of the right wing, they defend the maintenance of this system of exploitation where one exploits the other to try to extract the maximum profit possible, and for the right wing it doesn't matter if you work your whole life to support the fortune of an Elon Musk who "can't put a nail in the sand" as we say in Brazil. The left wing defends that the worker has access to profit, to put an end to this aberration of billionaires wanting to turn 52 billion into 53 billion while many don't even have enough to eat.
And yes, we can discuss politics without becoming enemies. I have nothing against you, but I am totally against what you defend.

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