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Brazil Sets 40 Grams or 6 Female Plants to Distinguish Between Users And Dealers


New member
Brazil's Supreme Federal Court (STF) ruled Wednesday that 40 grams of marijuana or six female plants of Cannabis sativa was the limit marking the difference between personal consumption and trafficking, Agencia Brasil reported. The understanding was reached after a decision the previous day whereby using the substance for personal recreation or medicinal purposes should not be penalized. At the time, most justices concurred on this issue but disagreed on how to differentiate the two possibilities.

The calculation was based on the votes of the justices who set the amount between 25 and 60 grams in the votes in favor of decriminalization. Based on an average of the suggestions, the amount of 40 grams was set.

Nevertheless, marijuana smoking remained illegal in public places, but possession became only an administrative offense.

The STF's decision does not prevent police approaches, and the drug can be seized by officers. In these cases, the police will have to notify the user to appear in court.

The Supreme Court ruled on the constitutionality of Article 28 of the Drug Law (Law 11.343/2006). In order to differentiate between users and dealers, the law provides for alternative sentences of community service, a warning about the effects of drugs, and compulsory attendance at an educational course.

The law no longer provides for prison sentences but maintains criminalization. As a result, drug users are still the target of police investigations and legal proceedings seeking to enforce alternative sentences.

With the decision, the STF upheld the law but understood that the consequences were administrative, and the possibility of community service was no longer valid. The warning and compulsory attendance at an educational course are maintained and will have to be applied by the courts in administrative proceedings, with no criminal repercussions.

A record of repeat criminal offenses cannot be assessed against users either, Agencia Brasil also explained.

During the session, STF Chief Justice Luís Roberto Barroso refuted allegations of an invasion of jurisdiction to judge decriminalization after Senate Speaker Rodrigo Pacheco argued that it was up to Congress to settle the matter.

Barroso said that the STF should decide the case because it receives and judges prisoners' habeas corpus. “This is typically a matter for the Judiciary. We need to have a criterion to define whether a person should be imprisoned or not, that is, whether we are going to have a dramatic impact on a person's life or not. There is no more important role for the judiciary than to decide whether a person should be imprisoned or not,” he said.

As per the ruling, users can be taken to a police station when they are approached by the police carrying marijuana. It will be up to the police officer to weigh the drug, check whether the situation qualifies as a possession for personal use, and refer the case to the courts.

The new rules for users will be valid until Congress approves new regulations on the subject.

The STF's decision also allows arrests for drug trafficking in cases where the amount of marijuana is less than 40 grams. In these cases, police will have to take into account evidence of the drug being sold, the seizure of a scale to weigh the narcotics, and records of sales and contacts between dealers.

Source: MercoPress


New member
It's not legalization nor regulation, but is better than nothing! Especially in a conservative context that Brazil is living in the past years.

Wow, that's amazing to hear. My only question is if I have six plants and each plant weighs 3/4 Lb or 350 grams would I be breaking the law at harvest time?
In fact you will break the law only for having 6 plants even with no flowers, you just will not go to jail anymore. Other benefit is you will have no criminal records for that.


Well-known member
Wow, that's amazing to hear. My only question is if I have six plants and each plant weighs 3/4 Lb or 350 grams would I be breaking the law at harvest time?
stagger the harvest, don't grow trees, and share with the less fortunate. i'm sure they will remember you if you run short before your next harvest...;) or, grow trees and hide the harvest. your choice! :cool:


learning and laughing
Hey @Naberus and all Brazil

Better than nothing I feel.
Similar part decriminalization just happened here in Germany in April.

Frustrating so much still illegal and the new law seemdls very open to interpretation.

But then again, its a small step in the right direction imo :smokeit:

@armedoldhippy giftig cannabis is strictly prohibited here. I imagine it's similar in Brazil 😒


New member
Hey @Naberus and all Brazil

Better than nothing I feel.
Similar part decriminalization just happened here in Germany in April.

Frustrating so much still illegal and the new law seemdls very open to interpretation.

But then again, its a small step in the right direction imo :smokeit:

@armedoldhippy giftig cannabis is strictly prohibited here. I imagine it's similar in Brazil 😒
Good to know bro!
In BR even pass the joint to another person is not legal...

:smoke out::angrymod:


Hey @Naberus and all Brazil

Better than nothing I feel.
Similar part decriminalization just happened here in Germany in April.

Frustrating so much still illegal and the new law seemdls very open to interpretation.

But then again, its a small step in the right direction imo :smokeit:

@armedoldhippy giftig cannabis is strictly prohibited here. I imagine it's similar in Brazil 😒
it happens a lot to me that i accidentally loose a zip bag at my friends house and cant seem to find it again but he will ;)

Captain Red Eye

Active member
Nothing says "freedom" like a 40 gram possession limit!



New member
Brazil's Supreme Federal Court (STF) ruled Wednesday that 40 grams of marijuana or six female plants of Cannabis sativa was the limit marking the difference between personal consumption and trafficking, Agencia Brasil reported. The understanding was reached after a decision the previous day whereby using the substance for personal recreation or medicinal purposes should not be penalized. At the time, most justices concurred on this issue but disagreed on how to differentiate the two possibilities.

The calculation was based on the votes of the justices who set the amount between 25 and 60 grams in the votes in favor of decriminalization. Based on an average of the suggestions, the amount of 40 grams was set.

Nevertheless, marijuana smoking remained illegal in public places, but possession became only an administrative offense.

The STF's decision does not prevent police approaches, and the drug can be seized by officers. In these cases, the police will have to notify the user to appear in court.

The Supreme Court ruled on the constitutionality of Article 28 of the Drug Law (Law 11.343/2006). In order to differentiate between users and dealers, the law provides for alternative sentences of community service, a warning about the effects of drugs, and compulsory attendance at an educational course.

The law no longer provides for prison sentences but maintains criminalization. As a result, drug users are still the target of police investigations and legal proceedings seeking to enforce alternative sentences.

With the decision, the STF upheld the law but understood that the consequences were administrative, and the possibility of community service was no longer valid. The warning and compulsory attendance at an educational course are maintained and will have to be applied by the courts in administrative proceedings, with no criminal repercussions.

A record of repeat criminal offenses cannot be assessed against users either, Agencia Brasil also explained.

During the session, STF Chief Justice Luís Roberto Barroso refuted allegations of an invasion of jurisdiction to judge decriminalization after Senate Speaker Rodrigo Pacheco argued that it was up to Congress to settle the matter.

Barroso said that the STF should decide the case because it receives and judges prisoners' habeas corpus. “This is typically a matter for the Judiciary. We need to have a criterion to define whether a person should be imprisoned or not, that is, whether we are going to have a dramatic impact on a person's life or not. There is no more important role for the judiciary than to decide whether a person should be imprisoned or not,” he said.

As per the ruling, users can be taken to a police station when they are approached by the police carrying marijuana. It will be up to the police officer to weigh the drug, check whether the situation qualifies as a possession for personal use, and refer the case to the courts.

The new rules for users will be valid until Congress approves new regulations on the subject.

The STF's decision also allows arrests for drug trafficking in cases where the amount of marijuana is less than 40 grams. In these cases, police will have to take into account evidence of the drug being sold, the seizure of a scale to weigh the narcotics, and records of sales and contacts between dealers.

It is important to be aware of legal changes in your country when considering such issues. During my student years, I was forced to use https://edubirdie.com/do-my-homework resources similar to this one in order to be educated in legal matters. I've found services like this to be very helpful when you're overwhelmed with homework. It's all about effective stress management!
I think this decision by the STF is a step in the right direction for personal freedom, but it's still unclear how it will be enforced. The distinction between personal use and trafficking needs more precise guidelines to avoid arbitrary police actions. Thanks for sharing!
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Captain Red Eye

Active member
A step in what "right direction"? From one shitty anti-freedom policy to the next shitty anti-freedom policy, still treating cannabis like it's a dangerous substance? Pass.

The reality of "legalization", it conditions people to think that their rights come from "authorities".

When that happens, rights get reduced to being government granted revokable privileges. It's the same technique they use to restrict free speech, and other rights. It's a kind of psychological lockdown they hold over some people. I call bullshit on that.

The most dangerous thing about cannabis is what they'll do to you if you act like a free person.

I'll be the second red eyed guy to pass!


New member
The reality of "legalization", it conditions people to think that their rights come from "authorities".

When that happens, rights get reduced to being government granted revokable privileges. It's the same technique they use to restrict free speech, and other rights. It's a kind of psychological lockdown they hold over some people. I call bullshit on that.

The most dangerous thing about cannabis is what they'll do to you if you act like a free person.

I'll be the second red eyed guy to pass!
With all due respect brother but I must disagree. This "free speech" thing is a big problem, the expression really should be limited for obvious reasons. This doesn't even exist in real life. It's basic. It's an ideal propagated by the ruling elite to spread their agenda without any limitations or barriers like Musk disrespecting laws in my country to protect criminals on twitter, spreading fake news about my country and the Brazilian judiciary, Musk tried to destabilize politics in Brazil by supporting the worst of the politicians here. Do you know who defends him here? The far right that fights for marijuana to be criminalized and for users to be arrested. And they still open their mouths to talk about "freedom", they are hypocrites. The elite propagate whatever crap they want, but the people, the poor, the real workers don't, we can't... So "free speach" for who??? This is the "freedom" that they defend, the freedom to destroy nature, to destroy the oceans, the freedom to spread whatever rubbish they want to alienate the population while your voice and mine will NEVER be heard like theirs, they dominate everything, they are the owners of capital, not you! Musk and others like him defends his own freedom, not yours, to continue fucking the planet.
And c'mon bro, all this talk ultimately comes down to defending hate speech, and well, nowhere in the world do you have total freedom to say anything to anyone. Depending on where you are, you may never go back home depending on what you say and who you say it to. And that's not provided for in the law. It's just a matter of good common sense.


Well-known member
With all due respect brother but I must disagree. This "free speech" thing is a big problem, the expression really should be limited for obvious reasons. This doesn't even exist in real life. It's basic. It's an ideal propagated by the ruling elite to spread their agenda without any limitations or barriers like Musk disrespecting laws in my country to protect criminals on twitter, spreading fake news about my country and the Brazilian judiciary, Musk tried to destabilize politics in Brazil by supporting the worst of the politicians here. Do you know who defends him here? The far right that fights for marijuana to be criminalized and for users to be arrested. And they still open their mouths to talk about "freedom", they are hypocrites. The elite propagate whatever crap they want, but the people, the poor, the real workers don't, we can't... So "free speach" for who??? This is the "freedom" that they defend, the freedom to destroy nature, to destroy the oceans, the freedom to spread whatever rubbish they want to alienate the population while your voice and mine will NEVER be heard like theirs, they dominate everything, they are the owners of capital, not you! Musk and others like him defends his own freedom, not yours, to continue fucking the planet.
And c'mon bro, all this talk ultimately comes down to defending hate speech, and well, nowhere in the world do you have total freedom to say anything to anyone. Depending on where you are, you may never go back home depending on what you say and who you say it to. And that's not provided for in the law. It's just a matter of good common sense.
Free speech for all,your personal politics are obviously clouding.


New member
Is this far rght?
Right or far right is the same, Trump is doing this precisely so that people like you will defend him, it's called electoral calculation. In the American elections, there is only right-wing. The United States does not allow the left to flourish in any government in the world, do you really think they would allow that at home? Bro, go from the shallow to the deep, from the simple to the complex, politics is not understood by reading headlines.


Well-known member
Right or far right is the same, Trump is doing this precisely so that people like you will defend him, it's called electoral calculation. In the American elections, there is only right-wing. The United States does not allow the left to flourish in any government in the world, do you really think they would allow that at home? Bro, go from the shallow to the deep, from the simple to the complex, politics is not understood by reading headlines.
I'm not defending anyone,just stated a fact,he released the prisoners obama and biden let rot for weed.


New member
Free speech for all,your personal politics are obviously clouding.
You sound exactly like Bolsonaro's voters in Brazil. Same script. They'll use whatever they can to get votes. And these people here are calling for a dictatorship, they invaded Congress on January 8th trying to stage a coup d'état in the name of a far-right politician. They accuse Alexandre de Moraes of being a "dictator" when he is the minister who made the most scientific and favorable vote for the decriminalization of marijuana, while Bolsonaro's supporters tried to pass a new law criminalizing drug users. Read my comment again and again and again until u understood. Because apparently your ideological filter prevented you from making a rational reading. What "speech freedom" do you think I don't have in Brazil in terms of EXPRESSION? Come on, I want to see you fantasize that you know more about my country than I do.


Well-known member
Why are you going off topic and arguing with facts? Speak to the far right comment,I'm right and you are wrong in this case.You're validity now turns to just an opinion and a personal attack.


New member
I'm not defending anyone,just stated a fact,he released the prisoners obama and biden let rot for weed.
But Obama, Biden or Trump is the same shit, all right wing politicians. What they do or don't do in relation to cannabis honestly doesn't matter from the point of view of economic polarities, it's not what makes them left or right, you know? Left and right go far beyond that, it's how the means of production are organized, that doesn't change because of an electoral and populist measure, whether someone wears colored hair or not is just a trick to fool voters. The day an American president talks about agrarian reform, the overthrow of large estates, the taking of large fortunes and properties for the people, the day an American president defends the end of slavery committed by large companies, better wages and shorter working hours, then you can perhaps call one of them a "leftist".


Well-known member
"But Obama, Biden or Trump is the same shit, all right wing politicians."

Maybe you should sit this one out?

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