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Bonsai Bagseed!



hey bozo,Thanks 4 da tip!!! using a soldering gun
will save me a ton of work!!
justanotherbozo said:
hey bro, just finished re-reading your thread and i'll say again, nice job man!

btw, earlier in the thread you spoke about use a bigger bit to make bigger
drainage holes and i just wanted to suggest that you try a soldering iron.
i use 2Liter bottles for pots myself and a soldering iron makes short work
of drainage holes.

peace my friend, and stay safe!

Wow, you went through and read it all, eh? Jeez. That's turning into a lot of reading (which never is a bad thing). Thanks for the compliment and the tip bozo. Yeah, it'll be a while before I have to do any more prep work. I'm just going to "keep it simple stupid!" and let the two women I have mature alone. Gaia knows I love me some mature cannabis! The way I see it is I don't need much else to distract me. I feel like I should have my eye on the ball more. I am however, planning on my outdoor grow coming up! I sill have a lot of logistics and other details to work out, but it'll come together I'm sure. I'd like to use clones from one of the two plants I have seeing as I'll know well how they grow indoors. I'm not too sure but I get the feeling that I have outdoor plants. Don't get me wrong, they are growing fine, I feel as though they would flourish much more under the SUN.

Sorry to hear about your depression, I suffer that crap as well. Always this time of year but I'm fortunate as I have these plants. I don't know if I'm correct but I do think having that HPS around is helping me combat my blues. I know for sure just knowing I have a closet full of love is helping! YEY!

Oh, I almost forgot the pictures. My excuse this time is they don't look much different than they did a couple of days ago (minus the crystals popping). There are the crystals but there's no chance in hell my camera would be up to the task of recording them. No way! So I'll just wait a couple more days, or a week... whatever!

Welcome back Bozo! I missed ya bro! :rasta:
WHOA!!! MEGA MACRO! Very nice Bozo! Wish I had one...

Hey, if you want to express yourself try going on over to the writers circle. The running theme right now is "Your Deepest Depths of Disparity". This seems like something you could possibly do! It's all about getting better at what we do over there. Go on, check it out!


Peace to you as well! :rasta:
Ok, at "B"'s request I'm doing an update. This one's for you man!!!! :jerkit: :biz:

Here in a little bit I'll be over there drinking tequila and smoking in the New Year!!!

(to the Irish sounding New Year's jig)

Daa Da Dah Dah Daa Da Dah Dahah Daaaaaah Da Dah Dah Daaaaaaaaah!
Laaaaaa de la la laaaaaaa de la lahah laaaaaaaa lah lah la laaaaaaaaaa!

HHHHHHHHHHHHHAAPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :jump:

The old leaves are still yellowing, anyone have any proven suggestions? I already am adding 9ML of Grow/L of water in addition to my bloom regiment.

With out further ado, I give to you MY BABIES!!!

The last pic may be an old one. I uploaded three pics and only see two... I think so anyway.... I don't know.

I hope you're happy B!


Active member
plants are yellowing too early on in flower, you should feed them some nitrogen. small pots arent helping them either.
smokeymacpot said:
plants are yellowing too early on in flower, you should feed them some nitrogen. small pots arent helping them either.

Right on. I thought they were a little too yellow as well. About an hour ago (They now have to be fed every other day, with no exceptions) I fed them with my standard mix (approx. 6Ml of M, G and B to 1L water, 2 Tbsn molasses, 1Cup hydrogen peroxide) which also had 1 cup of some 6 month old urine I had sitting around (Don't ask). I have upped the N progressively over the last month. Right now the N is in a much higher increment than any of the other nutes.

I have noticed that the buds are becoming dark green where the older leaves are still yellowing. Will those old leaves get their color back or not? I really was hoping to shore this in before it became too much of a problem.

I might also add that I've conducted this entire grow so far without the aid of a PH meter.
justanotherbozo said:
the girls are lookin' great man and don't worry about the yellowing man,
that is supposed to happen more and more as you approach harvest.

really man, don't sweat it, they look healthy as all get-out, lol.

peace bro, and stay safe!

edit: btw, i do plan on adding something to your writing thread, lol, it's
just i have to write it first.

Thanks for the support as usual Bozo, this really helps a new grower. Even though the yellow is really the only MAJOR problem I've had so far, it still bugs me to look at it. I'm really trying to get them green again. I think this would help when I go to reveg.

About the writing thread; Thanks for jumping on board Bozo, glad to have you! I would like to maintain that it isn't my thread, but the communities. The way it sounds you do the same thing I do when writing; Write and then post, not write the post directly in the post box. I use the free 'OpenOffice suite' to do my writing now. It's much like Microsoft Office but it's all free, open-source software. You can download this software for free from: http://www.openoffice.org/ I swear by it!

Thanks for your posts everyone!!!!
Ok, it's lights off right now so I can't take pictures and I forgot to earlier, but the buds are starting to get thicker and a lot frostier. I can almost see them increasing day to day. I've resorted to a light folliar feeding to see if I can rejuvenate the yellowing leaves. From what I can see it has helped bring a LITTLE green back into some of the yellow leaves. I may be mistaken, I'll have to monitor them closely for a little while.

I still haven't sealed my cab as I cannot locate a sufficient tube and I haven't figured out how I want to go about setting this up. I don't want to mount the light high in the cab then my CO2 will not get to the plants as I'd like. I've added another 10 gallons of fermentation CO2 today. I'll have to be careful now, I sleep in the same room with my cab and it's not sealed. This is high priority. Tonight the yeast should not be fully active, the temps drop into the 70's at night and climb into the high 80's and low 90's. I need to water them every day now. I think they are kicking into high gear.

I was gifted $100 for Walmart so I'll be picking up some supplies here shortly. I would like to funnel all of the money into my outdoor grow this summer but there still are things I need for the cab. My steam humidifier was a pile of dung so I'll need a newer one. I think I'll go with a cool mist or something with an impeller to keep temps better in range.

I'll take a couple of pics later today. :rasta:
Last edited:


donut engineer
Wow dude, looking very nice.

I'd try my best to increase your ventilation, not as much on CO2. CO2 helps but is not as important as properly ventilation. I've learned that the hard way.

Have you figured out what caused the leaf yellowing? Is it N deficiency?
funkervogt said:
Wow dude, looking very nice.

I'd try my best to increase your ventilation, not as much on CO2. CO2 helps but is not as important as properly ventilation. I've learned that the hard way.

Have you figured out what caused the leaf yellowing? Is it N deficiency?

About the ventilation, there still is some air coming in despite me blocking the inlet fan. The co2 should be getting up into the 1000PPM range. I also open the closet a couple times a day to look at them, they get a little extra ventilation that way. And yes, it was a N issue. As soon as I added fermented urine to my mix, the yellowing stopped in it's tracks. All new growth in the buds is super dark green, almost black!

Check it out, you can't really see in the pic though.

BlueberryTerry said:
Very nice set-up!! Everything's lookin' real good. Can't wait to see how this one finishes, keep us posted man!

Thanks for the inspiration Terry, unfortunately I won't be allowing these ladies to finish like they should. Energy costs always pile up on us here in the North. The plan stands that I'll be revegging these both to take summer cuts and put them in the great out of doors.

I can see how owning a house can start to cost $1,000 + in the winter. We would not have to pay so much if we rented. We pay $300/mo. for heat, the cities trying to steal from us saying we owe them $250/mo. on water when we take showers once a week to keep that cost down (so you can imagine) and now energy is going up at $200/mo right now. I take approx. $20 water, $50 energy and 5% of the gas should be mine, I turn the heat down into the 50's myself but I live with someone who has extremely thin blood so the heat remains in the mid 70's whether it costs 1 cent or $1000 dollars. It's mainly for this other person that I'm growing, but I enjoy smoking too so we both win!

Oh, none of our walls have insulation and we don't have the money to do it.

Have a safe and happy... today/tomorrow everyone, may Mother Earth tuck you in tonight!:rasta:
funkervogt said:
Waaaaaaaht? That sucks dude.

Yeah, I can't afford to run my lamp like I am. I will be going to Wal-mart to pick up a bunch of CFL's to do some vegging until summer. I think they said that you get one month of growth for every gallon, is this correct?

On a more sombre note...

It is with much regret that I must inform the reading audience that I must stop posting here for an indeterminate amount of time. I recently began my most up-to-date bout with depression and it is strengthening at a quickening rate. I am begging to act out a mania that I'm so well know for locally. It was in this state of mind that I recently posted my feelings on the Israel vs. Gaza fighting from a critical, humanitarian stance and received quite a bit of flack for this. While this really isn't so bad, my feelings are uncontrollable and for fear that I may do harm to myself of to others I must remit, I cannot bare any negativity in my life right now, I may collapse.

Never did I think I would be ostracized at this place, but as fate would have it I was. I'm sorry if this comes at an inconvenient time for any of you, it was not my wish to cause any ripples in your lives, my problems should never translate unnecessarily into others, I've learned this lesson before. It is under these pretense that I will back away into the ether for a bit... Please have an understanding heart, can't you?

May Gaia welcome you all into her innermost gardens for lunch. :rasta:

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